Wishlist Wednesday number 3.

Apologies for the one day delay in 'Wish list Wednesdays'. For Wishlist Wednesday number two, the winning entry is:

 Congrats Shachi! Please send me an address (In India) and your book will reach you.

 A special mention was also made of this entry:

A big thank you to all who took part too!

Here is the writing prompt for Wishlist Wednesday number 3.

 The one thing that I wish everyone would learn is................. 

Write as much as you want or as little as you want! And please link only the specific post, and not the whole blog.
And it will be nice if you carry my banner too :) Leave your links below: Happy writing and I hope you are all enjoying it as much as I am! _________________________________________________________________________________

If you like my blog, you might enjoy my books :) Grab them here. (You don't need a credit card. You can pay cash on delivery) or if you are an Amazon Fan, you can grab them here
 And you can interact with me on my FB page. I always reply :)


  1. Hello mam :) I am participating :) here is my link

  2. i'm 3rd this time but still i'm glad that you asked this

  3. Woohoo! Loving the contest and the prompts :). I will email you our Ahmedabad address....I will be there in a few days!

  4. Dang - also wanted to say "Thank you" for the giveaway!

    1. :) Congrats. Westland will be mailing you the book. please send your address.

  5. Anonymous11:50 PM

    The one thing that I wish everyone (every man and woman) would learn is...
    to see their mother's love in the eyes of every female they meet, be it a day old child or a 100 year old woman , irrespective of her color, caste, clothing, profession ; and respect her for all that she is and can be ... a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother , a grandmother, a friend, above all a fellow human being . As the new year awaits lets all learn this and preach this to our children and Hope for a generation , a civilization rape free.

  6. I really wish we all understand change, and its inevitability. Do check my link: http://myquest4myself.blogspot.in/2012/12/response-to-wishing-wednesdays-by.html

    Thanks, Preeti!

  7. Please read my wish at:


  8. Here is my Wishlist...

  9. Submitted my wish.. :)
    Congratulations for the success of your book.. the reviews are awesome..
    though i haven't been able to read it yet but will to read it soon :)

  10. Participating for the first time. I really wish we learn to live.
    All the Best for the book

  11. Have entered my link in the prompt provided. All the best for your book!

  12. I just love ur blog...<3
    thank u fr such nice promts!!


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