Reviews and Dial a book--Life is what you make it .A novel by Preeti Shenoy.

As might be expected and understandable, it is my second book which has completely taken over my life these days. The photo above was clicked two days back, minutes after I got my second book in my hand.

This is what the back cover says: (click to enlarge and read it)

Many people had already pre-ordered the book, and many of them got it even before I did!
 The initial reviews which are coming in are excellent, heart-warming and extremely positive.

Here is  what people have said about the book:

Sucheta Tiwari said:

Preeti has dealt with a real issue in a very real manner. Mental health is real. It exists and making it a taboo only accentuates the problem. She tells us that pretty girls who have it all can have a disease of the mind as much as they can have a road accident. They can also deal with it if given the right kind of support.

I only have to say that a hundred bucks is nothing for a read like this. Generally books from young, new authors are considered light "metro" reads. While I will refrain from estimating it's literary value (which is a matter of personal choice anyway), I will go out on a limb and say that this is what new age classics are made of. A real issue, characters we can relate to, a very practical yet emotional approach.

Loved it!
Ruchira Shukla said:

There are two things that stand out about this book. One is the unusual but very sensitive topic that Preeti has chosen to write about. Almost all the books that we read now days are either chic lits, or books about college life (I am sick of Books about life in IITs and management institutes! ) or about the corporate jungle. Preeti has dared to go off the beaten track to write about a topic few people know anything about, let alone would care to write about. The second thing that actually makes this book such a good read is the way Preeti has written it. The topic could have been dealt in a cold clinical manner or in an over emotional rambling way that would just make the reader pity Ankita and shed tears. Preeti however, has dealt with the issue in a very sensitive and perceptive manner without being over dramatic. In the first part of the book, She takes us through Ankita’s life as a college student with the usual escapades and happenings that gives us that `been there done that` feeling and brings a smile to our lips. But Preeti truly comes into her own as a writer in the second half of the book when Ankita goes through an emotional roller coaster thanks to Bipolar Disorder. Preeti has described the fears, agonies, frustration and pain that Ankita goes through in a very touching yet realistic manner that moves you beyond words and leaves you totally numb. The narration is simple, yet extremely eloquent. Words flow easily and lucidly and do a much better job in portraying feelings and emotions than complicated or intricate sentences would have done. Life is what you make it is that rare blend of emotions, sensitivity and excellent writing that makes Preeti a class apart from the other writers that we see these days.

 Click here to read her full review

Nandana Nallapu said:

"A gripping account of an young achiever's story, valuable, not just for the wonderful insight into the life of a person with psychological disorders, but for its significant power of how sheer courage and determination can overcome anything.
The research that went into the coverage of the illness is commendable.The impact of this illness on lives, careers and family is beautifully narrated and it imbues compassion in dealing with persons suffering with such disorders.

The author deserves praise for not getting dramatic or emotional in dealing with such a heart-warming story,yet it is an endearing read!!

Well-researched and well-written, the book imparts a substantive understanding of the illness itself. It breaks several stereotypes and shows how mental disorders can happen to even the best of people.But what works even best is the how the author stood true to the title of the book.

It all comes down to the grit of a young person to kickstart life successfully and thats what matters most-the unending zest to live life to the fullest !!"

Rashmi Banka said:

There was not even a single para in book which i felt like skipping.I loved Ankita's last letter to  Vaibhav the most...This book has put such a impact on me which I cannot describe in words..Sometimes we tend to live monotonous life and make official goals and promotions and career objectives as utmost goal of life.This book make me stop and rethink..

One can see flashes of brilliance from Preeti  in the story in portions where Ankita after joining for her dream course MBA in Bombay, raptures through the beginnings of her bipolar disorder, quenching her thirst for creativity which borders between being normal and abnormal.

All the emotions experienced by the young , intelligent and beautiful protagonist Ankita Sharma are very well defined !
Preeti has managed to express the ups and downs in the young lady 's life beautifully . Life is never a constant , each day is different .It is important to understand this and accept the highs with a smile and over come the lows with determination !! This is exactly how Ankita triumphs over the difficult phase in her life .
A must read for everyone :)
There have been many more mails pouring in, praising my efforts. Thank you so much folks. I am truly moved and ecstatic at the same time, as it was truly not easy at all, writing a book like this. (please read Authors note in the book).

The book is now on No.2 position on Top releases at Flipkart!

