As January rolls in

Hi there,

First of January. There is something childishly optimistic about a 'New Year'. The fact is, a 'new start' to whatever you want to do, can be done on any day of the year. Yet there is some joy, some anticipation, some excitement as December 31st passes and January begins.

The newspapers carry so many adverts about new year bashes. It is almost as if there is a compulsion to 'do something' for December 31st. Almost anyone I meet seems to ask me the same thing "So--what are you doing for new years?"
Somehow, the noisy pubs and clubs and bashes and dos and loud parties (commercially organised with a Bollywood diva or a celebrity singing and dancing) with a room full of drunken strangers isn't my idea of welcoming the new year. We usually stay at home for new years. Sometimes we have good friends over, sometimes it is just the four of us.  (Satish and I and our two children)

If it is just the four of us, we usually have a 'party' on the terrace. We play some nice 'fun games' (I think  up some really unique games and usually my son and I are in a team. We play against my husband and daughter in the other team), and we stay up till midnight. When the clock strikes twelve, I light my hanging lamp. (see photos. This is my prayer space)

We then pray for our loved ones, our families, our closest friends and for all those people who matter to us. We spend a few moments in serene silence, wishing for the very best but most importanly offering gratitude to the Universe for all that we have.

We are so fortunate (and so are you if you are reading this) to have a home, to have food on the table, to have good health, to have people who care about us and to have so much love.

We then hug each other,wish each other and go to bed.
We have had this ritual on for many years now.

So when people ask me in surprise "What? You aren't going to party?" I find it hard to explain to them, the joy in silence, serenity and peace and most importantly the joy in being with your closest ones(I cannot even imagine leaving my children at home and going for some party  to some hotel on new year!) to welcome a new year. I just smile and say "No, we will be at home only."

This year though, we would be spending it with immediate family.

However you choose to welcome the new year, whether you are partying (with or without a bollywood diva--hey--to each their own) or whether you are at home, whether you are alone or with friends, here is hoping that you take time to contemplate on where your life is going. Steer it gently, nudge it, prod it and then just leave it alone after you have given it your best shot.

It will all turn out perfect in the end, just the way it was meant to be.

Cheers and the very best wishes for achieving all your goals !

Love and warmth


  1. Lovely post! Happy New Year Preeti! Here's wishing you and your family a healthy, happy, peaceful year ahead.

    My hubby and are homebodies too and usually like to welcome New Year in the privacy of our home. This is the first new year we will be celebrating with our daughters and it will be special. Love your ritual of the lamp.

  2. "I find it hard to explain to them, the joy in silence, serenity and peace and most importantly the joy in being with your closest ones..." - lines that I can quote repeatedly to every friend who asks me what I am doing on 31st. :-)

    Happy New Year Preethi and your post does remind me of a line from Om Shanthi Om - "Just like the movies, everything will be alright in the end. Because, if it is not alright, then its not the end".

  3. Bharath: :-) OSO is my daughter's fav fav movie :) The lines from that are copied/'inspired' from Paulo Coelho's Alchemist. "If you want something very badly the whole Universe conspires to give it to you." A very very happy new year to you too and thank you for commenting!

    Laksh: :) We have settled down quite wel now. I remember you had said you want to meet me when you come to India. You and your family is welcome! Would love to meet Kay and cee.

  4. That's a beautiful way of bringing in a New Year! Even I alove the calm and peace of home to a noisy party with total strangers!

    A very happy, prosperous and peacefuly 2011 to you and all at home!

  5. Wish u and your family a great new year...!!


  6. I prefer staying at home on New Year Eve....Wishing you and your family a Hapy New Year...

  7. happy new year to you and your family. we also do the same it's the best. At least I feel I'm not in the rat race of going to disc which is filled with the smell of drinks, smoke and sweat.

  8. wonderful post... Congrats for getting featured in BlogAdda.. :)

    Wish you and your family a very happy and a prosperous new year..

  9. 'there's something childishly optimistic about a new year'..well said. Suck it, cynics who say it's overrated :P

    I always celebrate new years' alone with family and I wouldn't have it any other way.

    P.s. Kerala owns :D
    I was blown away!
    Happy hoppy new year to you and family!

  10. Nice post P. I too like spending the day wid my family, thats why i came back frm BBY. I call my parents n close friends at 12...some of them wake up to my call...wish me n then give gaalis...hehehe. But they all wait for my call!! Wishing u n ur family too a very Happy & healthy new year!!! GOD bless you wid all u wish for!! :)

  11. Wish you and your family a very Happy New Year. :)

  12. Excellently put. I share your thoughts on the club parties. Any ways that is one time they can make some big money.

    But we will be joining friends in our apartment complex and having games and my children along with the other children of our complex will be showcasing their talents.

