When was the last time you did something new? Blog marathon Post 3.

At what age do we stop becoming curious about things, and just accepting of everything that is? At what age do we stop ceasing to wonder about something waiting to be discovered? When does prejudice and set thought patterns take over us, as adults?

These were some of the thoughts that occurred to me when I took my dog for a walk, a little while ago. She is a large dog, and when she stands on her hind legs, she can put her front paws on my shoulders. So you can imagine how huge she must be. On top of that she does look scary, as she is a doberman.

Usually when I take her for a walk, people are so scared that they cross the road and go to the other side. They part  and make way, like the sea did,  when Moses held up his staff.

But today, where was a group of kids who were so curious about her.
They wanted to know if they could pet her. I asked them if they were not scared and they asked me if she would bite them. I told them that she was trained and as long as I was with her and told her that they wanted to pet her, she would understand.
Then I made her sit and one by one, the children petted her. Only one was scared. The others nudged her and encouraged her, but she didn't want to touch her.

The children asked me a lot of questions about her--how old she was, what her name was, what kind of a dog was she, what time did i bring her for a walk on most days, could they come every day to pet her and what she ate on a daily basis and what she did inside the house.

Lostris and me

What struck me was that the children were so curious about her, and had not let prejudice affect them. The doberman gets a lot of rap as a ferocious breed. Even though the children were aware of it (they asked me about it) they were willing to overcome their prejudices for the joy of experiencing something they had never tried before.(Petting a doberman).

How awesome is that?
When was the last time, you did that as an adult? Ever thought about it?

If  share, I would love to know. Do leave your comments in the box below.


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  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    That is exactly what we should tell to our children.. that they should forever remain curious and inquisitive all their lives and settle with an answer only if it is in accordance with their own logic and reasoning at that point in time and to NEVER loose this quality that they get as a gift from god when they come into this world. Really enjoying the Blog Marathon. Need to start the vegetable gardening that I have been postponing for so long, yesterday i tried a little bit of zentagle which was fun and today you have spoken out loud for me my own thoughts.. Thank you Preethi :)

  2. Good going Preety.looking forward to each day :)

  3. Really we are missing so much

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It's been so long since I did something new that I don't even remember when did I do anything new and what did I do. But, this blog is urging me to think of something new...thank u for that...

  6. You observe life so closely...actually thinking when was i curious last tym...

  7. Answers follow Questions but most of us, being preoccupied in our own thoughts, misconceptions and false pride, avoid asking questions. We forget that being curious is being alive or else........ I believe it was not that you told them but that they asked innocently, made you feel good.

  8. This is one thing my dad instilled in me deeply. My dad used to tell me, never grow up. Keep your inquisitive spirit alive. And I think the thought got so deeply engraved that I forgot to grow up. I still love my yellow ink pen with cartoons, I still go crazy for GEMS chocolate,I still paint my heart out, I make it a point to learn a new skill every year. After reading your blog I feel how right my dad was.

  9. Well I love pets especially dogs but I don't have any as my Mom hates them. She would never allow me to pet a dog. I wish I could pet some. Anyways, coming to the point I don't remember the exact date when I did something new. Work pressure don't really allow me to do anything but work. Surely after reading this blog I am thinking to do some kind of new adventure kinda thing which I will blog about very soon.. :)


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