10 day challenge.Post 4. Seven wants.

This is a part of the 10 day challenge which I started here.

Post 3 is Seven Wants.

  1. 3 holidays in Maldives each year. (Each Holiday lasting for 7 days will do :-))
  2. A  foot and body massager who/which does a super-terrific job.
  3. A Painting holiday in Venice.(Intend doing that in the near future.Satish does not know. Heh heh heh)
  4. Luxurious Spa and beauty treatments every week.(preferably on mondays so i have something to look forward to)
  5. A book writing machine. I just think and it writes out everything without my having to slog.
  6. A robot like Richie Rich’s Irona to take care of all the housework.And oh yes, while I am at it, a Butler like  Cadbury would be nice too. 
  7. A quiet place to which nobody has access but me. I want absolute silence in this space. Not a single sound. Not even a leaf should stir. It should be completely zen like—lots of light, greenery, minimalist furnishing and Ohm symbols and Buddha statues in it.
 Just realised after I wrote out the above that my wants are truly not 'unachievable' --except 5 and 6 perhaps :) 
And I do have a very zen like room full of my books and paintings and my beloved writing desk.Nobody is allowed to enter unless I allow. This is my private study, my sanctuary. Will post pics sometime.

See you tomorrow with 6 places :)


    1. That sanctuary like place sounds so amazing. A place designated to do one's likings. I think thats so so important. And I guess even more important to an author!

    2. The wants are interesting just like the author herself!! you have stretched your beautiful imagination brilliantly!!!....the book writing machine is just brilliant...hope somebody invents one soon!!!
      The idea for the peaceful area, a personal sanctum is awesome....

    3. That sounds me....I want all of them too..

    4. Simple wants :P
      I remember telling the same 5th point you wrote here, in an interview when asked about the most innovative thing I had thought up, I still remember the amused look on the interviewers' face :D

      One can never have enough holidays, nice post :-)

      I'll take it up for sure!

    5. Luv pt 2 and pt is a must definitely :)
      For fears I said I would have a long list but had to really think after pt 5.

    6. Horizon: point which is a 'must'? :)Will check out your list.

      Nandana: Sure..leave me a link when you do and I will read and comment :)

      Prats:Same pinch!

      Vidya:Thanks so much. I already have a zen like 'creation' room :)

      Aathira: Come home with your baby! Will show my room to you. (very few people are allowed in there :) )

    7. Anonymous11:39 AM

      7 wants..the last one should the most imp i guess..Yeah!!My space is needed and private for me too,...Solace are most of the times thought provoking..I just cant live without them

    8. Anonymous3:47 PM

      wow Maldives hmm now thats a good choiuce , me too ...

      Venice thats 4th holiday..

      All the best with them and heres wishing you get all 7 and many more :)


    9. Anonymous3:47 PM

      wow Maldives hmm now thats a good choiuce , me too ...

      Venice thats 4th holiday..

      All the best with them and heres wishing you get all 7 and many more :)


    10. Ooh maybe 5 and 6 are possible too! :P

      Really cool wants! Thats it, I'm doing a meme post as soon as I get back to delhi.

    11. Point 5 is awesome :)... Hope u get one ;)

    12. Pt 6 (on Irona and Cadbury) has been my secret wishlist wsince god knows when too!!


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