John Cena V/s S

Really sorry--I have had to remove this post as it will soon appear in a book. Making it available online would have been very unfair to my publisher who has placed so much trust in me. I hope you enjoy the other posts as much as you enjoyed this one. A heartfelt thanks for your support and understanding.Thanks for continuing to read what I write.


  1. P...u r the best!!!! I just luvvvvvvv the way u write.

  2. hey really nice post:-)

    kids are jus soo much fun to be wid,their imagination n ideas..*giggles*

    btw this is the first time i am reading ur blog. its AWESOME!!!
    I sooo wanna grow up to be a mom like u:P

  3. One happy family. Stay blessed :-)

  4. My new iPod Touch's world clock says it's 6:30 in the morning in Mumbai. Good morning to you in Pune, Ps.

    John Cena. John Cena? To me, an American whose only other language is Spanish, this simply means John Dinner. Is that perhaps a little bit of what YOU were thinking, Ps? Hmmmmmm?

  5. I am so happy that A and P came to their senses. Look at S. Just LOOK at that adorable and adoring facia.

  6. There is nothing like being married to a man who is an excellent father! I agree. What would we do without da-da!

  7. sweet story!
    and a even more sweet family!

    - the other shru

  8. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Hahaha.. this is one awesomely cute conversation.

  9. HAHAAAA!!!! Mommy and I had a good good laugh!! Seee... Atul's coming up with interesting questions too LOL!!

  10. That was interesting and you handled the situation well!

  11. Pai: I could say the same to you--"You are the best!" (and you know I mean it!)

    Ayesha:Thanks for that FAB compliment!

    Chitra:Thanks pal!Same wishes to you.

    Gawpo: Cena for dinner? Hmmm--It never occured to me ;-) And of course you are right--S is adorable.

    Julie: heh heh--I sent the link to your site to one of my friends.I just loved your sidewalk post.

    The other Shru:Not always the sweet an happy family--but 90% od the time, yes. Thanks!

    J : :-) Thinking kids=Momma who has to thnk harder!

    Shru:Oh yes--They have attended my thinking workshops ever since they were babies.So they do ask a LOT of thinking questions.

    Indrani: It was supposed to me amusing and funny--oh well--never mind.Thanks anyway! :-)

  12. This was so cute and funny...I loved the way you answered calm but so much humour ...trying to keep the weighing scales even..

  13. What a lovely post... I loved the arguments in S's favor!! :)

  14. Lovely lovely! Ur the only person who make me feel kids r actually worth the effort! n the pain! At other times I cringe at the mere thot of it!

  15. Prats: heheh--the many hats we moms have to wear!

    Preethi: Shall tell S:-)

    Pointblank: I'm sharing only the 'nice bits'.What is concealed is 10 years of slogging to get them to this level! But for me, its totally worth it!

  16. You brought them around just fine. loved it. :) My little one is just 3. So for now, her dad is her hero. I'll have to put him on alert i think he heee

  17. Go S! He surely has a magical power as he can win contests even when he's not physically present. How's that for a super-hero?

    Great post Preeti :)

  18. :) This story made me smile.

  19. Cool post friend, I enjoy reading your blogs.

  20. I have to declare it to be one awesome post :)
    These little cute family moments...
    you are blessed!

  21. Oh yea. Wonderfully done. I like this post but I think I like John Cena as well and say Rock and oh yea Austin. But I think these are all much worth seeing on the screen, eventually.

    It just takes hours for me to realize Neha, Kim Kardashian blah blah are actually the dainty dolls on stage and on real life they might be a distant possibility (they may not be but for me it sure is !)

    Good on you and take it easy

  22. aww I want kids! :)


  23. :-D i like the way S said it 'ofcourse, ...not him'. showz that you both r soulmates :-DDD

  24. That is a great story and I love your husbands remark :)

    I have never heard of John Cena though!

  25. Hi Preeti,

    To have you always giving your best to in your blogposts, he must definitely be the best in your life making you feel at peace and contended anytime.

  26. I loved the way you handled the questions.....Great Parenting!

  27. I have never heard of John Cena, from the pic he is ok.... very sweet account!! :)

  28. sweet post Preeti :)

  29. ahem, hmmm, haw, well what can I say now. Not that I felt John Cenna was any comparison for your's truely (the paragon of all virtues). But as they say it is good to be acknowledged and take one's true place in the world of fame. Well now let me stop before I get smacked for conceit.

