Radiators and Drains

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Really sorry--I have had to remove this post as it will soon appear in a book. Making it available online would have been very unfair to my publisher who has placed so much trust in me. I hope you enjoy the other posts as much as you enjoyed this one. A heartfelt thanks for your support and understanding.Thanks for continuing to read what I write.


  1. You are so right! I've also heard 'drains' called 'emotional vampires' and once they latch on to you...Boy! It's hard to shake them loose.
    It was a big problem for me when I was younger because I always want to take care of people, make them feel better, help fix their problems, and it took me awhile to realize that they really don't want help. Just your undivided, constant attention and the only way they are going to feel better is after they bring you down to where they are and I'm going to get off my soap box now and wander off before I babble you into unconsciousness.

  2. That is so true! I've never heard of the "radiators and drains" concept before, but it really makes sense. Cool post!

  3. These are good descriptions!..You are definately a radiator!..in my time I've also met fridges (cold people who leave you chilled)..Baths (people who are full and make you want to dive in and soak)..chemical toilets(they're full of crap) and I once knew someone who was a cross between a food processor and a waste disposal unit!

  4. By the way..where do you get your twinkly lettering?

  5. Very nice said. What you have said is so true. Would you think that Radiators are true friends and Drains are acquaintances

  6. I never heard it put this way before, but I love it! It's too true!

    Also -- nice photo of you! I feel like I know you better now...

  7. I would say that some friends or close relatives can be drains and some acquaintances can be radiators, even though you dont know them well.It just depends on how you feel after interacting with them.I got the glittery letters from glitter graphics.The website is www.glitter-graphics.com.Niall has given some more lovely descriptions of different kinds of people--so apt!!

  8. Thats a classy distinction..and loved reading it! Next time I feel gloomy, I know one radiator to turn to, for sure, and that is you!!!!
    LOL reading Niall's post!!

  9. Such an awesome post!:D I am so glad to linked it up on my comment box.

    Looks like i have quite a number of drains. :)

    A few days a go i was thinking about how some people deserve the keeps and the kicks. Will probs write a post up sometime.

    Thanks Ps.

  10. k...since i dint knw bout radiators and drains..i had to come up here and read bout it...

    now dat i knw bout it, ill make sure i keep away frm the 'drains'

    u write so flawlessly

    and thnks for dropping by my blog

  11. I remember reading this sometime ago and agreeing. I still do. I also had another thought stemmed off it -

    1. Can a radiator become a drain one day?
    2. How do u know that the drain is a phase, and when one needs to give up on the person, especially when the perspectives are as black and white. As in say Y has changed, and X understands and yet wants to hold on.

    Quite the thought process eh? :)

  12. Hmmm read this post on your book "34 bubblegum.... " Really a helpful prose work.


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