Candles in the wind

Pic clicked this morning, at Bangalore, India.

And this was how my day started this morning.

With hundreds of candles, swaying gently to the breeze.
Not a single one went out. They just danced in rhythm.

To say it was beautiful would be an understatement.

It was sheer bliss, peace and tranquility.
And a feeling of gratitude for every little blessing received.

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, it helps to remember that it shall soon pass. And it also helps to remember all that is going well in your life right now, and be grateful for the blessings.

Not everyone is as fortunate, you know.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wondering how observant you are, finding joy in the small small wonders! Love u Preethi!

  3. Well said aiswarya. We should also try to love and observe small small things happening around us. Nice attitude from you preeti

  4. Well said aiswarya. We should also try to love and observe small small things happening around us. Nice attitude from you preeti .

  5. How true, when things are going wrong in life, we tend to concentrate on just the negatives. Instead this is the time we must focus on the positives most !

    1. Thanks Ruch! yes, positivity even in tiny doses goes a long way.

  6. such a beautiful post :)

  7. Blessings in the form of lively hood,well-formed,physique, healthy psyche live with people. But they find the illness of luck and curse themselves.Real fact.Nice.

  8. Keep going , you are awesome Writter

  9. Hi Preeti,

    Beautiful post! Ask someone who isn't feeling particularly awesome...lovely picture with a short but high-on-impact write up!

    You haven't been on your blog since some time now?...Miss your posts. Come back soon please.. :)

    Much Love!


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