Tea for two (and a piece of cake) Tuesday No.4

So, my BIG day is tomorrow--the day when my baby goes out into the big bad world. Treat my baby kindly will you? :) If you still do not know what I am talking about--go here. 

I am excited and I will not have time to post the prompt of 'Tea for two and a piece of cake' tomorrow. So here goes:

 Can a relationship be like a tea-stain? Why or why not?

 Lovely thinking prompt right? :) (Thank me!) :) 

I am totally swamped with the book launch and will not be able to leave comments on your individual posts but I do read them ALL. Each and everyone. And I love how there is so much camaraderie now amongst the participants! 

 And by the way,I have another launch in Pune on 18th,6.30 PM at Crossword, ICC trade Towers, Senapati bapat Marg. If you are in Pune, come!:)

 Now, put on your thinking caps and dive into this prompt.

  and hey--wish me luck for tomorrow. I need it! ________________________________________________________________________________ ps: Interact with me on FB. I always reply back :)


  1. Still waiting for me pre-ordered copy..When is Flipkart going to deliver? :(

    Good Luck for the book, I know it would be a bestseller again.

    Love and Luck

  2. Dear Preeti,
    All the best for the book launch! I am sure it will be a smashing hit.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day Preeti.

    All the best dear for TODAY!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dear Preeti,

    Heartiest Congratulations on your new book and wishing you All the Very Best on its launch....
    I am sure that this book will also be a National Best Seller..
    I just recd an email that my preordered book of your book has been shipped.. Yaay...Luking fwd to getting it and reading it...
    Happy Valentine's Day....
    Will def try to come for your launch in Pune on 18th Feb...
    Wishing you Lots of Joy and Happiness always......

  6. All the best Preeti !!!

    Happy Valentine's Day :)

  7. All the best Preeti.....

  8. Need sometime for this...here's the one for last Tuesday

    and all the best dear...!!!!
    M so happy for you...!!!!!!
    Love n HUGS


  9. All the best for the D-day Preeti...:)

    Your book will surely rule the charts again :)

    Happy valentine's day

  10. hello....:-) :-) :-).........today morning i gt author signed copy through flipkart...
    just read few pages....
    I'm sure tat this book will also b a National Best Seller!

    alll d verrrrrrrrrrrrry bestttttttt!!

    -Vinod Rai

  11. Plesaed to see that i am the first one to write this time.
    Happy Valentines Preeti and best wishes for your release.


  12. Posted!! This time I said it all.
    As for the book launch, I'm sure this time (as always) it's gonna be a huge success. Waiting for the autographed copy to reach my doorstep.

    Thanks Preeti :)

  13. All the very best Preeti. I'm so sure the launch is going on awesomely. Wish you success. :)

  14. Dear Preeti,
    All the best on your book launch.

  15. Wish you all success for your new endeavour.

  16. Happy Valentine's Day

    Wish you all the success for your book...

    Have enjoyed answering all the prompts and am waiting anxiously to read this book!

  17. Just back from the Bangalore launch. Very nice and there was a queue of people waiting to get their books signed by Preeti. Preeti looked stunning, happy, proud, tired, beaming with a sense of accomplishment . The cakes were lovely, but the tea has morphed into juice :)

    Bravo Preeti. Wishing you much success ahead.

  18. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Preeti:):)Nice topic:)Submitted mine:):)

    Hope you successfully launched the book in Bangalore today:) waiting to see you in Delhi launch:):)

    My friend received the book today and she said that very much interesting from the very first chapter itself:)

    i am waiting for mine-hope it will receive in my hand tomorrow:):)


  19. All the best Preethi..
    have submitted my post..

  20. Just received the book! Will read it tomorrow!

    But, I feel, the font size of the book is too big!

  21. Posted my link! All the very best for tomorrow! :D

  22. Posted my link for this tuesdays prompt. Also posted it under the 3rd tuesday by mistake.
    Got my copy of Tea for two and a piece of cake today. My first author-signed copy :)
    Will start reading it soon.

    Best wishes.

  23. I loved reading all the posts of this tuesday, so far.
    Seriously, thanks Preeti for the prompt!


  24. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Good luck! :)

    I just posted for the Tuesday prompt on my blog. My first post for the series. :)

    Enjoyed doing it. Thank you for the wonderful prompt, and for making me think.

  25. wishing you and your new baby heaps and heaps of lucky luck! :)

  26. Congratulations! Wish you all the best & success:)

  27. Hey....Preeti I just got my book...Cant wait to read it. :D

  28. Lots of luck with your book.I'm sure it's doing great already!
    Have responsed to your prompt!

  29. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Hi Preeti! First of all, congratulations for your new book. I wish you all the best :)

    I just loved your idea of weekly creative prompts!
    I have participated this time, after getting inspired all my friends who have been regular with it..
    Would love to have your feedback :)

  30. http://myendeavours.blogspot.com/2012/02/tea-for-two-and-pice-of-cake-tuesday.html

  31. Lovely prompt.
    Posted: http://swapnashirwalkar.blogspot.com/2012/02/tealationships.html


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