The week that went by

This morning, I just looked at the date and realised that the New year is already a week old!

Looking back at the last one week, It has been a really hectic week for me.I have been giving press interviews and radio interviews among other things.

DNA as well as the New Indian express carried a piece about The secret Wish list.

Click on the highlighted words to read the online versions of the above.
The book has been getting some great reviews.Click here to read.

My publishers also told me that it has hit the top 10 in the Nielsen Book scan. I was elated to hear that. So the week had started off on a grand note for me and I am grateful as well as glad.

Among all the madness and the rush of daily life, one of the things that makes me truly happy is books. Every room in my house has books, apart from a dedicated family room, which houses two large antique cupboards (from pondicherry) full of books. One houses Satish's and my books and the other houses the children's books. (I totally love children's books too)

Here is another view of the same room.

Notice the small cupboard ? That is full of comics :) Like Amar chita kathas, Calvin Hobbes , Asterix and Obelix and Mad comics :) I love them :)

And then there is the work-out room which houses the treadmill. That too has shelves full of  books :)

Even when I am on the treadmill, I read.
Apart from this, you will find books on my bedside table, books in the wooden shelves opposite my bed, and books in my study (where I work and create art). Satish too is a voracious reader and so are my two children. It isn't unusual to find all of us sitting together, reading our respective books. We're like that :)

Somehow I hate e-books.

Look at the pictures above. Reducing all those books to this..

It just doesn't cut it for me!

I need to feel the pages, I need to touch the book and somehow curling up with an E-reader on those sofas isn't the same as curling up with a real book!
Sure it is convenient and all that . Sure--I have listened to all the advantages of the e-books.

But I still prefer reading the old fashioned way.
I still use an ink-pen to write. I still send hand-written letters to a few special people.

In this day of modernity., I still cling to some timesless things from the 'old world'.

How has your week been? Has 2013 started off well for you?

Broken any resolutions yet? :) Or didn't make them at all?
E-books or paper books for you?

If you want to share, I am listening :)
Use my comment box please :)
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 And you can interact with me on my FB page. I always reply :)


  1. Very simple yet elegantly expressed . . Bdw great luking house dat is :-)

    1. Thanks Eesh! :) This is my family room. I have a formal living room too :)

  2. Very simple yet elegantly expressed . . Bdw great luking house dat is :-)

  3. Hi Preeti ma'am.Hope you're doing good. Personally, I love reading in paper books. It completes the whole experience of reading and I prefer my hands on the book rather than hand on my cheek staring at the screen distracted !!

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Loved the book paradise at your home Preeti. I love the feeling of reading through a real book too, and I wish I can have an awesome collection of them like yours. :-)

    1. Thank you! My collection was built over 30 years!! :) Some of the books are the ones I had as a child! So you can imagine how much I treasure them :)

  5. woww :) impressive :) my dad has loads of books in a cupboard like yours!:O its the size of both ur antique cupboards. plus, there are 2 other book shelves with over 500 books! we r running out of space now :P had to remove some REALLY old yellow books recently! he has been accumulating these since his school days! i too read, but not as much as him! guess u n my dad could compete on how many books u read! :P i too love the feel of paper books, but e-versions are quite okay with me. i don't mind :)

    1. Nice to know. No--I dont think I can compete with your dad! He will win :)

  6. hi preeti,how are you doing?
    i read your book 'life is what you make it' and it really touched my heart.i could relate some of the incidents mentioned in it with my life! and especially the title of your book always inspire me..and you know what,whenever i give some tips or advices to my friends or whenever they do something inappropriate,i just say to them 'life is what you make it':)
    and i wont miss the chance of reading your other books too:)
    Are u coming to jAIPur literature festival this month? iAM looking forward to meeting you:)


    1. Thanks a lot vinita. I wont be at Jaipur this year. I will be at the Agra Litfest. I will also be visiting delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Pune.

    2. thank u for replying..i hope to see u next year :)

  7. So nice to see the shelves full of books. Yes, multiple giga bytes of e-books can not take away the touch and feel of a paper-made book. The only concern I have is with shortage of space in my house, how long will I be able to hold on to my 20 year old treasure chest :)

  8. A new book from you...guess I already have something to beat the post exam stress :)
    Those clicks are magnificent ma'am and bookshelves in every room! awesomest thing!

    E-books?? bingo! I am on your side...and good enough I don't have a reader or any such gadget. And curling up with a 'real' book is far more safe and handy..don't you think?

  9. A neat clean house with books.... Lovely...!!

    hope smday my house also have this much books....!! But I love E-books too :P :P

    1. I have never tried e-books :)

    2. Yeah... its not good for eyes too.. to reading on a screen continuously, as simple book can be read anywhere ...!!! :)

  10. For me it's about convenience, if I want to read a book right now, highlight and export notes then I will go for kindle version ( generally non-fictional) if there is no such rush I prefer paperbacks too :)

  11. Hi Preeti,
    You truly inspire me to collect/read books, and live a life reading books! I was once a voracious reader, but circumstances changed that. And now, I want to get back to reading books and I want to teach my daughter the importance of reading.. and I hope to have a library soon :)

    Thanks for inspiring me and of course, totally agree with you - nothing like curling up with a 'real' book :)

  12. e books or otherwise,i love reading short snippets of text -from short stories by Ruskin Bond (and of course ,34 bubblegums and candies :),to blogs and newspaper columns particularly by jug Suraiya(like his style) and Bachi Karkaria
    they are like slurping soup(in your case,it should be sipping tea:)snuggled up in bed in winters,like soul curry!

    it is already a week past,and i am one week nearer to my exams :)
    moreover ,i have started blogging.u must read the Merry Christmas post on my blog Life
    and yes,one week is past and yet one more idea has sprung up-creating my first video blog on youtube
    and what else,?while i was wondering what address to give to my blogs,i stumbled upon this idea that every form of human activity ,be it science ,painting,dance ,studies or even relationships
    could be "art".
    waiting for yr next blog:)


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