Wish List wednesday--final one!

So here we are, almost at the end of January and with this the Wish list Wednesdays comes to an end.

I do hope you have enjoyed taking part as much as I have enjoyed hosting these! I have got some beautiful, moving entries! I loved reading them 9though I might not have been able to leave a comment).
 For those of you who do not know about Wish list Wednesdays, it is a writing prompt that I am hosting every Wednesday on my blog till the end of January, in association with Westland Books.

What do you have to do to take part?

Simple--answer the prompt below in your blogs and leave a link! If you do not have a blog and still want to take part, just use my comment box.

Write as much as you want or as little as you want.
Please carry my banner for me :)

The results of the last wishlist Wednesdays as well as this one will be declared in a few days. Here is the writing prompt for today:

 I wish I could be like_____________________ (name of person). This person is special because.............

Leave your links below: Happy writing folks!


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 And you can interact with me on my FB page. I always reply :)


  1. My wish

    Though i didn't write a post for every wednesday but i read the prompt and gave it a deep thought. Thanks for giving me food for thought.

  2. I'm the first in this last prompt

  3. Preeti, please don't discontinue the writing prompts. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing and reading other peoples' answers to the prompts. You might not have anything to give away, but please don't discontinue the prompts. best regards, Komal

  4. Hi Preeti,
    All my friends and family knows this, and today I have to Say this to you ..From the day, I have read the book, “Life is what you make it" and then Started following you on FB, your virtual home (Blog) and all your other books, I have wished just one thing; I wish I could be like Preeti Shenoy. She is special in all ways.
    Her prompt respond to my first post on her FB Fan Page, and then I followed her FB fan page to witness how humbly she responds to everyone who connects with her. But at the same time, she stands for herself very firmly and made things very clear on what she can take and what she will NOT. That is a really brave and inspiring act which has taught me to say a firm 'No’ to any one for anything that I do not feel is good for me and trust me it has made lots of difference to my life.
    I loved living the life of Ankita ,Nisha and Diksha . It made me realize that life is not all bed of roses but is still livable and one should live it to fullest. Her blog is like a window to her life .I have read each and every post of it and enjoyed it thoroughly. I have wanted to write comment on each post but then have been reluctant to do so many times as her fans would have already written it before. And I get short of words to express myself.
    I love the way she look, the way she is so expressive and caring for her family and always give me a feeling..’Oh, I will do the same when I become a wife/mother. :) ‘And I love her beautiful house full of books, her kitchen that she have blogged about once, her balcony makeover, her lovely green garden(not just in Bangalore but every where She had stayed), her card , her dog..I can just go on.. I love absolutely everything about her. My favorite are all her post tagged under ‘Mama Moments’.
    I will always cherish the time I spend with her at her Chennai book launch. When I hugged her, all I could say was “Oh My God!! “.
    P.S On this day and every day I just want to say a big thank you for being there in my life like a pole star. I am so glad that I know you. You are an angel to me.
    Loads of love and best wishes,

  5. I'll surely miss this writing prompt

  6. http://myendeavours.blogspot.com/2013/02/wishlist-wednesdays-last-one.html



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