Many people from Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad , Kolkata and Kerala mailed me to tell me that the book stores have not yet got the book.
When I called up Crossword Bangalore today, they said it will take at least another 15 days for the book to reach the stores.
You can order my book on Flipkart and they deliver within 3 days.

However, many are reluctant to use a credit card online. For those who cannot wait to read it and yet do not want to go online to order,  my books are now available on 'Dial a book'. And yes--ordering the book is as simple as it sounds.
If you are anywhere in India, just call  9650-457-457 . (prefix a 0 if calling from outside Delhi)  and place your order. You pay cash on delivery (and it is free delivery too!) They have free delivery to 27 Indian cities. You can even sms them or place an order on their FB page or you can even mail them on
 I spoke to them this morning and they are really sweet :-)
In case you want to win signed copies of both my books, there will be fun discussions and fun contests on the FB page of 'Life is what you make it'. (yes, its a very happening page!)

See you there folks and thanks so much for the love!


  1. Hi Preethi, you deserve all this attention and love.. It is an excellent book!!



  2. Thanks a lot Reshmi! Much much appreciate :))

  3. Glad for you, Preeti!

  4. Reviews are tempting to hold the book soon :)

    Hope i get the book delivered today.

  5. Sundari: hope you do! :)

    Bindu: thanks so much :)

  6. well done! and many congratulations!:)

  7. Congratulations Preeti :)

  8. Congratulations Preeti

  9. Thank you Ariel,Sweta and ram pyaari!

  10. I remember asking you about your book. Now its already out and a huge success too. Feels good.

    Congratulations :-)

    Do let me know if you're coming to Hyderabad to promote it

  11. Thanks nandana :) and your review was truly superb.

  12. hi preeti,

    Congrats on the release of your second book.I have ordered for the same at flipkart and am awaiting the book desperately.

    Wishing you success always,


  13. Congratulations! I wish you a grand success. Great reviews & I'm really looking forward to read it :)

  14. much is, so happy for u Preeti. Cant wait to get my hands on your book:-)))))))!!!!

  15. Hi Preeti,
    I've been reading your blog regularly. Just now ordered your book in flipkart. Waiting eagerly to read the book:-)


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. HEllo preeti!
    well i finished the book rapidly !!it is among very few books which i finished so fast!!! I loved it in and out..started writing a review..It got so huge that i blogged it :) felt u would like to read it posting here!!! KEEP WRITING!!! :) and ATB

    my review:

  18. Preeti:

    I have not had BPD, but have gone through the tunnel of Depression and am still under treatment for it. I was smiling through the entire reading of Ankita's misery. Not because I am a sadist; but because I've been there, done that.

    Trust me, for a person who has not had a person tryst with SSRIs, MAOIs et al., you have done a fantastic work of looking inside the mind of a depressed person. I trust that comes from the social work you have done for the cause. You are truly gifted.

    Flipkart recently delivered both of your books (money well invested!) and I read through them in a single day.


  19. Congrats on the release of your second book.

    I have ordered for the same at flipkart and it delivered Friday at my office. I am not getting so much time to read while coming and going from the office I am reading it... It is amzaing... All the best for next book by the way when ur next book will release :)... will be waiting for 3rd one. All the best.

  20. Congrats on the release of your second book.

    I have ordered for the same at flipkart and it delivered Friday at my office. I am not getting so much time to read while coming and going from the office I am reading it... It is amzaing... All the best for next book by the way when ur next book will release :)... will be waiting for 3rd one. All the best.

  21. Congrats on the release of your second book.

    I have ordered for the same at flipkart and it delivered Friday at my office. I am not getting so much time to read while coming and going from the office I am reading it... It is amzaing... All the best for next book by the way when ur next book will release :)... will be waiting for 3rd one. All the best.

  22. Last week, I read your book, Life is what you make it. Normally I’m not a big fan of English literature and students’ type love story and all is not my taste. But your book really influenced me. It’s very good, interesting, emotional, and heart-touching. But it’s not only the reason that I have liked this book.

    Actually, your story made me scared. I know a character that is much similar to ankita. Although she is happy in her life now and living her life with full energy. She has forgotten her past completely. But what if something happened as happened with ankita. This fear made me scared.

    Anyways your book is very enjoyable and I have finished it in continue two sittings. Thanks for giving me this joy and a new idea. This book really deserves not only BESTSELLER but MANBOOKER also.


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