Ten day you challenge--post 1. Ten secrets.

Just a little while back, I was going through my old archives and realised that almost all my posts now have evolved and changed into 'writer's posts' or 'Author posts'. There were hardly any "this-is-who-i-am" blogger posts! :-) They used to be such fun when I used to do them, a few years back. I decided to make amends and do some 'true-blue blogger' posts. No sooner had I decided that, I stumbled across this '10 day you challenge'. It was almost as if the Universe was conspiring to make me do some real 'reveal-yourself' blogging posts. I never say no to the Universe :-) And so here I am, taking up this Ten day Challenge. One has to post for ten consecutive days, on the above topics given in the visual.

So here goes Ten secrets about myself for post 1. (Gosh, this is hard! )

1.  People who toss away  deep friendships casually, especially for their own selfish reasons,  piss me off big time.

2. I'm slightly very disdainful of people who give advice about bringing up children when they do not have children of their own.

3.Possesiveness and jealousy in people is a trait I find very hard to tolerate.

4. Yoga and physical fitness are my religions. I am a huge fitness buff.

5. My will power is something I am very proud of. If I say NO to something it would be a NO and I will not give in, no matter what the temptation.

6.I detest oranges. I will not touch them, I will not peel them and I will not eat them.

7.Breaking a promise is something I will never do and it is something I can never condone. I do believe in keeping up my word and I expect the same from others. I am still shocked when people break promises or go back on their words.

8. I am derisive of men who cannot stand up to their wives or girl-friends, especially when the woman is a you-know-what. I am equally derisive of women who do not have the guts to stand up for themselves when their boyfriend or husband is treating them badly.

9.I am still secretly  very pleased when people are so surprised about my age and tell me I look much much younger than my years. :-) Whenever someone does that, I go and repeat what they say to Satish and seek his approval :-) (yeah, I'm such a kid that way)

10.My biggest secret is the identity of the characters in my second book 'life is what you make it". I can never reveal who the real life ones are.This is a secret which will go to the grave with me.

There you have it--ten secrets of mine. :-)
Just noticed that the author in me had to come out somewhere and it did in point ten. :-)
Shrug..somethings never change!

Post 2 (nine loves) tomorrow.

If anyone wants to join me on this journey of ten day challenge, jump in. Water is warm  and it is a sunny day;-) :-)


  1. Preeti- Ur articles are always a pleasure to read- and Im definitely going to buy all ur book on my next trip back to India-( I wont call it home for certain reasons though :(()
    Im taking up this challenge with you :D


  2. Enjoyed knowing your secrets :)

  3. HOW can you not like oranges!! :P
    I was just fighting with mom when she was pushing an apple down my throat, saying that oranges are so much better. Hehe

    Yay, nice! I have NEVER in 2 years done a 'this-is-me' kinda post. Not the 10 day thing, but I'll do one soon. I loved the 7 days of positivity :-)
    Looking forward to 9 loves: 3-4 we already know, maybe :P

  4. HOW can you not like oranges!! :P
    I was just fighting with mom when she was pushing an apple down my throat, saying that oranges are so much better. Hehe

    Yay, nice! I have NEVER in 2 years done a 'this-is-me' kinda post. Not the 10 day thing, but I'll do one soon. I loved the 7 days of positivity :-)
    Looking forward to 9 loves: 3-4 we already know, maybe :P

  5. I can take this one too... Lemme give it a shot :-)

    I am one of the people who would fall in category 2 but then I don't give my advice to people but I may have views about parenting, some of the being pretty strong.

    I would love to be a fitness buff like you but then laziness just takes over me :-(

    I was too tempted to write a mail regarding the characters when I read the book but then dropped the idea :-)

  6. Hey nice to read 8 secrets of urs (well, most of regular readers would know atleast 2 of them ;)) Happy to know that u'r going to post such interesting stuff for 10 days!! Keep it up! ;)

  7. Interesting secrets!!! waiting to read the other challenges!!!

  8. Vidya: thanks!!

    Bhavika: heh heh..which are the two secrets you already knew?

    Prats: Oh no--I did not mean you at all when I was talkign about people without kids giving gyaaan..soweeeee!! :-) You have very valid points Prateek and I did so enjoy that meeting that day!will look forward to your posts if you do this.let me know.

    Sucheta: Which one you know? say say..and how can you LIKE oranges?! YUCK!! :-)

  9. Tan:Thank you :-D

    Eve-o-lution: Thanks! A hug to you too! :-)

  10. wow this is really interesting.I'm in


  11. I have been reading ur blog on and off for a while... So I already know 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 (u have stated some, i have gathered sme reading ur blogs)... But this seems to be an interesting challenge. I would love to take it up some time.

  12. Ah ha this was wonderful insight :)
    i share your hatered for oranges. I cannot undersatdn how anyone can eat them. Most of all i hate their smell.

    Ok - so i took up the challenge too..here is secret diary :)


  13. Ha Ha! secret is something which you should not reveal..:)

  14. Venkat: Now that you know my secrets you HAVE to tell ten of yours! Go on--say fast! ;-) :-)

    Life begins: read and commented too :)

    CocktaiL: you're an observant reader!

    Aish: Commented :)

  15. :) have never done a series before.
    Here I am.
    Thanks Preeti.

  16. First time picking up a challenge :)


  17. now this is interesting, Preeti!!! I loved it, and m inspired to write mine too, can i borrow d idea? :)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I am going to take up this challenge as well Preeti.

    Btw, knowing you are a huge fitness buff is barely a secret :) And I, too, hate people who toss away deep friendships.

  20. Aahaa! a teacher inside preeti is coming out with stick & order:))
    secret no:1,2,3,4-10 are so secret, so i can't reveal. hehe:)

  21. here is mine

  22. ooh - good one. I will pick this up starting tomorrow :). I did the seven day positivity one and it was good.

    #3 - I might disagree on possessiveness. I tend to be possessive about my family and close ones. I hope I am not hard to tolerate :).

    #5 - It takes me a while to say NO (I am guessing longer than you) but when I DO, I am the same.

    #6 - I love oranges. Any fruit for that matter.

    Rest others, all I can say is, I'm proud of each one of them :).

  23. Well... the two sectrets which I knew were:
    1)U r a HUGE fitness buff and practice yoga regularly.

    2)U can't tolerate the way people toss away their years long freindship casually.

    So.... Howz that?;)

    And yes, I do agree with the 2nd point..It has happened with me also and FINALLY I have managed leave that emotional baggage from my heart (To some extent, credit goes to ur tumblr post!)

    Looking forward to know ur fears!!

  24. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I saw it late but I am starting right now :-) I totally like this idea!

  25. Anonymous11:45 AM

    oh my!!i love oranges so so much...and the last point made u very secretive...

  26. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Nice screts .. but the thing is they r not secrets anymore :)
    I am so with point one , I hate those people and Once i turn my back no matter what they can never be in my good books . I values friendship veyr high ..


  27. The magic continues and now am hooked to this challenges. Starting today. Loved all your posts. Will be commenting on them as I write mine. wonderful read Priti

  28. Hey preeti,

    Taken up your challenge!! would work hard on writing 10 consecutive days.. seems tough though :) (I am not a writer , I scribble ;p!!)



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