The (Secret) Wishlist Wednesdays

Last time, when my last book (Tea for two and a piece of cake came out, I had hosted a writing prompt called 'Tea for two Tuesdays' which got a huge response.

Following the success of that, I am now hosting  'Wish list Wednesdays'.

It will run till the end of  January. Every Wednesday, starting today, there will be a creative prompt.

My publishers Westland will pick one entry every week and will send them a copy of my latest book, The Secret Wishlist. :)

What do you have to do to take part? You just have to answer the prompt on your blogs and leave a link, linking the specific post where you have answered the prompt in your blog, in the gadget below. That's it!

Simple isn't it? :)

Of course, I would be delighted if you are kind enough to include my new Banner too in your posts, which I put up below:

 The creative prompt for today is

  The three things I badly wish I could have are..................................

Use as many words as you want! Say as much or as little as you want. If you are participating, you can let all of us know by leaving a link. (do not link your whole blog, just link the specific post). In the 'Link Title' field, use either your name or the name of your blog, whatever you prefer.Please do not post any random links that are not relevant--they will be promptly deleted!

Hope you enjoy answering the prompts :)
And yes, if you don't have a blog and still want to take part, please feel free to use my comment box liberally or frugally ! Whatever you prefer :).

Looking forward to hearing  about the three things what you wish to have! (Be creative. Let your imagination soar!). And be nice and leave me a comment after linking please :)

Have fun!

 ps: There is a lot of such fun-stuff happening on the FB page of the book too. . So please look up the FB page (if you haven't already).
  You can pre-order my new book 'The Secret wish list' by clicking here. And yes, if you pre-order from this link, you will get a copy signed by me :) (Signed copies are not available from other sites as my publishers have tied up with this one.) You get a whopping 50 percent discount and you can even pay cash on delivery


  1. I am really excited about your new book, I am ordering it right away.......... yayayay I'll get an autographed copy.

  2. Hey Preeti...loved the prompt and finished mine . Will get hold of your new book. All the best!

    1. Will check it out! Thanks a lot :)

  3. Hey, I really like your books. N wanna participate in the Wednesday quest......Can u plz tell me how can i do it???

    1. If you have a blog, just post an entry in your blog, else leave me a comment here. That's it!

  4. I have submitted my post, but its not appearing ????

    1. Wait for a little bit--it will appear.

  5. I loved reading "Tea for two and a piece of cake".Waiting eagerly for "The secret wishlist" from flipkart

  6. Submitted my link there :) And now I'm in the race. :D

  7. Done with it Preeti...eagerly waiting for the book yaar...ab aur wait nahi kiya jata.
    My best wishes to you:)

  8. Nice idea for getting lot of participation. Good way to promote your blog and your book. I am thinking of writing toooooooo......

  9. My 3 wishes are ,

    1. I wish i can travel wid my parents may be all India tour :D or abroad once i get a good job :)
    2. I wish i can to spend time wid friends i love n capture each n every happy moment so that i can cherish it forever :) never want any friend of mine to leave me alone :)
    3. I wish i can write blogs like preeti ma'm does n sketch soooooo good that people cant take eyes off my sketch :D

    Apart from these wishes i have a few more
    --> I wish i can serve my country in one or other way :)
    --> I wish i can get to learn guitar someday ( mom says to learn piano .. let me see both will do :) )
    --> I wish i can meet my fav author :D yes none other than <3 PREETI SHENOY <3 that too wid my best friend swatz :)
    --> I wish i can sing wid Enrique in Live show :D may be "Hero" or "somebody's me " :D
    --> I wish i can top my coll like i did once when i was in school :)
    --> I wish i can meet Vampire dairies cast n Harry potter cast :)
    --> I wish i can have have my own library :)
    --> I wish i can help orphan children someday :)

    1. Good one sachin. :)

    2. sing with Enrique...waah. Hope all your wishes come true Sachin:)

  10. @preeti ma'm as u said to leave a comment after writing i thought to write.. Another wish is hope Westland ppl will see my wishlist in comment box :D n waiting for the book ma'm :) As i said few days back i hope "The Secret Wish List" will be International best seller :) All the best ma'm :)

  11. My 3 wishes are -

    1. I would like to be strong enough and find courage to follow my heart in all aspects of life :) I think this wish is gonna come true soon as Preeti's new book is all about Following your heart :) May be i'll learn this soon, after reading The Secret WishList :)
    2. I would like to see my parents' face beaming with pride & happiness :) & I want to be the reason behind it :)
    3. I want to travel all around the world with someone special & in the course, I want to meet many celebrities, which ofcourse includes Preeti Shenoy <3 my role model :)

    Apart from this, i do have some more wishes :)
    * I want to read as much novels as I can :)
    * Want to be an author myself someday :)
    * I wish to learn to make portraits & painting which will leave people in awe :)
    * & last but not least, I wish to be just me & never change :)

    1. Thanks Swati :)
      But why me as a role model?! I am surprised!

    2. u hav just 24hrs like d rest of us, bt u know how to make the best use of it :) An author who can touch people's heart with her words, ur books n blog never fail to inspire us :) an artist who can make lovely portraits n evn amazing cards <3 creative :) multi talented n a confident women :) everything i dreamt of becoming since my childhood!! I have so much to learn from u :)

  12. Not sure if my entry got linked. Here is the link...

  13. Hi Preeti, I'm not sure if my link was received as well. Its here :

  14. i would like to accept that i cant change things and whatever happens life must move on
    i would like to travel around he world
    i would like to have the determination to overcome the grief of separation..

  15. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I am absolutely awed by the number of things you do. The human mind has immense potential & we have many talents. It is all about giving the right priorities and channelizing the potentials in the direction of each talent. You are doing a wonderful job. Just love the way you do it. All the best :)

  16. Submitted my entry. Congratulations and all the best!:)

  17. I have submitted my entry. Awaiting the release of the book. Wishing you good luck! :)

  18. Submitted my entry.

    Good luck with the book.

  19. Preeti, I submitted my link on Saturday and even today. it does not appear for some reason.

  20. hie ma'am, ive posted my wishlist on your blog at goodreads :)

  21. Hey!! Submitted My Not-So-Secret-wishlist. Hope you enjoy reading :-)

  22. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Hello Preethi ji
    My 3 wishes

  23. Hello Preeti,

    Posted my wishlist (Yet to appear in the list above the gadget)...
    Here it is:

    And I wish all success for your new book !!! I am sure that it would reach many, just like your other two books. All the best !!!

  24. I am looking forward for your book, I read 2 books

  25. I read your earlier 2 books, I have placed order with flipkart, am waiting for the same

  26. Hey Preeti,

    I tried linking to the "My one wish that came true and gave me immense joy" prompt, but I just cannot..
    Here's the link

    You rock!!

  27. Hello Preeti,
    Posted my wishlist yesterday...Here it is:

    And all the very best to your new book. Am sure it will touch many people, just like your other two books.

  28. A secret place no one knows about
    torrential rain

  29. The three things I badly wish I could have are..................................

    a secret place hidden by dense trees and foliage
    inhuman silence
    torrential rain


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