A wonderful afternoon with Cosmo and fellow authors.

A few months ago, Cosmopolitan conducted a poll to understand the Indian woman's career pursuits and choices. 

Regular readers may recall that I was featured in the March issue.

Based on the career choices of the above poll, they started a new career series in May 2014, called ‘So you want to be...’

The series aims to bring the biggest names from a particular field of work together each month, to understand from them on what it takes to make it big in that profession. Each month, they invite them for a working lunch, where they  ask them work related questions—what's a day in their work life like, perks of their job, challenges and problems they face, apart from their biggest tip and advice to someone who wants to make a career in that profession.

They had started the series by featuring the biggest female restaurateurs in the country, and followed it up with women brand managers from various fashion high-street brands. For the July issue, the theme was ‘So you want to work with a beauty brand’ where they invited successful brand managers from 10 beauty brands in the country.

For August their theme is ‘You want to be an author..?’
Last evening, I was in Delhi. Cosmopolitan flew me down  for the above story and I must say that they are brilliant, stylish and so darn classy in all their arrangements. A cab picked me up and took me to this wonderful restaurant, where we were all meeting for the photo-shoot and the discussions.

I had an amazing time, met some wonderful people and it was so intellectually stimulating, with lovely conversation, great discussions and of course being with so many women authors who understood exactly what the dillemas and problems we face, was to sum it up, a very memorable experience.
I had a terrific time catching up with Nikita Singh. 

We both wished we had got more exclusive time with each other! 

She and I get along so well—we are alike in our approaches to many things.

I also met up with Madhuri Banerjee. I always have a great time with her. She is a free spirit, fun, warm and there is never a dull moment when she is around.

There were a few more women authors---each one was so different, wrote about very different things and yet we were all united by our love of writing.

The editor of Comso India, Nandini Bhalla was warm, chic and it was wonderful talking to her--she has an amazing perspective on so many things. I so enjoyed the interactions I had with her and was full of admiration for her. Having seen her picture so many times in the Editorial in Cosmo, it was great to meet her finally.

Here is a selfie with Nikita, Nandini, Madhuri and me.

So what did we all  speak about? What are the tips? For that you will have to grab the August issue of Cosmopolitan!
These are small perks of being an author, and I feel fortunate to be a part of this world.
A big thank you to all of you who love to read what I write. 

Else I would have never had this career or this opportunity! :)

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  1. No small perk ! Its a precious opportunity to be invited to be with bright, similar minds.

  2. Invaluable gifts for praise-worthy people.

  3. Thank you Rudraprayaga and Vinod. It was indeed wonderful!

  4. Great!! and an awesome pic together :)


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