The Turtle and the Moonfish--the story continues

 Some time back I had written a poem about the Turtle and the Moonfish. This is Part 2 of what happened since then.Click here to read the first poem.

 The Turtle and the moon fish--the story continues

sad turtle

Over the horizon,
Under the sea,
The turtle had got over the moonfish
And had let the past be.

Along came a Starfish,
So friendly and kind.
It was just the antidote,
A bruised turtle hoped to find.

They laughed and they talked,
And spent many happy hours together.
They liked each other (a lot),
And said would be there forever, for each other.

The turtle sang and celebrated,
And  she felt so grateful.
For getting a true friend,
Her heart was overflowing and full.

She thought over it (a lot),
As she had been hurt before.
She wanted to be safe,
Yet, she longed for more.

Finally she decided,
Risk it she must.
She would tell him of her love,
And in  her love she would trust.

She was  certain he loved her too,
So she told him and she waited.
But as each day passed,
Her heart little by little deflated.

She could bear it no longer.
She picked up the phone.
She heard herself begging him (for more),
She could also hear him groan.

She was quiet as she listened,
With a trembling heart.
The words he uttered pierced her,
Deep, like a dart.

He did not say,
Such a whole lot.
Just two simple words
“ I forgot.”

© 2011 Preeti Shenoy

For more poems click here. Some poems have already appeared in print. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.


  1. practicality sparks..........but the show goes on nd on.

  2. Ohhh No!! I thot the turtle will find her true love this time... Does this mean a woman should never propose and let the man pursue always???

  3. Very nicely written. Loved the first part bit more than the second:)

    I am trying to guess the Moral of the story:)

  4. Nice....I feel bad for the turtle...

  5. Oh Ho. That's a tough one. Make it a bit better in Part 3 please ......

  6. a touching gives a feeling of 'Picture abhi baaki hai mere dosth'..
    I agree with Ramesh and want the tables to be turned !! :) Give it a happy ending puhlease...

  7. Nice one.. The turtle is falling into relationship trap cycle.. Ultimately she will lose the trust on any person in future.. May be her prince charming is just on the horizon... :)

  8. Aww poor turtle!
    This poem reminds me of the walrus and the carpenter by lewis carrol..similar feel :)
    Love 'em both!

  9. Nice, but was really hoping the turtle would get her true love this time, how much we crave for happy endings!

  10. oh damn! and I thought the turtle will get a happy ending this time !

  11. Ruch: Foolish turtle!

    Thinker: true--we all want happy endings. But life is not a hindi movie. Life is what you make it ;-)

    Sucheta: tahnk you m'am!

    Sushobhan: She should learn to be quiet and not go expressing her love, me thinks :P :)

  12. VPP: Let's wait and watch!

    Ramesh: But the path of true love was never easy! ;-) :)

    Caterpillar: Foolish turtle. Deserves it :P :)

    Prathima: Just a poem :) Did not intend a moral as such :P

    Pointblank: I don't know. I guess it is specific to each situation.

    Fantasy: yes--the show must go on. Welcome to my blog. I guess this is the first time I am seeing you around.

  13. oh no!! I thought the turtle found her love too!! Better luck next time uh!!? I hope she does not become depressed in life now!!

    Good day!


  14. poor poor turtle!

  15. awwwwwwwww--poor poor turtle...but now turtle knows that moon fish and starfish were not destined for her...she will get someone much better whom she will appreciate more :)

    Loved the writing - 1st & 2nd part
    waiting for results tmrw to see if I win a signed copy of THE BOOK :)

  16. Nicely written, and simple to read. A bit sad at the end; but yes, life is what it is. In a way, this is not supporting 'life is what you make of it', but forcing you to take life as it comes....

  17. Lovely...
    but feeling sad for the turtle..


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