Make happy memories. Blog marathon post 22

 The online link to the above is :


IBN also had  said something really nice about me. Read the article here.

'Tea for two and a piece of cake' is on all the best-seller lists currently. I am happy it has got such a wonderful response.

However, today more than anything else, I miss my father. 

People say stuff like "time heals" and "he is watching you from above" and such things.
They lie.
Time does not heal. 
And 'watching from above' brings no comfort really.

It is now been five years, seven months and six days.

It still hurts like hell. 
Every victory is bitter-sweet.
Every happy occasion is tinged with sadness.
Each time I achieve something, I call my mum up and we remember him and wish and wish and wish he was around. Sometimes we cry together.
Every little memory with him is guarded jealously, cherished and re-lived a million times over.

Every single thing he said, I remember.

Whatever I am today is just because of him.
I know he would have been really proud of me, had he been around.

If  I had to give anything today, anything, just to be with him for five minutes, I would have.

But I can't.
And so I blog.
 If you are fortunate to have both your parents, please call them today.
Or better still, go and see them.
And make happy memories.
In the future that is all what will see you through.
Take it from someone who knows.


  1. Hugs Preeti!!! Your blog about your dad always touches my heart..

    Take care

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hugz dear friend! I'm really sad that I cannot be next to mum right now (she got into an accident and is hurt badly) so even though I cannot completely relate to how you feel, I can empathize. I'm here to listen whenever you need me to :).

  4. I agree with calling your parents. WE should show our love for them every single possible minute when they are alive and healthy! I cannot imagine a life without them!

  5. Such a lovely post...i completely share the thought that Time does not heal and 'watching from above' brings no comfort really....truly it does not esp when u lose someone who is a part of u...every achievement feels incomplete without dad (9 yrs and 10 months but it still feels like yesterday)...every single word in ur post feels like words that run in my head time and again...hugs to u.

  6. Hmmm!! I sail in the same boat too Preeti! Totally agree, time cannot bee the healer. It's 8 years before that my mom passed away, and it's still hurts every day!!
    Truly said, memory lives forever!!


  7. Hugs hugs...n again a big hug....!!!!!
    U blog n ease d pain of millions here....!!!!

  8. Had visited your blog quite a few time but never left any comment (blame my lazy bones). But this post compelled me to comment. Really touching. Hugs Preeti. Parents are absolute prized possession and nobody can ever replace them. Take care and love reading your blog. Sumita.

  9. Such a wonderful post! And, making happy memories - now that is something anybody can do for their loved ones. Preeti, you are blessed to have such beautiful memories of your father.


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