Wordless Wednesday no.28

'Tea for two and a piece of cake'.     A very proud moment indeed.

Happy wordless wednesday!



  1. Congratulations on your new book!

  2. The book had everything that a women can emotionally go through. I got to learn from this story 2 things - that maturity is not by age but by experience. Secondly, relationships do work well without tagging thm wit legal or society expects to be. Thanx preety for a good story.. Keep up ur work.

  3. wow!!! a dream come true!! yea for you...congrats!!!

  4. Wow...I beautiful fingers...ahem...ahem....
    This is for YOU.....and haan I want to see a smile....the pretty one:)


  5. Finally I managed to write it....

    Hope u like it:)
    LOTS OF LOVE!!!!

  6. Speaks thousand words! :)

    Congrats again!

  7. Shachi: :) :)

    Sparkling:Thank u!! :)

    Happy go lucky:Thanks a lot :) love your musical name :)

    Gayu:Thanks a ton for a super review!

    Momto: thank you!

    Isha: Much appreciate the encouragement.

    Purnima: :)

    MJ: Thank you! :)

  8. amazing .. let me come to india I need your book signed :)


  9. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Hi Preeti

    Visited your blog after a long long time... many congrats.... got to go and grab a copy now :)

  10. i read tea for two and a cup of tea and life is how you make it within a week. the first read was enjoyable so i took out the other book as well the very next day, and the other book was so engrossing and sort of worrying too- for the girl, for myself. But it was wonderful reading it.

  11. Anonymous10:44 PM

    “Tea for two and a piece of cake, plus, of course, conversation. These small moments are what make life worthwhile.”
    Seems like just a small set of statements, but the meaning goes deep. In the book, Nisha shared her miseries with Mrs. B over a cup of tea enjoyed with a chocolate cake that really helped later to progress in life.
    What one needs today is somebody to listen to us. When we are lonely and depressed, if there is someone we can share our mind, it means a lot! Sometimes a small conversation over tea solves many of the problems. A little sweetness of cake and the anti-stress capabilities of tea enjoyed with a true friend can really make life worthwhile!


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