A good day.

Usually I write only when I am alone, after the spouse and kids leave. That is when I get 'quality, undisturbed time'. But the Summer vacation has ensured that I get no such luxury as the kids are at home  all the time and so I work as and when I can.

These days I am working on my fifth book and I am already half-way through writing it. This morning, when I was writing, I forgot to shut the door and my eleven year old daughter slowly sidled upto me and sat quietly watching me work.  Since I was in the middle of a paragraph, I did not stop writing and I continued till I reached the end of the page, fully aware of the two little eyes beside me, reading every word on the screen.

When I reached the end of the page, I stopped.

'Mummy, how do you write all this stuff? Do you just make it up?' she asked, her voice filled with wonder and awe.

'Yes,' I make it up.'

 'Wow!' she said in hushed tones, her voice a whisper, full of awe.

I smiled and hugged her.

'Why did you ask?' I prodded

'I just saw mummy, the words were simply tumbling out and so beautifully turning into a story,' she said.

What can I say?
Today was one of my good writing days. :-)


ps: Zee online interviewed me and I loved the questions they asked. Do read and tell me what you thought!
Here is the link: http://zeenews.india.com/exclusive/the-secret-wish-list-is-about-finding-what-one-really-wants-preeti-shenoy_6259.html

Check out my latest book here where it has been getting some fabulous reviews. You don't need a credit card. You can even pay cash on delivery. It has a whopping discount too :)

And hey--If you like my blog, you might enjoy my books :) Grab them here. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! You have a great support system. May be some of share of your success you owe to them. :)

  3. Anonymous4:04 AM

    That is actually very beautiful observation: Words turning into story..

  4. Woww I too liked the interview questions:) They give us some insider information about the "behind the scenes" of your story;)
    I agree with you about most people not knowing what they want.
    Two years back, when I was in a low-phase of life, without knowing the intensity of my action, I made a password-protected file named "Wishlist" and listed down all my badly wanted, secret wishes. I still have that file, but its just that I dont even open it and mark whichever wish came out successfully, even after reading your book. And I dont intend to check it until my most desired wish succeeds (It most probably will happen in a few months time) It hurts to see that I long for certain things, even the simple ones, that have taken over 2 years from the date of my wishlist, to happen. Well, this is my case, but after reading your book, I asked my mother what she liked, what she wanted to become, what she wanted to do NOW? She had no answers. Actually she was wondering why I was asking her such questions when she was 50 and has been a happy mother helping us rise up all the way! I sincerely wish the elder generation too get to read "The Secret Wishlist" and LIVE.

  5. sometimes the most innocent observations can be realy endearing

  6. hi maam, all da best for ur new book .may u achieve even more than u have achieved...

  7. Sweet! Must feel great listening to an unbiased, honest answer from someone who looks up to you! ^_^

  8. She's such a darling :)

  9. :):)always brightening to read yr posts!


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