An experience to cherish

Though I had taught Art before, this was the first time I was conducting a portrait workshop which I had announced here and the FAQs were here. Everyone was a complete beginner in the class. I was very strict about taking ONLY five participants as the level of interaction  was huge.

The last two week-ends have been truly a delightful, fulfilling and a totally amazing experience, not only for me, but for all the ones who joined in for the workshop as well.

It was truly an exhilarating experience and a total high to see them completely getting what I taught, to see them absorbing the techinques and then applying them in  producing stunning pictures. It was almost incredible to see the difference in their work, after applying the techniques I taught them.

Let me show you a few pictures which elucidate what I am raving so much about.

Here are two drawings by one of the participants, BEFORE he attended the workshop:
 Now after applying the techniques taught, this is what he made:

Can you believe that it is the same person who has drawn both the pictures?! :) (I am truly beaming with pride here!!)

Here is one more picture which was made BEFORE any techniques were applied:

The same person has made these pictures (although the subject is different)

Kranthi, one of the participants, sent me this mail which made me feel  truly touched :

Thanks a ton Preeti for firstly conducting this workshop & giving us a platform to learn such an wonderful art.
I’m feeling very happy after these 10-12 hrs of learning but yes will feel content only after lots of Practice.

I’ve never ever sketched any faces be it Human or Animals. I tried couple of times but turned out pathetic.
I always wanted to do this, sketch  faces, animals, living beings though I had hands on trees and sceneries.
After a few attempts I always felt skeptical even to try them out, that was the main reason I joined the workshop.

The way you’ve taught us not missing on the minutest details, I’ve the confidence each one of us can make portraits
at least 90% similar to what is there in the pictures.
I’m sure practice will make it much better. We should try our hands on Live portraits too.
After the last class on Sunday each of us were able to make portrait of our choice & when I made my father’s portrait
& showed it to him, he was dumb struck. He kept staring at it & he didn’t know what to say, that was a different emotion.
I was satisfied to a great extent after seeing that.

You inspire us so much Preeti that we feel like sketching more and more.
I feel very privileged meeting you and having you teach us Portraiture. A very down to earth person (your family too) ”

I’m very happy that I joined this workshop, had loads of fun, met 5 wonderful people, learnt from each other, shared some wonderful moments.
The 4 days were just awesome. Thank you Preeti & thank you folks for being there.”

Apoorv, another aprticipant had this to say:

Firstly, Thanks alot Preeti for the wonderful workshop.
I really appreciate the effort, time and energy that you had put for everything to go so smooth.
We learnt & understood the basics behind the portrait sketching. The order & approach with which you taught us the basics helped us to understand & learn them. I really appreciate the effort that you took to make sure we all understood & able to use them. You kept encouraging us to improve. The appreciation on our sketches helped us & pushed to work harder.Break in between with tea & snacks & everything made the whole process easy and comfortable.
I wished that workshop would have continued.
Had amazing time over the workshop Had two wonderful weekends where I learned & enjoyed.
It would be great if we all keep sharing the portraits we make so that we keep learning and also inspiring each others to continue doing which we have started.

Chethana said this:
 Hi Preeti... The Potrait work shop was just amazing.. Loved it.. I proudly showed off today's portrait to everybody and all liked it ... Very happy... Thanks a lot for the guidance and encouragement..!!! Will definitely work on more of these... 
For me, I felt truly on top of the world to see my efforts rewarded. We all connected so well. Here's a picture of our  first Portait group.

To see more lovely pictures of this workshop and some really nice portraits, click here. 

I truly do not know when I will be able to conduct another workshop as I am working hard on my 3rd book which is again a full length novel.

Until then, I have some truly warm and wonderful memories of my first portrait workshop.


  1. this must really be a great experience.

    I was meaning to ask you on fb about your class and that I am waiting for a post on your first workshop experience.. I thought about it twice when i was doing something else(was not online) and saw your post before i actually asked you :)

    The post workshop portraits do show mark improvement but I am thinking, to be able to make the before ones, did these guys have and were practicing some art before?

    Thanks for sharing..

  2. Wow..
    you know this reminds me of something i started my career as a teacher .. then offcourse i came ot uk .. but those 2-3 years taught me a lot and the relations i had with the studens was amazing I still am in touch with many of them and seeing them do good in there life and the ysending letters and emails is indeed a proud moment ..


  3. Lovely! The before and after pictures show such remarkable improvement....this workshop must have done wonders to these people's confidence. So glad you are passing along what you are good at. Each one of us should do that in our own way.

  4. wow, Preeti, this is truly awesome. The ear, eyes, they've done it so well. (was looking at the other pics)

    I've been looking out for a workshop like this in gurgaon, but no success.

  5. Hi Preeti,

    I have passed on an award to you :) Details are here

    love Sarika

  6. Great Going Preeti... having a talent is a blessing... but the willingness to share it with others and improving them shows your passion for the talent... I am sure you make yourself perfect when you teach others .

  7. WOW....thats indeed some great work....kudos to u!!!

    You are a great inspiration to many including me.....I have started taking tips on using pencil shades from the sample pictures you have posted on FB...thanks a ton....

  8. I am in Bangalore .. really intersted in pencil sketching.. have done a few myself.. but have never been trained. please let me know if you conduct any other workshops in the future.. I would love to attend it!

  9. Wow superb work..

  10. Sundari: thank you :)

    Jaanaki: Likely to be announcing it on blog. Drop me a mail and I will save it and let you know about next ones.

    Vidya: Happy to help.

    Rajshree: Thankks!

  11. Sarika: thank you :)

    Suma: :-) :-)


    Bikramjit:Thanks! Yes, the relationship with 'students' is special indeed.

    Mindspace: It helps if you have drawn a little bit before. But the workshop is for complete beginners too.

  12. WoW Preeti, Absolutely loved the potraits and can distinctly see the improvements but like mindspace said --the before pictures also showed that atleast 1 person had some experince in drawing, what about the others, were they like total beginners u know like me who when said drawing can only do the classic house, river and coconut tree :).. its a real pleasure to teach and see your students absorbing it so much. Truly a wonderful feeling and am so sure you must have been such a great inspiration to all of them.


  13. Horizon: Thanks :) I do think that as long as one has observation powers and a deep inclination to learn, then drawing can indeed be taught. It also depends on how keen one is to learn, and how hard one is prepared to work.

  14. kudos to you.. the portraits are just amazing :)

  15. Hi, amazing work! They were able to produce such good portraits after the workshop speaks a lot about how you conducted it - in terms of inspiring and motivating them, along with teaching them the essential tips and guidelines. Congrats! :D

  16. aahhh... what else can i say more than " i missed it". Looking forward for a second chance Preeti!! And all the best on your 3rd book!!!!


  17. wow.. really nice.. thats great improvement from first sketch to second one.. i wish i could also improve on my strokes.. :)
    i still can do with the face.. cant draw eyes properly.. :(

  18. The before and after pics are different and better than those foreign product advertisements appearing in channels. It was unbelievable to see the same artist doing such a great sketch. Not only the student sketched really well, it is proven thatvyou have taught the really well. Very good :)))

  19. The before and after pics are different and better than those foreign product advertisements appearing in channels. It was unbelievable to see the same artist doing such a great sketch. Not only the student sketched really well, it is proven thatvyou have taught the really well. Very good :)))


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