One more pencil portait

A lot of people have been asking me about my Portraits. With the kind of questions I have been asked, I realised that many have doubts as to what portrait commissioning is. Also, many are confused between a quick sketch, a caricature and a hand drawn pencil portrait.

You find sketching booths in malls which give you 'portraits' within a few minutes. It is basically a photograph clicked and digitally altered by a program to make it appear like a portrait. (There is no talent, no time and no art involved here). You could easily do this with something like Picassa or photoshop.

A hand drawn pencil portrait takes me at  the very  least a whole day to complete. The finished result is a lifelike resemblance and is very realistic. (Unlike a caricature or a 'cartoon' ). Recently, I sold my first portrait commission in India. (yes, in between all the relocation from UK to India, I still found time for my art ).

It was Swati's husband's birthday and she wanted to give him a really unique gift and she wanted it to be a surprise. So she contacted me  by email (after seeing my portraits on my blog)  asking me about the commissioning procedure.She wanted me to make a portrait of her husband and her five month old baby. I work from photos and all she had to do was mail me a suitable picture which she did. (she mailed me several and I helped her choose)

I was as excited as her to be a passive player in the surprise that she had planned. I delivered it to her well in advance and the joy on her face as she saw the finished portrait is something I will always remember.

Later she told me he was really delighted and the portrait now occupies a place of pride in their home. (It feels so delightful to know that my work of art is  a part of someone's treasured moments of joy)

The portrait is done on extra smooth bristol board A3 size paper which is of  the highest professional quality.(and it lasts for centuries). The finished portrait was sprayed  with an Artists fixative to prevent it from smudging.
In case you wish to know more about how I work and what equipment I use, you can read this post where I have explained a lot of details.

If you want to see more portraits, please go here.

If you have any more questions, mail me! (ps at preetishenoy dot com)

Addendum: I had to copy past this comment by Swati here in the post:

Hey Preeti
Once again thanks so much for making this the best birthday gift I've ever given my husband. The look of pure joy on his face when he unwrapped the portrait will be one of my most treasured memories :).
Hoping you get lots more commissions :).
I really liked the way you were so involved in the whole process, even messaging me on his birthday and asking how he liked the gift. It's so good to see someone put so much into something they do - not take it as just another job.



  1. Looks so very real..Good one!!

  2. Very good one!!!
    also check my blog and give ur valuable comments plz

  3. Thank you Mihir and sundari! My tutor too really liked it babies are very difficult to draw.

  4. Thanks Karthik :) will do.

  5. Nice sketch. you are so talented! wish I had at least one such hobby:)

  6. The baby has come out perfect in your portrait. So much so that without a background, one would be hard pressed to point out which was the photo and which was the portrait. Wow !

  7. Very nicely done :)
    I'm in Goa right now and every time I see a beautiful landscape (which is ALL the time :D), I think of how you will be able to paint it so well! ;)

  8. Hey Preeti
    Once again thanks so much for making this the best birthday gift I've ever given my husband. The look of pure joy on his face when he unwrapped the portrait will be one of my most treasured memories :).
    Hoping you get lots more commissions :).
    I really liked the way you were so involved in the whole process, even messaging me on his birthday and asking how he liked the gift. It's so good to see someone put so much into something they do - not take it as just another job.


  9. And I my dear am proud to be your friend ! Its amazing how you not only find so much time for your diverse interests but manage to do everything with such perfection.

  10. Loved the picture and the portrait! Thanks for spreading the joy....'tis the season :)

  11. Lovely art, you have talent :)
    I would like to learn this art some day.

  12. Awesome Potrait.
    HOw do u manage to do all these things??

  13. Thanks Aathira, Pia :) (big smile) :)

    Nishu: i just slog my butt off :P :D

    Gaurav,shivanand: Thanks :)

    Shachi: Thanks for a fab compliment :)

    Ruch: thanks a lot :) I'm proud to be your friend too

    Swati: Your comment is very much valued and it means such a lot.Have out it as an addendum on my post :)

    Sucheta: no wonder I am getting so many hiccups! :D U're thinking of me so much ;-) Now i found the culprit! :)

    Ramesh:Thanks so much! :)

    Prathima:Thanks so much :)

    Harman, Caterpillar: thank you!

  14. I have always noticed that the best thing you hav done in your portraits is "capturing what do those eyes really wanna convey". Yet another nice portrait! Keep it going!

  15. I thought I commented already, but that may have been on facebook.
    As I think I said already, amazing!!! Well done and hoping you get lots of commissions to carry on with this work that you love so much.

  16. Awesome portrait.. As usual extremely fine and capturing the minute details.. :)

  17. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Awesome sketch. Looks very similar to the real one :) I liked it :)

  18. Wow! How nice of u to be a part of this lovely surprise and sending that msg on his bday was so very sweet!

  19. Heyy..preeti, How Are you..?
    1st Time I'm Checking your Blog, Its Really awesome with those five points.

  20. The looking awesome.Just like the original one, But along with a touch gentle art.

  21. hello preetiji,
    today i got a book written by u and that is: life is what we make it. i have just read few pages and your profile on book. but i really liked it then i visited your site.
    i m based at gujarat, working with an engineering institute.
    u can visit:
    my other blogs are linked with my site if u wish to have a look.
    i do write poetry, drama and short stories in Gujarati, Hindi and English as well.
    u can find some of stuff on my blogs.
    i wud like to invite u here at my institute as it is mentioned on your book that u also teach english.
    but i wud like to invite u for something on creative writing.
    let me know on
    and i will surely get back to your site and blog when i m done with reading your book.
    titles of your books sound interesting.

  22. hello preetiji,
    today i was invited as a judge in an event and they gifted a book written by u: life is what we make it.
    then i visited your site and blog.
    i liked it.
    i m based at gujarat, working with an engineering institute.
    wud like to invite u for something on creative writing.
    u can visit my site:
    and my blogs are linked with my site so u can have a look.
    i do write poetry, short stories and drama in hindi, gujarat and english.
    u will find some of my stuff on my blogs.
    i have also working in the field of music and theater.
    so let me know on
    once i m done with reading of your book, i will surely get back to your site and blog to write my comments.
    your book-titles sound interesting.

  23. This is amazing! Looks so real :) :)

  24. nice work preethi :):)


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