The perfect child.

My eleven year old always has stories to share. I listen. Intently.
I learn a lot from her. Always.
And sometimes her stories make me laugh. And she laughs with me.

We treasure those moments--she and I. She is a lot like me, we have the same sense of humour, and we are so completely in sync, it is hard to stop us once we get started. She reminds me so much of myself when I was eleven, and yet in many ways is so different from me.

Today she had a story to share. It was about this perfect girl in her class. This girl is truly something, my daughter informed me.
'You know what she told me the other day Ma?' she said, almost in disbelief.
'She said-- I think I will get and ninety nine and three fourths in math.  If I lose that quarter mark, I `think I will kill myself.'
'Oh my God. Is she that good at studies?'
'Yes and very stuck up too. She always scores 19/20 and 20/20 in all the tests. And she is such a cry baby'
'What do you mean cry-baby?'
'She actually bawls. Can you imagine? If someone tells her even a small thing like 'your plait is coming loose' she bawls and weeps like the world is going to end.'
'Oh! She must be a sensitive child then.'
'No Ma, not sensitive and all. She is just a drama queen. She just wants everything to go her way and she can't accept it if it doesnt. So she cries and bawls to get her way.'

I didn't know what to say to that. The thought that crossed my mind was what was the point being so good at academics if one didn't have a balanced personality? But of course, like a good Indian mother, I said nothing.  After all, which Indian parent doesn't aspire  a child that scores perfect marks in exams? :) So  I kept my silence.

But the story wasn't over.

'But I made her all right Ma. She is okay now,' my daughter announced.
'Oh. How?' I asked, my curiosity really piqued.
'She has been sitting next to me for about four months now.'
'Now she scores only 14/20 and 16/20. And she doesn't cry any more.'

I am still smiling as I type this.

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  1. Hahahaha....aww, that made my day. She must be a LOT of fun, your kid!
    Thanks for sharing :-)

    1. what a way to tell about her academic brilliance :)

  2. Nandana..hahahahaha..yeah! what a kid! :D

  3. Preeti Shenoy - How dare you laugh at my darling :D This is why I love that child so much. And don't you dare tell her that I smiled too. Its not funny ;)

    1. Arre mere bacchi ka baap! I took her permission before I shared this! She would have killed me otherwise :) :)

    2. wow !! i loved tis conversation :-)

  4. ha ha... worth sharing !!

    1. :D I truly couldn't stop laughing :D

  5. Lol...I cant stop laughing :) Kudos to Purvi..

    1. I laughed too :D But I did my motherly duty and told her she has to score a 20/20 :D :D

  6. lolz........ thats awesome.........:)

  7. Lucky Lucky daughter she has mom like you

  8. wow.... Daughters rock!!!!

    1. I second that :) But sons are sweethearts too! :)

  9. Hahaa!! Really, your daughter got it right! ;) Loved this!

  10. Sometimes even the simplest thing when told right and when heard from right guy, turns out to be the biggest reason to smile for the day...

    Your daughter is one such reason today.

    Preeti Chandrashekar-Vaidya

  11. *LOL* I read this and started laughing. Dad came to the room and asked me "what happened?"
    What a wonderful way of making 'her' right! :D


    1. I showed her your comment and she asks with a straight face "why? what is so funny". You can imagine how much more I laughed when she did that :D

  12. Your daughter is quite smart ... a star in the making perhaps ... I am new to your blog, and yes, enjoyed this post :-)

  13. Hahaha. That was so cute! hugs to purvi from my side. :)

  14. hahahaha --that was a good one.The other girl's parents must be wondering why her scores went down :), atleast she stopped crying now.

  15. Oh god I love this girl !

  16. Haha.. At d same time wht u said is right.. Achieving a balanced personality is very impt..

  17. Haha.. At d same time wht u said is right.. Achieving a balanced personality is very impt..

  18. :) brought a smile!! n ur girl is very witty!

  19. That made my day.. Read it 5 times.. i ended up with a stomach ache every time.. Bookmarking this.. :D

    Have a great day :)

  20. haha! That was funny!! The freind's mother must be worried about her child's company now :P *kidding* :-D

    My cousin who is in fourth standard also tells me a lot of stories about her school friends etc and we also play a game where we both keep on telling one sentence after the other turn by turn and create a story like that. Its so much fun !!!
    Lovely post !! :-) :-)

    1. Forget that girl's mother, even I am worried :D LOL :)


  21. Thumbs up to your daughter!
    I just loved your latest book 'The Secret Wishlist.'I am a teen and I truly feel you are the best Indian Writer and I have got entire collection of your books.My most favourite one is 'Life is what you make it.'And guess what I got a signed addition of 'The secret wishlist' from flipkart last month on christmas. It was a gift from my parents.
    Keep up the good job because you are great at it!
    Waiting for the next one....:)

    1. I am so surprised a teen can relate to my book. It is an out and out adults book!
      Thanks :)

  22. So happy to read. Of course, your summary was spot on - what good is education if it doesn't give you a balanced personality.

    1. True :) But I still want my daughter to get good marks :D

  23. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Lovely gal.....god bless her and let her do many more such 'rights' too

  24. Wow! Good one! My niece had a similar experience in school. Just that she was very talkative so the teacher made her sit with the quietest kid in the class thinking this would improve her. However, after 3 months, she didn't improve, rather the quietest kid she was made to sit with also became talkative like her!

  25. haha this is hilarious :)

  26. Seriously your gal is a character...if she can change such a drama queen, then she must possess some extraordinary powers...I remember a classmate of mine who was a real drama queen and I avoided her to every extend...

    1. I dont know about that but I sure laughed :)

  27. Anonymous3:56 PM

    ha ha ha...:D this is so cute....:)...:)...:)

    1. Thanks :) I couldn't stop laughing too :)

  28. One more instance reminding of Pink Floyd. Good that your daughter realises one should not be just another brick in the wall.

    1. She has heard the song too but I am sure she wasn't remembering it when she narrated the incident to me :)

  29. Created laughter.Practical darling,your daughter is..

  30. LOL! The mothe rof the other child must be wondering what changed her girl and her marks ;)

  31. little cutee, you concealed your friend from crying and sense of insecurity, great heart you have little.

  32. hahaha.... brought smile in my face...
    bt what abt her frnds mother she must be worried

    1. I don't know :) Maybe she is just relieved to have a happy child now :)

  33. Ha ha.. what a wonderful way of making her 'alright'.

  34. Can't help laughing on this.... Convey my thanks to her for making my day :-)

  35. Super Cute your daughter is :)

  36. LOL!!! brought a smile on.. Mom will be mom huh? secretly wishing for a 20/20 for their kids! ;)

  37. Hilarious....couldn't stop laughing;-D.

    And I loved the way u wrote this...didnt see it coming at all;-D

  38. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Iam surprised to see how a single person can know so much about world...

  39. Ha ha :) Cute and funny!!

  40. I wonder what would she feel like when she reads these posts after some years. :)

  41. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Preethi. I literally ROFL-ed reading that :) I think Purvi should meet my niece Sharmista. They will make the best pair because the things you tell about Purvi reminds me of Sharmista. :)


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