Of sunsets and dead bats

The above is how I usually work. Right now too, as I type this, this is exactly where I am seated and my arm is resting on my dog, who is curled up, fast asleep, with maximum body contact with me, as is possible. The doberman is called a 'Velcro dog' because they love to stick really close to their owners. I can vouch that is true. She is like my shadow, and even if I move for a cup of tea, she has to follow me to make sure I am okay :)
 Click here to read a beautiful article on what it is like to live with a doberman.

Of all the really odd things that my dog has found, what she found today takes the cake. She found a dead baby bat today. And it was wedged between the glass and the ledge in my study---my usual working place.

She barked and tried to get it with her paws. I investigated, and sure enough the bat was there. She wanted to probably gobble it up--I don't know, but she sure was itching to get it. I quickly scopped it up with the nearest piece of paper lying around which happened to be a print-out of the periodic table, that belonged to my son.

The periodic table was put to good use today. I scooped up the dead baby-bat with it, and have safely given it a respectful send-off that does not involve a doberman with sharp teeth.

After that I made myself a cup of tea and  sat on my terrace for a long time, thinking about many things, as I watched the sun going down and the cloud making many shapes. Needless to say my dobie sat with me  and watched the clouds as well :)

It was mesmerizing.

Sometimes you have to learn to let dead bats and sunsets co-exist.

That is the beauty of life.

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  1. Simple and touching post !! In day to day live we forget to notice small things happening around us !!

  2. Spot on, girl. You nailed it. This is life. I m going to nick name my beagle 'Velcro' too. She tails me around.
    She teaches me the art of communication without words. Oops no pun intended. You are a woman with words. And you are just perfect. I hope you know what I mean


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