How much time do you have left? Blog marathon post 4.

I came across the above visual and thought it worth sharing. I haven't linked the site as it is already in the visual. It is the ad for a house-cleaning service. But what they had to share I found powerful.

Put in the above manner, it puts so much in perspective.

Time is indeed precious. And I think it is too precious to not spend it with the ones we love most.

Make good memories. Take lots of pictures. Read. Travel. Do something that makes you feel that you have really lived.

Now do that every day----and you have made yourself a life you love!

Ps: Day 4 of Blog marathon. If you are enjoying my posts, don;t forget to leave me a comment. Also tell me if there is soemthing you would like me to blog on. (Tell me in my comment box--don't mail, as I already have a huge deluge of fan-mails)

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  1. now dats smthng really important to ponder! we r so engrossed in our lives, dat we have no time for ourselves. the need of this hour is to introspect nd ask r we enjoying ourselves or r we d slave of dis world?

  2. I set a lot of goals. But, I didnt find any progress, i just made a plan for 24 hrs a day. Apart from sleeping,cooking, cleaning, kids running what is the time left for me? idle browsing and facebook takes much of my productive hours.Discipline is a must to stick on to certain self set rules like useful browsing, reading for yourself and for your kids,brushing the skills of quit career. it goes.. tracking the progress each day is a must....

    all set to go..

  3. Totally agree with u! But was hoping for a little more from you on this topic. I read your first book...loved it and it inspired me. I look up to u!

  4. Guess Its time I rush to use that time I have! .. Oh I love your blog marathons :)

  5. Looking forward to each blog everyday :)

  6. Powerful Message Indeed...need to put in practice :)

  7. Hi! Preeti..The first thing I do when i come to office is to read ur blog..and admire the wonderful pictures u add to the blog..there are very few people who has touched my life in a way nobody else can.. ur One of them.Love you..lottss..I have read all Ur books and cant wait for the next one..Keep Writing..Keep inspiring..

  8. all i know now i really need to keep on check what i m doing...i mean i have only 9 years to fall in with that love and make memories...need to rush....:D

  9. Love your blog marathon Preethi . Its high time to think and act wisely !! Please do write on how to reduce belly fat after pregnancy or tips after pregnancy. Its 8 months after c-sec .

    Take care.

  10. Love your work....would love to read something about the balance between work and hobbies...thank you

  11. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Doing all the things shown in the poster above plus the things you mentioned together called life/living. I am surprised how anyone could imagine a life without those acts! Sleeping, eating, studying etc can never be waste of time.

  12. Now this is something serious. We guys always complain about not of having for this and that but have we ever thought what we really want to achieve in this short span of life.. I don't think money is the only thing that we want.

  13. That's one fabulous illustration made by whoever it is. And it tells you the truth of life light heartedly and yet inspires you to go ahead and pursue your goals instead of wasting time in life


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