Wish list Wednesday No. 5

Wishlist Wednesday is here again!

For those of you who do not know what it is, it is a writing prompt that I am hosting, every Wednesday, till the end of January. Westland  India, will pick one entry and send them a copy of my latest book, The Secret Wish list which has been getting some great reviews.

A big thank you to all of you who took part in Wishlist Wednesday number 4.

I am sure you will all agree that it is a lot of fun taking part even if one doesn't win the book. It is also fun to read what others have written.

However, the entry which won the book this time is:


 Hearty Congrats! Please send me your postal address with phone number on ps(at)preetishenoy(dot)com

 Two entries  which got a special mention  are:



The prompt for today is:

I wish I had one more chance to ......................................................

 Write as much as you want or as little as you want!
Please carry my banner for me in your posts, and please link only the relevant posts and not the whole blog.

Here is where you can leave your entries:

And for those of you in Bangalore, who have written to me saying you want to meet me, come and say a hello on 12th. It is a very informal meet and we can chat about wish lists and writing and other things :) I promise it will be fun :) Here is the invitation :)

Please feel free to share the invite with whoever you want.  I will be happy to meet  all who read me :)

happy writing folks!
If you like my blog, you might enjoy my books :) Grab them here. (You don't need a credit card. You can pay cash on delivery) or if you are an Amazon Fan, you can grab them here
 And you can interact with me on my FB page. I always reply :)


  1. Mam any plans to visit New Delhi????

  2. Have submitted my post. Keeping fingers crossed this time around :)

  3. Thanks Preeti! It is a nice feeling to see that you liked my blog entry. Made my day. I enjoyed participating in a "writing contest" for the first time.

    All the best for your present and future books :)

  4. Have submitted my post. It was nice to participate.

  5. Submitted my post...Very Excited!

  6. yup i agree its fun to participate :)
    submitted my entry..

  7. You have the link now :)

  8. Hi Preeti,

    I have been reading your blog from almost 2 years ( silent reader ) , i almost open it daily, The link has been bookemarked . I have read all your books and in fact i have 'pre ordered ' your last two books.. so i have a autographed copy :), i so much wanted to get that picture autographed book so that i can have coffee with you.

    I loved the books and love your blog also . about the secret wishlist , i felt that the book finished so early , I wanted it to go on:) so that i can read more.

    But yeah.. anyways.. Keep writing .. I like the posts on your blog.


  9. It is a extremely good exercise to feel good about yourself. I wrote this post while in office and enjoyed doing it.

  10. hello mam :) here iz my post

  11. Dear Preeti,
    There was some technical problem with my computer, as it showed Google cannot identify rudraprayga. So I think I posted again.But now it appears four times.Pl.consider only the 17th one and ignore(delete)all others.It may be because of this week, which is special for 'strike' in Kerala and my system is no exception.

  12. Ah! after days of deliberations I finally decided to post my link here.. and I must say your lines are all thought provoking, really, I loved the book and also this whole contest, you are admirable m'am :)

  13. Submitted my entry...was good fun!

  14. I'm 24 this time but better late than never here is my entry

  15. :) submitted my entry

  16. Preeti, submitting my entry here.


    Keeping in mind the result from last week (hurray!!!! and thanks to you once again), I would like to take myself out of the contest this time. This post is just to experience being a part of the exercise once again.

  17. Hi madam,

    Submitted my post. Lot of posts are good. Choose the best one, I have written a fiction documentary http://mobsmile.blogspot.in/2013/01/wishlist-documentary.html

  18. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Mam just wanted to ask, if i need to send in my entry is it ncessary 4 me to b a blogger on blogspot?... i hav a blog on wordpress.. :(

  19. Preeti!!! Just wanted to check if I can still write for this one. Plz plz do relpy!


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