    At the stroke of 12 we pray and call our parents and siblings.

    I loved the hanging lamp in your pooja room. It's called 'Thongu vilakku' in tamil and 'Thoogu deepa' in kannada.

    Happy new year and more glories to you in the coming year.

  13. hi preethi,
    what a wonderful way to welcome the new year ! I have done both, gone out partying and also stayed at home and i think as i go older, i am beginning to appreciate staying at home much more than before. Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family, this will be my first new year with my darling daughter, i can't wait to ring it in with her.

  14. hi preethi,
    what a wonderful way to welcome the new year ! I have done both, gone out partying and also stayed at home and i think as i go older, i am beginning to appreciate staying at home much more than before. Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family, this will be my first new year with my darling daughter, i can't wait to ring it in with her.

  15. hi preethi,
    what a wonderful way to welcome the new year ! I have done both, gone out partying and also stayed at home and i think as i go older, i am beginning to appreciate staying at home much more than before. Happy New Year to you and your wonderful family, this will be my first new year with my darling daughter, i can't wait to ring it in with her.

  16. Happy 2011 to you Preeti!!! Lovely post, as always. I loved the idea of nudging and prodding our life...

  17. Wishing you and your family a Happy and Meaningful New Year, Preeti!

    Your blog was a wonderful find in 2010! Here's wishing you good luck and success for your forthcoming books, and hope you continue to delight and inspire in 2011.

    Best Wishes,

  18. Wishing you and your family a great year ahead Preeti. I find I'm reading my mind and thoughts when I read your blog as you echo my feelings so much. Maybe it's because I'm also a mother of two! :)
    Happy New Year and Best Wishes for the release of your new book!

  19. happy..New Year..2011 have a good time with your family!

  20. Happy New Year to you, Satish Sir, Atul and Purvi :)

  21. Preeti,

    I should say one of the good thing that i did in 2010 is to start reading your Blog!!! Wonderful!!!

    Wish you and your family a healthy and awesome new year!!

  22. "I find it hard to explain to them, the joy in silence, serenity and peace and most importantly the joy in being with your closest ones"
    Loved this...maybe because it echoes wht I feel:-)

    Like always a lovely post.
    Wishing U and urs a wonderful New Year!!!!

  23. Happy New Year!

    Health and happiness :)

  24. Hi Preeti,

    Been reading your blog for last couple of months. Delurking to give my new year's wishes to and your family. I love your writing and optimistic thoughts.

    We had the same ritual at home while growing up to light the lamps and pray when clock strikes 12 or we will attend Iyyappa pooja at temple.

    Just few minutes back some thoughts made me sad and I came to our office room just to take my mind off. I read your new year's post.

    Love these lines "Steer it gently, nudge it, prod it and then just leave it alone after you have given it your best shot.It will all turn out perfect in the end, just the way it was meant to be"

    I feel it's a message for me from god : ).

  25. Nice post Preeti! I too love being with my family on such occasions. I was with my parents last year and this year too... Moreover, whenever I spend days with my parents, it becomes a very special and memorable day just like a new year to me :-)

  26. i don't remember being out on new year's eve...other than probably the trip o sydney and melbourne where we did bring in the new year watching the fireworks live.

    lovely post and i love your prayer space.

    wishing you a great year!


  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This time, I so enjoyed the celebration indoors rather than the other modes of celebration of a new year. Your prayer space was serene! Happy new year to you :) my regards to Atul and Purvi as well!

  29. Wish you and your family a very Happy New Year. Loved the prayer space..looks so serene and calm.

  30. Horizon: Same to you!

    Gopikaa: Wish you the same:) Thanks.

    Suma:Thanks :) wish u the same :)

    Pia Vinay: Touchwood!

    Sundari: happy new year to you too!

    Charu: Glad you delurked. Welcome to my comment box :)

    Raam pyari: Thnaks!

    Reflections: Thanks a lot! Equally reciprocated!

  31. Nachu;Thanks for a wonderful compliment!

    TS:Thanks! wish u the same :)

    Harman:Thanks! same to u :)

    Sheila:same pinch and thank u :)

    Palsworld: Thank U!! hapy new year to u too! :)

    Priya mani:Thank U :) wish u the same!

  32. Ranjini: very best wishes to you three and your loved ones!

    Asha: thanks :) Nice tradition you too have going.

    Surreal: A very happy new year to you too.

    Chandni: Happeeeeeee new year :) I do enjoy your texts :)

    Sucheta: it does :) happy new year


    Sushobhan: A very happy new year and a very big thank you for all the support

    Gagandeep; Very few youngsters do not want to go to dics :) refreshing to see folks like u.

    Caterpillar: A very happy new year :)

    Smrithy: Wishing you a wonderful 2011 :)

    Wanderlust: Thanks so much--a very happy new year to you too


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