    Just another instance however which makes you adore the childish innocence and also fall more in love with the kiddos.
    ps - you're not too bad yourself, speaks for itself in terms of your writing skills, the well brought up kids and husband and of course the tact with which you make even an S feel like a hunk. lol.

  30. Balu: thanks!

    Preethi: hee hee--left a comment on your poem--I loved it.

    DM : :-) Go S! I loved that!

    Sweetsticky: :-) Glad it did.

    Fruitu: Thanks!!

    Raaji: thanks my friend--I do feel blessed.

    Swahilya: thank you.

    Vik: :-)

    Keshi: There's TOTAL hardwork before they get to this stage--but oh my god--its COMPLETELY worth it!Such unconditional love and acceptance.

    xh: :-)

    Bob_Kat: He is a WWH wrestler,also a rapper and has also acted in a movie.

    Hari: he drives me up the wall too sometimes--but yes--he's always there for me--and most mortantly understands me completely.I do feel fortunate.

    VJ: Thanks my friend!

    Pretty woman: Google him--he is gorgeuos--not as gorgeuos as S of course--but still! :-)

    Padma: thanks!

  31. S: You know I mean every word of it--and I am honoured to find YOU in my comment box! ;-) You ARE the best--there's no doubt.

  32. This was so sweet.. preeti...that was smart handling too...

    aren't these moments precious?

  33. Preeti..Preeti..Whr are you??

  34. Cjitra: nice to be missed! You called--and here I am!!

  35. Hey, i am still smilling. After yesterday's sad incident, ur post lightened me, and bought a smile on my face. :)

    U r a smart woman, love the way u handle the kids. Instead of giving in or not showing what u truly feel, u discuss with them ur viewpoint and give them a fair chance to analyze their opinions. Undoubtedly, they would become really smart kids, with an ear to listen, appreciate and value others opinions. U r a lovely mommy and ofcourse, S is adorable.

  36. ahhw..I literally did that! Kids can be so adorably innocent they can. You seem to have a lovely family.
    “Of course. That is why your Mom married me, not him.”
    That’s the best bit!!!

  37. Hello Madam,
    Iam Dr.Arivind. I just love kids. Thats especially the reason that I dint take up Pedaitrics - couldnt bear them suffer. (Iam doing MS General Surgery - exams next month)
    Loved the way you handled the situation, especially given the IQ levels of the present day kids. Hats off!

  38. Oh P, what an adorable conversation, your replies to the kids were soo unexpected and funny! Cooking all day? LOL, I couldn't help but laugh a lot! And the way you handled the whole situation was perfect, wisely showing them the virtues of their father! And then, S's witty comment was the 'cherry on the cake'! :)

  39. That was really cute post. Loved it very much :-)

  40. Karthik: Thanks!

    Guto: :-)YOU are very very good for my soul!

    Dr.Arvind:Thanks so much.I really appreciate your leaving me a comment.

    Aiswarya:Oh yes--that line won me over too! I appreciate your stopping by and leaving me a comment.Thanks!

    Misti:Told S that you said he is adorable :-) He was smiling too :-)

  41. And I forgot to add. The lovely conversation b/w you and your kids reminded me of the lines from the movie 'Life is Beautiful' b/w Roberto Benigni and his son! This film was suggested to me by my aunt who suffered a tragic loss a year ago, and I have fallen in love with this movie ever since. And was equally amused to see it happening in real life through your blog. Your posts in 'mama moments' are the ones I love the most.

  42. Dr.Arvind: I had posted a video clip from that very movie a long time back in my posts.I was really moved by that movie too.(Guess it shows in the way I deal with my children)Click here to read that post.

  43. loving it..your kids are real smart..and i loved how you bought in the analogy!!

    hope you dont mind being blog rolled!!

  44. I loved this post just too much, Preeti!
    Your kids are very sweet, and very sensible too. Guess you've won as a mother till now, and ofcourse your S too!

    :-) :-) :-) :-) Four smiles for the four of you, a model family, i guess.


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