Creativity in daily life. A talk at TedX SITM

Sometime back I had blogged about my experience at Symbiosis Institute for Telecom Management (SITM), Pune, where I had been invited to give a Ted X talk.

Here is the video of the talk. The talk is on 'Creativity in our daily life' and it is about 16 minutes.

 Hope you find it useful! _________________________________________________________________

 ps:  You can pre-order my new book 'The Secret wish list' by clicking here. And yes, if you pre-order from this link, you will get a copy signed by me :) (Signed copies are not available from other sites as my publishers have tied up with this one.) You get a whopping 30 percent discount and you can even pay cash on delivery. You can follow the FB page of the book too (which has got more than 1400 likes at the time of publishing this post. It has some fun stuff happening :) Thanks folks!)

Here is the link:


  1. This time have ordered the book...:)....

  2. waiting eagerly for #thesecretwishlist...
    mam do u hv any idea when it would be in our hands.

    1. I still do not have the exact dates Vikram.

  3. Very well said Preeti, the video is amazing...and as always you inspire us with your words...!

    Thank you so much for being there..!
    All the best..!

  4. Homeshop18 is giving the book @113 with free shipping..flipkart charges 30 rs extra 4 ship....i have preordered frm HS18...

    1. Thank you for reading me :)
      You can order from anywhere really! Whatever gives you the best deal!!

  5. mam it was realy inspiring i am gonna show ds video to every1 nw:)


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