Never regret

So, there is this new series that I have started on my Facebook page.

For the last few days, I have been posting visuals (that I create myself) with a powerful message, usually linked to my books. (Most of you who have read my books will know that almost all my books contain a message narrated through a racy story, full of twists and turns and love, much like life :) )
These have been so well received that they got more than 10,000 views within hours of posting!

 I realised that some of my blog-readers may not be following my FB page. So thought I would post them here, every now and then. (not all at one go, but one at a time :) )

Here is the first one:

Think about it.
It is true.

From each bitter experience that you have had, you have learnt something. You have changed in some way.
And you wouldn't be where you are today but for your experiences.

They make us grow.

If you want to share anything that helped you grow, made you a better person, feel free to use my comment box.

I leave for Kolkata tomorrow. I will be at Starmark, South city Mall at 6.30 pm.
Till I return,
Much love! :)

Check out my latest book here where it has been getting some fabulous reviews. You don't need a credit card. You can even pay cash on delivery. It has a whopping discount too :)

And hey--If you like my blog, you might enjoy my books :) Grab them here. :)



  1. this is what i used to say to console myself after a bad experience. but now that someone else is saying the same, i am now seeing this in a completely different light. does something have to be true if a lot of people feel the same way about it?

    1. Out of my honest curiosity can I ask you a question? - Even after receiving this wisdom do you consider your experience as a bad one?

  2. Absolutely agree.... and each experience is an eye opener and wonderful learning experience....I felt

  3. I feel that unless you go through the regret phase you never get the lessons and 'experiences'. You just move forward without learning anything. You have to be pensive at times. As human beings we are not objective enough to just analyze the events critically, learn things and simply move on. We are emotional beings and regret is a phase that we HAVE to though and then come out of it.

    Just my two cents :)

    1. I agree with you completely.
      One shouldn't wallow in regret and keep regretting. if you have learnt the lesson, MOVE ON.
      I see so many people punishing themselves for a lifetime..For something that wasn't meant to be.
      reflecting , being pensive, feeling sad is different from 'a deep despondent regret and longing for something that could have been'

  4. Hey, i do follow your blogs and after getting inspired from you I have started my journey as a blogger. Please do let me know Preeti how am doing on it.

    will be waiting for your reply :) I know you do reply

  5. I must say, every time you come up with some really creative and interesting ideas!:)
    The message here is truly inspirational but a bit theoretical.
    I agree with Atul that before moving on, with a lesson learnt, we have to regret what we did (Of course, something wrong)
    I also used to believe that whatever happens, happens for good (Reason) but gradually I’ve realized that this theory is not applicable “always” because many of us are still waiting for those REASONS behind many fateful incidents.

    1. See my reply to Atul.

      Yes--things DO happen for a REASON :) You may not see it 'immediately' and I never saw it in my twenties or thirties!

      Now, at my age I can vouch this is true :)
      (Read James redfield, sonia choquette, Deepak chopra --synchronicity, Esther Jerry Hicks, Dawna Markova_

  6. Quite true.."you wouldn't be where you are today but for your experiences".. :)

  7. This is so very true....Today I feel I am a much stronger person emotionally because of some of the bad experiences of the past. I strongly feel people should MOVE ON rather be stuck in a sad situation...yes difficult to inculcate this when you are going through something bad but a little later you will only emerge a stronger person. Lovely post Preeti :)

  8. Very true. I became better person from bitter experiences in life. Madam i am the one who talked to you and handed over a note @ Just books, aecs layout on 20th you suggested me one book i could not recall author name starts with "D" and "Life" is one of the word in title. Also would you post good books list to read or your all time favourites ??

  9. what if the past has made big room in mind...which triggers at every moment when i remain idle..

  10. Very true and nice.

    Thanks Preeti for a wonderful writing. I reside in USA and wish to read your books.
    How can I get your books here in USA. May be Barnes & Nobles..


  11. True,Preeti.Every bitter experience has something more to teach us than the sweet ones.

  12. The message you have given in your poster is very true. People keep chasing the (non existent) perpetual happiness and hence they may not initially admit it (to themselves). But as we move on in life, we are able to 'see' the various dots being connected and hence we might be better inclined to admit it.

    If you ask me, I would suggest that we voluntarily get into uncomfortable/difficult situations in order to gain more skills.

    1. Yes Rajesh, I agree with you :) We never grow in our comfort zone!


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