Tea for two (and a piece of cake) Tuesdays --3

Hope you all have had a good week since the last Tuesday. I had one of my 'Oh-my-God-I can't-Believe-it' moment on Saturday, when my advance author copies of my book reached me.

I sat in silence for some time and stared at the book. Then I promptly burst into tears as I missed my dad so intensely. He would have been so proud to see this day. I do believe with all my heart that it is he, who left me a gift of writing.
I write to get over my grief of losing him and my writing touches so many hearts.
What better gift could he have left me?

I am leaving for Kolkata  early tomorrow   morning (a family wedding) and I have to wake up at five (groan groan) to catch a flight. Hence, I am putting up this prompt tonight, as I know that ones who look forward to taking part will be eagerly waiting. (and the ones who do not take part--do join in! what are you waiting for?! It's not as frightening or time consuming as you think. And you never know what you may discover. )

In case you do not know what 'Tea for Two (and a piece of cake) Tuesdays' are, please check out this post.

The prompt for today is a quote  by Bernard-Paul Heroux.

There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea.  ~Bernard-Paul Heroux

Go make yourself a nice cup of tea and mull about it. You can write as little as you want or as much as you want. Use the prompt as an inspiration.Say what you like about it or dislike.

You can write a poem or a journal entry or a short story or just your thoughts--Just anything that sets you off, when you read the above prompt. There are no formats at all about what you can write.

You can post your links here.Do not link the whole blog..Link only the specific post which uses the prompt.

Will try and catch up with your posts when I come back but it may be difficult this time (as the launch date of my book is very close). I did have a great time reading last Tuesday's entries. Happy 'tea for two (and a piece of cake)' Tuesday!


ps:  Please RSVP: ssrivastava@randomhouse.co.in,  9971445305  if you are coming for my book launch on 14th Feb 2012. There is a nice little surprise  planned.

Interact with me on FB page. I do mostly reply :)


  1. Hey a very interesting prompt......Wish you all the BEST for your book...and loads of success!!

  2. Posted the link Preeti. :)

  3. hmmm well I would have given it a try for sure but I am not that good.. so for the time being I would like ot congratulate you over the Book.

    As in the previous book I am sure this one will do good tooo..
    All the best and Congrats once more ..

    Take care and have fun at the wedding


  4. Tried yet again.
    By the way welcome to the city of Joy :). Hope you have fun here!

  5. Here I come again, This time it's a poetry :) Thanks Preeti :)

  6. Best wishes for your book release :)


  7. Dear Preeti,

    Have been a silent reader for ages....finally decided to break my silence.

    Your joy, your positive attitude, your enthusiasm are so contagious! I wish I could take some of that positivity with me...

    Love your blog, love your books. Can't wait to read this one. Thanks for sharing.

    It will be an honor for me if someday you can find the time to visit my blog.

    I am not in a hurry, I can wait forever.

    Ever patient,

  8. I am also asking your permission to stay here forever...can I?

  9. Hey... CONGRATULATIONS!! on your new book, may God shower lots and lots of blessings on you always.. and may you keep writing such wonderful books.. I am your greatest fan.. please let me know whenever you are in Delhi...
    take care

  10. Hey Preeti, landed on your blog somehow and have been reading-up all for sometime now.
    So, the silent reader suddenly commented. Couldn't stop there and went ahead and attempted your prompt too!

  11. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Hi, wishing you all the luck for your upcoming book.

    Nominating you for a well deserved blog award. Details could be find in the link below:

  12. @Preeti - It's me Sirisha again! Feel like a stalker but...I had to tell you this...I just about finished reading your Book 2. You might have heard this so many times but...then it was a great read...

  13. Thank you all of you!! I am sure you will forgive me if I do not reply individually this time.
    I have been signing hundreds and hundreds of pre-ordered copies!

  14. http://myendeavours.blogspot.in/2012/02/tea-for-two-and-piece-of-cake-tuesdays.html

    3rd link again

  15. Sorry ... wrong post :)

  16. Dear Preeti,

    I read your book at one go and it gives me great pleasure to let you know that I have posted its review on my blog. Do have a look sometime. Looking forward to your next book eagerly.



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