Bhag bhag D.K Bose

" Better complete your homework. Else I will e-mail your teacher that I reminded you and yet you goofed off."
"Maaa! Will you snitch on us?"
"Of course!"
"Okay, then we will call up your publisher and sing 'Bhag bhag D.K Bose'. In chorus."

 I am still  chuckling as I type this  :)
And guess who is not writing that e-mail ... LOL  :D

Edited to add:
And for all those shocked people who are asking if my children have seen the movie--no they have not. And no--they do not know any Hindi swear words either.


  1. Lol, brilliant children those:P
    They just gave me an idea... *Maaa....*

    Mamma moments indeed..

  2. That was so cute! kids are so smart :)

  3. Haha. Kids learning the ways of the world. And practicing on Mommy. I like that :P

  4. What??? Ur kids know the meaning of those words?!?!?

  5. Pointblank: Added the post-script after your comment and after someone emailed me asking the same. Lighten up folks!

    Sunita: :D

    Sucheta: :-) They of course didnt mean it. They're loyal :P :)

    Prathima: :) They were kidding :)

    Priyanka :) yep.

  6. ha ha ha ha kids are much like nuclear weapons, rub your shoulders in the wrong way with them and they will drive you crazy..sweet monsters :) and adorable as chocolate :)

  7. Anonymous9:14 AM

    ROFL - your kids are too cute :). this is the only movie i have watched in the theatre since anna was born - it was gross but i loved it! was really shocked to see kids in the hall. what were their parents thinking?

  8. :D smart kids! I really love this quality about kids, they almost always sense what is wrong or right even if they don't know the meaning or relevance behind it.

  9. Wanderer: They were just fooling around :) They will never do it just as I i woild never snicth og them :)

    Annastales : :-) Yeah its not suitable for kids at all.

    Wanderlust :D

    Wanderer: You said it! :) Though mine are indeed chocolate most of the time :)

  10. :) Oh wow... that chorus will be awesome to hear !

    PS: I love the new font styling on the blog :)

  11. I now need to listen to this song.. have no idea what it is.. But looks like kids are ragging you too.. sweet :)

  12. Now for some shocker..I still have not heard this song despite reading about the controversies in newspapers:)))and yes I very much stay in India :))
    I m at work so no chance of me listening to this song rt now..will listen to it soon though...

  13. clever kids know how to have there way .. yayyyyyyyyyyyyy

    is your publishers name d.K. bose :) he he hehe


  14. hehe..with kids around you just done know what surprises will spring around


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