The most beautiful person in the whole world

Today is one of those days when nothing has gone right. It's been a lousy day through and through. And on days like this, it really shows on my face.

My daughter (who is nine) is very perceptive. One look at me and she knows what is going on inside my head. Sometimes I think she must have been a crystal gazer in her previous avatar.
"Mum," she  asks, "Are you fed up of life?"
(yeah, the kid says stuff like that. I am convinced she is an old, old soul in a young body)
" Yes, I feel like that,"  I reply.

"Mum, I must tell you one thing honestly. Even if you have pimples or all those marks on your face, you are the most beautiful person in the whole world."

I am so amused I chuckle.

"Thank you," I say.

And I mean it.

And I know she means it too.

Ps: There is a fun contest happening on FB page of 'Life is what you make it'. It is 'Can you tell a story in 6 words?' . It has got  terrific response.There is a book give-away for it--signed copies of BOTH my books! Check it out and submit your entries here.


  1. Hi Preeti,
    I am sure that comment made for all that did not happen right today. It happens with me sometime.

  2. I am sure that this comment would have made up your day.

  3. So sweet of purvi, she had made your day :)

  4. Aw so have amazing insights.

  5. kids are really close to nature and r truly mind readers. T feel the same when my 18 mths old son... amazes me by his touch. His wobbling words almost make feel rejuvenated.

  6. how sweet and how perceptive of Purvi ! you must have felt all good and sunshiny after that !

  7. I think kids are real stress busters that way :)

  8. you ARE beautiful from within :) and she senses that :)


  9. I loveeeeee Purvi!!

  10. You heard what you truly needed to hear...voice of God:) Your hypothesis may be right!

  11. awww..thats just so sweet!

  12. Purvi is such a cutie pie! And is too adorable for words. My regards to the little girl and you!

  13. And Preeti...I hav tagged you on-

    I so wish you take it up and I bet you sure are gonna enjoy doing it!


  14. I could almost visualise the conversation happening...and i know how much any mom would have lighted up after that!!
    Look at it this way - if your day hadnt been as lousy, you wouldnt have heard such a sweet confession from her.
    kids are so adorable....

  15. Aww.....she's so sweet...I wish that some day, when I have a kid, she'd be like Purvi...:)

  16. such honesty is always so fulfillinf isn't it....Purvi is such an affectionate kid and i'm sure you know that :)

  17. Thats such an innocent and honest statement from your daughter!! It must have surely pepped u up!! aint u?? :)

  18. Cho Chweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!
    Indeed ur a very beautiful person!!!!!!

    Ur book was amazing, finished reading it in a single sitting.

    All the Best!!

  19. Hahaha
    Kids always tell the truth!! :)

  20. Rohit: Yep ;-)

    Gayu:Thanks! Do post it under the 'discussions' tab on my FB page for book pls!

    Caterpillar:Thatashtu! :))

    SK: Na--i was just amused :)

    Gopikaa:Thanks for the tag! Will try to do it. Not sure if I can though! (being honest here).I did read yours. But blogger did not let me leave a comment.

    Ram pyaari: Thanks!

    Prerna: yeah--who knows!

  21. Mamta: me too ;-) :))

    Shachi: That means I am not beautiful from outside.Thank you very much. (LOL) :D :-))

    Rads: Yeah--they are :)

    Ruch: i was amused! :)

    Pinky: I can imagine!

  22. Sucheta: they say the darndest things :))

    Sundari, prats: I was amused actually.

    Bimal: She keeps drawing pictures of me :)

  23. Just read your reply....and I expected the exact one :P....

  24. Shachi: You know me soooo well then ;-) :D

  25. Loved this one:-)
    I have felt the depth of what you express here!!!!My 6 yr old princess gifts me such moments and I have a post "Thank her Why's" on my page which is on similiar topic.If you catch me on, it'll be an honour to me.


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