Death and Life

Made this painting a little while ago.
“What is life,except excuse for death, or death but an escape from life”
“Desire is half of life; Indifference is half of death”
--Kahlil Gibran
On a large enough time line, the survival rate for everyone will drop to zero.
--Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club


  1. The woman in your painting almost looks like she has wings adn yet there is a line connecting her to something? I love the bold colours :-) When I look at this piece I get a feeling of depth, that the woman is floating in this 'space'.

    I particulalry liked the second quote - indifference is a lack of feeling adn passion adn therefore it is certainly akin to death.

  2. If we didn't know we were going to die one day, we'd never create such wonderful thoughts, words, art...etc. Death is life too :)

  3. "Life is nature's way of keeping meat fresh"...."I'm not affraid of dying, I just don't want to be there at the time"-Woody Allen.

    I like the way you alter the angle of perception..has she fallen onto the ground? she an angel? the scar a sign of a tortured life?..a line of ants..reminds me of Salvadore Dali..I don't know why, but I like it.

  4. See all that red there? Yeah. Well, I think she's just angry because she's upside down. Women!

  5. You have a K.G. quote in there. I'd better go snag Blue The Spa Girl and get her butt over here for the party.

  6. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I am not an art freak but couldn't help noticing that I think there is a face looking at the girl in the painting. I could be wrong. Any takers on this?


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