Some promises...

Really sorry--I have had to remove this post as it will soon appear in a book. Making it available online would have been very unfair to my publisher who has placed so much trust in me. I hope you enjoy the other posts as much as you enjoyed this one. A heartfelt thanks for your support and understanding.Thanks for continuing to read what I write.


  1. awww this post broke my heart. Im so sorry to hear abt ur dad's death. HUGGGGGGGGZ! My dad died just like that too...he was 44yrs old and one Sat he didnt wake up. It was his first heart attack and he was gone...just like that. The only certain thing in Life is Death.

    Thats a lovely pic of u and ur son. Very warm one.

    Like ur son, my greatest fear is losing my mum...and also if I die b4 her, leaving her behind all alone freaks me out. Im not scared to die, but I hate the thought of leaving my mum behind or having to live w.o. her. Its something I havent conquered yet.

    here's wishing u and ur son many more wonderful years together...loads of them!


  2. Beautiful Picture. Natural.

    The last part was bitsy heartbreaking. But all in all i love the relationship you shared with your son.


  3. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Gosh... He is such a sensitive child... I am so touched by the post...I can barely type!

  4. A very cute entry.. i am becoming a fan of your blogs :)

  5. Keshi: yes i know how hard it is.Worse is when you see your kids feeling bad but are unable to do anything.(Your mom must be feeling the same way seeing your pain)

    Sweetsticky:Yes--I was moved too. Will drop by soon!

    Ritu:Since you have met him,and since you too have 2 kids I guess you could relate so much.


  6. Ugh! Goosebumps and tears welling up, Ps. Atul is a no-hold-barred inquirer. You've got your work cut out for you, Missy.


  7. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Quite a touching conversation :)

    Death, I guess is a reality many try to ignore, but some point it catches up with us.

  8. Gawpo: I know! Will swing by soon.

    J: Of course it does.One shouldnt take life seriusoly.Noone gets out alive anyway.

    Misti:Yes--it disturbed my sleep last night--(as is obviuso from 'time of post')

  9. as always.. heartfelt and awesome.. and a bit scary.

  10. Roshan: Very scary.But sometimes, as a parent I have to pretend to be brave.

  11. although ur not the first parent to say that.. its so very naturally heartwarming.. dont worry u will live till atleast 100... though these experiences do tell the harsh realities of life n death..
    take care..

  12. Don't know what to say.. Your conversation just ended so abruptly :-) but I think you had a point, we feel so helpless when something happens to most dear member of the family. Strange bad feeling. I guess that is what life helps you with I think - the coping up period.

    I wish you are at peace within yourself after the loss of your father. I wish you more strength and best.

  13. Wow, that's a tough one. I don't envy you being in that position and making that promise.

  14. Awwwwwww!!

    *hugs" to momma and sonny :)

  15. aaaaaaaa!~!!

    these are screaming realities...very scary1!

  16. Ankit: you arent the first person to say that either! :-p How can you guarntee a 100 years when you cannot even guarantee the next 10 minutes?! But I do appreciate your wishes.Thanks buddy.

    Vik:sometimes there is nothing else to say!

    Rayne: :(

    Dame's diary:Thanks! Have visited you too.Liked your blog.Have left comments on many posts.

    Abhinav:Yes--scary at times.

  17. You touched my heart...

  18. Adi: somehow what he said moved me too.So much that i couldnt sleep that night.(see the time of this post!)

  19. It *IS* difficult to speak about such grave matters to a child, knowing fully well that we cannot gurantee our own answers!

  20. Vidya: Oh yes--It upset me a bit mo0re than i though it would--Of course my sons didnt know that.
    Add me on orkut!

  21. Oh, that is really touching. It is a promise you don't want to keep but also a promise all kids want their parents to make, isn't it?
    (sigh) sweet :)

  22. awww.. death is really scary.. i dont know wat to say..

  23. Wow...this post really choked me up. Mrs. Fab lost her dad last month, so the emotions are still pretty raw.

    Great post.

  24. i really love your blog.. and i've taken your advice.. thanks..

  25. DM: horrible for the parents though.Not sweet at all!

    Diya:me too

    Mr.Fab: Yes, I know.I'd left comments on that post of yours.

  26. Thanks for sharing this moment :)

  27. Dip: Sorry--dont recall any advice! You have made me curiuos.What did i say?

    Jonice:You are welcome.

  28. It is lovely that he can share these innermost thoughts to you. Very moving indeed. How wonderful that a simple promise from you comforted him so much. I can understand how it must have wrenched at your heart though.

  29. deepest condolences

  30. Bob-Cat:Oh yes--it comforted him all right.Left me sleepless though!

    Jim:WHICH of your blogs is most active? Please enlighten! shall read if u tell me which one to read!

  31. awwwwwwwwwww that broke my heart too!!!!!!!!!!!!!nice blog.

  32. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I have a 6 year old daughter and she is starting to think about and ask questions about death. It's such a hard subject to talk about - I don't know if I'll have the right answers for her. I like how you handled this.

  33. Am so touched :) big hug to you and your lil boy

  34. Kaylee: Thank you! Will drop by soon.

    Bella:Thanks for the visit back!I too liked what you wrote in your blog.I shall return!I appreciate your comments.

    Chitra:Thanks buddy.I couldnt sleep that night.(see time of the post)

  35. PS,

    It has become almost impossible to visit your blog sipping a cup of coffee. You are so 'cruel' that you won't let it drain smoothly through the reader's throat! :)


  36. Balu: :) Next time, maybe something cold will soothe you?!!

  37. Was this the post your anonymous commenter ranted about? You know, you should have just ignored him/her. He/she does not have a kid and does not have a heart to empathise with either.

    Bloghopped to you from Dame's Diary. Hugs to you and your son. And I hope both of you get to share each other for a long long time.

  38. Just like that:Thanks pal! Will drop by soon!

  39. I'm sure a time will come when I have to have a similar conversation with my daughters. I hope it isn't any time soon.

  40. good .. good .. good... very good .. just love the way you have captured his, yours and maybe everybody's fear and thought on this

  41. Death is something which all people seem scared of. And especially of the ones whom you care about, who protect you and who matter. I had the same worries when I was young - who would bring me up if something happened to my Dad. Now my son I guess worries likewise. I do believe there is a destiny for everyone. We have to just go through life and try and take the fear out from the younger and more innocent ones.

  42. I am sorry to hear about your dad.

    This is a touching post.


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