All in two days work

So I got back from Kolkata, the city of joy, the land of art and music lovers and mostly the land of people who know how to live in the moment and take no stress. Each city in India, truly has a character of its own. I have traveled (and also lived in) to many cities of India, and Kolkata is truly something else. I ate at a roadside stall near Dhakuria Railway station where a sumptuous break-fast of four piping hot pooris served with generous amount of Aloo sabji and some kind of  really delicious Dal cost me just rupees ten! Then of course the chai for rupees three.

I gorged on Mishti doi and Roshagullas  and a lot of other Bong dishes. The hospitality of my hosts was unmatched. But at the back of mind, like it is these days most of the time, was the amount of work that remained to be done regarding the launch of 'Tea for two and a piece of cake'.

And no piece of cake it was! :)

But one of my strengths is determination. And determined I was to finish signing the hundreds and hundreds of pre-ordered copies of my third book. (If you order from here, they will be author signed copies).

There were forty cartons of books waiting for me! yes--FORTY! :)

 My mother is visiting me these days, and Satish, my children and my mom got busy opening the cartons and arranging the books for me to sign. I stayed up till 1.00 AM that very night that I arrived from Kolkata.

 Yeah--the black coffee kept me going and that is indeed a very tired smile. I finshed half of them and went to bed.(with aching fingers and indentation marks on them)

The next day, I was back to tackle the rest of the cartons. And by evening I was done. Oh what a high it  was! Sweet pain :)

This time it was a smile of supreme satisfaction. And all those crates behind me contain hundreds and hundreds of author signed copies. To know about book signings by authors go here.

Of course I will be signing more books at the launch too, which is on Feb 14th, 6.30 PM at Landmark, Forum Mall Bangalore. I will be in conversation with Milan Vohra.

Of course I am looking forward to it immensely. If you are in Bangalore, you are most welcome to come and be a part of it all. There is a nice little surprise planned.

There are events planned in Pune (18th), Delhi (26th) and Chennai  too. Will give you all details closer to date--you can follow my FB page too.

And tonight, I go to bed  a very happy woman :)
Good night!

ps: Grab my three books HERE. And the fifth one in this link isn't mine! I don't know who it is! The fourth one has two stories by me.


  1. SWEET PAIN!!!!
    I like, I like.....;-)))
    Congrats Preeti

  2. Just when i thought i am the first one :( congrats and best wishes for the book launch Preeti. Cant make it to Bangalore but will try to make it for the event in Chennai.

  3. nothing @ mumbai :(

    enjoy @ bengaluru :)

  4. yipeeee waiting for your pune be ready because i am going to run behind you like a puppy for a photograph and autograph.. :D :D

  5. That is great to know about the launch in B'lore..I'm here..and will be looking forward to be there on forum..:-)
    Thank you..:-)

  6. Anonymous11:37 AM

    YAY! Waiting for you to come to Chennai!!! :) :) :)

  7. Well done deedi..May God Bless you..The book launch will be great

  8. Calcutta is alovely place made worth remembering by the people. When we moved there for a year, people in delhi were aghast at us moving to calcutta, but I'm glad we stayed there and i have lovely memories of the place.

    and forty cartons! and tackled within two days, WOW! it's going to be a very satisfying month/s ahead! congrats...

  9. OMG FORTY crates!!.. appreciate your hard work and the sweet pain.. and yes one of them be mine in a couple of days..forever :)waiting eagerly to see you in Chennai.. best wishes for your book launch on 14th Feb.

  10. dear preeti...gud to know that u r all set for d book launch..all d best..m waiting for my copy wid ur sign..thanks :)

  11. Congratulations!!

    Wish you all the success for your third book too...Cant wait to lay my hands on it :)

  12. It must be a very satisfying ache huh....signing 40 cartons of books:-)).
    I already have 2 books signed by U, just matter of time before the 3rd one is also on my book shelf;-D.

    U take care:-))!!!!!

  13. Reflections: Yes :) thank you :)

    Me: And I cant wait for you to read it!

    Snehal: Flipkart will stand sending them out today.

    Nitu:Thanks a lot :)

  14. Suma: :) Yes. Sweet satisfaction.

    Sikha:Thanks a lot

    Aaekay: 27th feb! :)

    Sayantan: Will see u on 14th then!

    Suku: I will happily oblige :)

    Palsworld: Its there in Pune. And I had come to Mumbai and someone had said they would meet me but didn;t ;-)

    Shanthu:Chennai on 27th

    Amey: Indeed. Thanks :)

  15. Suma: :) Yes. Sweet satisfaction.

    Sikha:Thanks a lot

    Aaekay: 27th feb! :)

    Sayantan: Will see u on 14th then!

    Suku: I will happily oblige :)

    Palsworld: Its there in Pune. And I had come to Mumbai and someone had said they would meet me but didn;t ;-)

    Shanthu:Chennai on 27th

    Amey: Indeed. Thanks :)

  16. well see you on the 26th then ! Looking fwd to reading my signed copy of the book :)

  17. much love...!!!!
    M waiting for the book....last year I had read "Life is what you make it"

    ALL THE BEST...!!!!

    Take care...:)
    A big HUG.....for all the hardwork...

  18. Done the pre-order..waiting for my singed copy.. :)

  19. Ordered the book yesterday...waiting for it to come :) sorry, I couldn't meet you when you came down to Mumbai

  20. Guess what, I had been to Kolkata recently as well, and your description of the city is apt. It's a city I'd love to go back and visit. Good Luck with the launch...I wish I could attend...unfortunately, I'm working!


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