Love sure is a funny thing. Blog marathon post 19.

Love, sure, is a funny thing.

I was 22 when I threw away my job in Mumbai and shifted to Gwalior to marry the man I loved without any second thoughts.  I had no idea then, what the long term haul involved.
The in-between years, when my identity involved just being a wife and a mother were the hardest.  My husband’s job involved constant travel as well as moving from place to place, every three years on an average. I, by default became the 24x7, on-call parent. It was hard to put up a smiling face when all I felt like doing at times, was giving it up and running away. I was tired of being the string that held everything together.

But the long years I put into making this relationship work, taught me so much. 

 I learnt that you can hold on long after you think you have no strength left. And that sometimes you have to let go and sometimes doing nothing is really the best. It taught me kindness, patience, humility. It taught me that even the best laid plans can go terribly wrong. It taught me to put others before myself, yet carve out a space for me. I learnt that sometimes a little neglect is healthy and too much care stifles. It taught me that not every question has answers and some things are always best left unsaid.

But most importantly it taught me that if there is love, everything else can be worked out.

Love sure is a funny thing, but it makes it all worth it.

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  1. Lovely Post!!!
    Of course and thanks a lot. Now am some what in the similar position as you have mentioned. Being wife and mother , the hard and harder. Ya its not easy ,but love works it out for all of us. I hope these years am spending with my son and being at home and not going to work will be years that I would cherish in the coming years :) Am glad to have a husband supporting me :)

  2. ssuuucchhh a cute post preeti...i loved brought tears to my eyes n left me with a huge smile on the last sentence......SUPERLYK!!!

  3. Amazing post i love like a funny....

  4. You said it so right !! That was like a stolen words from a woman's mind :)

  5. Love sure is a funny thing and the funniest is the one sided one.. :)

  6. It sure is a funny thing.

    Makes one do the most unexpected things and it gives you strength to do what you never thought possible.

  7. What do I say!! I am overwhelmed. I have been struggling on this for over 2 years now though I am not a parent now. But these two years were the BESTEST (I love the word!!) learning phase :)

    I agree with you - 101% :). I have to tell you how I feel. When I read this, I was feeling 'me' in every inch. I rarely find time for myself now-a-days (I am working too!). Households, Office, family (consists of me and my husband :-P) keeps me so tight. I constantly feel bad about me as I feel that I am not able to balance. Still researching on the 'balancing' art.

    You are truly sensible! Rarely have I come across women who had 'lived' their life. Kudos to you!

  8. I am reading it again and this is just strikingly superb! - "It taught me that not every question has answers and some things are always best left unsaid."

    Now, these should get my brain in gear!

  9. Great Post Preethi... Sometimes I tend to think that Life is pretty easy for others and a post like this, coming from you, makes it clear that everyone does pass through tough/ confusing phases in life. Its all about how we evolve out of it all... A heart warming post!!!! Thank you!!!!

  10. //you can hold on long after you think you have no strength left. And that sometimes you have to let go and sometimes doing nothing is really the best//

    -- sooo very true..excellent post.

  11. Another excellent post Preeti..I am still learning the art of letting go.. Not there yet but getting there..Its tough but I know once I reach there it will be worth it...

  12. Awesome!! And so nicely said!!

  13. Just saw an article about your book in Hindu.. Impressive !! :)


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