Pencil portait and FAQ about workshop

I made this on Friday.I'd be doing some further work on it later on.

Before I moved to the UK, I desperately wanted to learn portraiture. I tried  in many cities in India, to find a portraiture course or a workshop, but almost every art college I enquired, I was told that portraiture is a small part of a five year course that they have in Fine Arts. Nobody offered to teach just portraiture, that too exclusively pencil portraits which was what I wanted. When I got a chance to do a course in the UK (which would give you an Internationally recognised qualification) I jumped at the chance, I remember how I'd never miss even a single class.I used to walk 45 minutes (up and down)  in sub-zero temperatures, lugging my heavy art paraphernalia. I used to be half frozen as I walked through the snow, but to me, learning it meant more than anything else in the world.

Ever since I relocated to Bangalore, India, many many people have been asking me if I would teach them how to make realistic portraits from photos with pencils. Like I announced a few days back, I'd now be doing a workshop in 'Making realistic portraits from photos' at Bangalore. It would be a ten hour module, spread over four weekends.
The time and date is as follows:
Dates:  16th and 17th July. and 23rd and 24th July, 2011.
Time:   2.00.PM--4.30 PM.

For me, portraiture is a passion. I put in a lot of effort and my aim is that at the end of the workshop, you would be able to draw a fairly good likeness from any reference photo. My workshop is not a 'quick-fix' class. I'd be teaching techniques that I use and a lot of stuff that I learnt through practice.

For this reason, I am limiting the number of people I take in to ONLY five, per batch. Each person who enrolls would be getting a HIGH degree of personal attention.

The five seats are already booked.

Ever since I announced the workshop on my blog, I have been getting a LOT of queries and most of them tend to ask the same things. Hence here is an FAQ.

1. I have never done portraiture before. Can a complete beginner do this workshop?

Yes, a complete beginner can do this.I would be teaching how to make a good portrait using grid method and flag method. So it does not matter if you have no idea about portraiture as I will be starting right from the very basics.

2.What materials would I need?

You need to bring pencils (2H, 4H, 2B, 4B, 6B and if possible 8B). You also need a 5mm clutch pencil. You need a good quality eraser as well as a putty or kneaded eraser, as a lot of this technique involves blending and 'lifting out' by erasing. You need to bring a drawing pad too, A3 size. I would be providing the drawing board as well as a few other stuff which is needed.

3. How many portraits will I make?

My aim is to give you one completed portrait hopefully good enough to frame. If you absorb fast and are able to devote time at home to practise what you have been taught in the first two modules, you might even be able to make two. It all depends on how much time you are able to devote to practice. This isn't a 'quick fix' class, where I make you do four portraits in the workshop, but you still need help with techniques. My aim is to make you self sufficient, so that you would be able to make a portrait from any reference photo. And yes, you can be in touch with me on mail even after the workshop.

4. Will you take Art classes for my child?

Sorry, I have my hands full with writing my 3rd book and  I am also busy with a lot of other stuff! If your child is above 14 and is very keen to learn portraiture, and shows a great interest, then I do not mind considering them. But definitely this is not for people below 14 and I do not have time to 'teach Art' to your child.

5. If I miss a session will you take additional class to make up for it?

Each module of mine is two and a half hours. I take ONLY five people. So if one person misses one module, it would not be possible for me to repeat everything done in that module exclusively for that person for two and  half hours. At best I can tell you what was done and you can practice what was done at home.

6. Where will the workshop be held? I want to know if it's too far from my place.

:) I always smile when I hear this query. If distance is an impediment, despite living in the same city (unless you cannot travel for health reasons) , then truly this workshop isn't for you. If you're keen to learn, one will not mind the travel. However, to give you an idea of 'travel' involved, it would be held at Outer Ring road, 3kms from Marathalli. Will tell you exact location and address when you enroll! 

7. What do I have to do to enroll?

Mail me and I'll give you further details on how to take it forward. 

Hope the above help clarify all the questions about the workshop.
Thanks for the interest folks!


  1. I wish I lived in Bangalore is all I can say :(

  2. Very nice work Preeti.....

  3. I wish I was in bangalore :)


  4. The three of you would have been my 'dream students' :) Thank you! :)

  5. gosh!!!how unlucky i'm:(
    i wish i was in b'lore:(

  6. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Dear Preeti,

    Before I start off with my request, I would like to let you know that I am so totally in love with your blog. Have sat with reading your blog for more than a day. As crazy as it might to sound to people, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Reading your latest book (The Secret Wishlist), it is class :)My husband finished it in one shot. He simply loved it!!
    Wanted to know where you learnt portraiture in London. Have been looking for it, but I seem to land up from where I started. They seem to have only degree courses all over. It would be great if you could just let me know about the institute. I am sure you must be busy, so no hurry at all. Lemme know whenever you find time. My mail id is

    Thank you!!


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