Ten day challenge. Post 9. Two songs

We're almost reaching the end of the ten day challenge that I started here.

Post 9 is Two songs.

Just two songs?!! ONLY two?! How in the world  am I to pick just two?! Fifty would be more like it truly. To pick two is truly a challenge.

But rules are rules (but i think they can be twisted a bit :P )--so here goes. If I had to pick just two, these two would be my choices. (arrived at after a lot of debate!)

The other one I'd pick would be

Another piece which totally does something to my insides is

I play it often when I am painting.

Okay--there are 47 more actually! :) But it would take a long time to share them all :)
If you're doing this challenge I'd love to listen to your choices of two songs too.

ps: Tomorrow--last post. One picture of me :)


  1. That is difficult I would struggle to get two .. nope cant do it

    and the ones you picked i have never heard :(


  2. That is difficult I would struggle to get two .. nope cant do it

    and the ones you picked i have never heard :(


  3. Its really very difficult!

  4. Love the first two...the third piece I had not heard, but I just did and its amazing. Along with my daughter,
    I am going to learn to play an instrument.

  5. *applause*
    Total win!
    I LOVE Floyd. And Iris is just WOW. "And you bleed just to know you're alive!"

    Can't see the third one, there's some problem with the connection here :|

  6. preeti....why not some bollywood stuff?no songs..no movies absolutely interest u?:-(loved dat song by goo-goo dolls..had heard dat in some of ur earlier post itself...

  7. jus loved the guitar part by steve.
    I have this fascination for bass guitars and other string instruments.
    My list here

  8. these are really nice ones :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Dear Preeti,
    Great choice...the third piece i had not heard before..totally loved it..plz share such gems in future too :))pretty please...
    regarding my two songs..i will be blogging abt them soon :))


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