A perfect Valentines day!

The book launch went off wonderfully, last evening. There was conversation, cupcakes, tea and a lot of fun. It was indeed a special Valentines day.

 A big thank you to all of you who made the effort to attend it. I was really delighted to see you.

This is what Pawan Raju, one of the readers who attended the launch said "It was definitely different kind of book launch :) :) :) :) perfect valentine's day evening :) Kudos! I  enjoyed every minute of it"

 Milan Vohra was in conversation with me and I have included a small part of the conversation where she asks me about sex scenes in the book. :) This is an out and out adults book. It is unlike my previous two books.

 For a LOT more pictures, which say it all go here.

 My next launch is in Pune on 18th (Saturday), 6.30 PM at Crossword, (ICC Trade Tower) Senapati Bapat Marg. 

. I will be in conversation with Sonja Chandrachud. 

 Join me if you are in Pune!


  1. Happy Valentines Day! Glad that you had a gr8 book launch and cupcakes and tea really sounds yummy.

  2. I'm coming for the launch Preeti akka! I will certainly not miss this opportunity of meeting you! :)

  3. Hello Preethi, I am a silent follower of your blog. Love most of all you write and I have read all your books. Needless to say i started on the latest book last morning after i go it in mail the day before. I completed the book all in a day. Such excitement, fun, drama and melancholy all combined. Loved it Loved it even more. You are the most awesome writer. Wonderfully thought and written.

  4. And the funniest thing is I was reading tea for two and a piece of cake on the way to work just now and I was thinking how different this book is from your previous two and how once again you have managed to surprise me :P

  5. :( i miss bangalore a lot now

    And am still not seeing the book in amazon :( :(

  6. Yes, it was a really a special book launch, enjoyed every bit of it. it was pleasure to attend the event and get the signed copy directly from you.
    I have completed reading the book. It was a great read. I liked the narration very much.
    Relationship, bonding and etc.. the way you explaing each and everything things, its mind blowing.Thank you very much for giving such a wonderful book. Now waiting for your 4th book.

  7. Ruchira: I suffer from a multiple personality disorder ;-) Jokes apart, I do have VARIED interests (six post graduate degrees/diplomas) and I do get bored doing similar things over and over again.

    Sumana: thank you so very much. Could you please be kind enough to post a review on Flipkart for me?

    Purnima: please call me Preeti! Most welcome to my launch.

    Seema: Thank you! though i did not get even a single cupcake!

  8. Gopikrishna:Thank you so much for coming!

    Sundari: It will be there soon :)

  9. Read the book - loved it! You have explored the aspect of relationships very well, be it love, friendship or office politics. I have posted my review here: http://pallosworld.blogspot.in/2012/02/book-review-tea-for-two-and-piece-of.html

  10. Hi Preeti Deedi,


    Can you check this out?


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