Age is a matter of feeling not of years--a wonderful birthday

Many people shy away from birthdays. They feel only children can celebrate their birthdays. Yet others feel every single day comes only once a year, so what is the big deal about birthdays. Some feel bad that they are another year older.

But my views on birthdays are different.I truly go all out to do something special on the birthdays of those closest to me. Do I expect them to return the favour? Of course not! It is not like I would feel disappointed if these people do not wish me or give me a gift.

However, when someone close to me, does make that extra effort, it does make me feel really special.(on my last birthday when I was visiting India from UK,  one of my closest friends flew from Delhi just to spend the day with me and that made my day truly unforgettable. In fact, this  story of our friendship will appear soon in the Indian edition of Chicken soup for the friend's soul).

My birthday that just went by (It was on 21st December, I turned 39 and I am very proud of my age  unlike many who try to hide it :-) ) was truly one of the best ones I have had in a long long time. The doorbell rang at 11.30.p.m on 20th and there was a bouquet of red roses, a chocolate cake and a wine बोतल  (the delivery slip said 'botal'- heh heh) that was delivered. The sender was another of my very good friends. There was also  a card that said " The good thing about being forty (39) is that you can appreciate twenty five (26) year old men."  I wondered why my friend decreased his age by one (outside the bracket) and increased mine by one (within the brackets) .When I opened the 'wine बोतल' it turned out that it was actually a whiskey bottle! Of course I texted my friend immediately to tell him about the mistake  and he texted back saying "Oh #$%* I will kill them" which I found sweetly amusing (and I chuckled inwardly). I texted back hastily (before he set out to kill them :P ) saying I drink whiskey too and it was okay :-). Then I switched off my phone as I knew that I would be flooded with midnight calls and texts. Very smartly, he called up on Satish's number and of course spoke to me  and wished me and he said "You thought that if you switch off your phone I won't call you or what?"  Somehow the effort he made to reach me, truly moved me. He also explained the mystery behind the card when he told me it was a famous quote by Collen Mc Cullough  who said

"The lovely thing about being forty is that you can appreciate twenty-five-year-old men." :-)

On the next day (which was my birthday) I was again totally swept off my feet when Satish told me that he had taken the whole day off to spend it with me. My two kids and he had planned surprises for me throughout the day! It began when the doorbell rang and my three conveniently  vanished, leaving me to answer the door. When I opened, there was a bouquet of THIRTY NINE red roses (Oh my God!) and two teddy bears and a black forest cake! But that was not all--- Every hour, they had planned a surprise for me! It included a lovely spa package, an extremely moving poem (which he had composed and framed and which spoke of out 15 years together), a hand written book and a lot more! Each hour there was a thoughtful gift and a surprise (which I oepned in between the many phone calls I got wishing me). I was truly flabbergasted, astonished, overwhelmed.They took me out to a marvellous place in the evening. The  best was yet to come. When we came back they asked me whether my day had been great (Were they kidding?! It had been marvellous!) and what gift I liked the best (it was undoubtedly the framed poem composed by Satish). Then Satish gives me THIRTY NINE cards! (OH MY GOD!!) He had taken care to choose each card and he has a truly wicked sense of humour (as many of you know from his guest posts. Incidentally he too has been published in Chicken soup for the father's soul). Some of the cards moved me to tears and some of them had me clutching my sides with laughter. He had written such lovely and such hilarious things. Then he also gifted me a diamond ring (with seven natural diamonds!) and matching diamond ear-rings.
 For me, more than the value of the gift, it is the thoughtfulness that goes into it, that counts. More than the diamonds, I still valued the poem and the hand written book. I absolutely was swept away by the effort he made.

Sometime back  Ramesh of Business Musings  who is also a dear friend, had gifted my son (on his 13th b'day)  a very thoughtful gift--a lovely photography book. Ever since then my son has been experimenting with the camera on the manual mode. I am his favourite model (as his dad and sis have considerably less patience than me :-) ) and on the day after my birthday, my son clicked these pictures of me (with camera on manual mode--can you believe?!) which I totally love and which manage to express exactly  how I felt about my birthday :-) I am sharing these pictures with you.

And now reflecting back on my special  day, I am convinced three times over that the BEST present of all is the presence and love of good friends and family, all blissfully wrapped up in one another :-)
Ps: And a big thank you to so many many of you who sent me messages wishing me. I think I have replied personally to each one. I truly appreciate and value the wishes.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday!

  2. Nice to know you enjoyed your birthday preeti, your happiness radiates through the monitor.

    And no you didn't reply to everyone of us. I wished you on fB. you haven't replied to me. so a reply is pending. he..he.he..

  3. Asha: thanks :) I did reply to all on FB (even though it was more than 100 i think..But i couldnt find your post! (I looked again)But thanks a lot :)

    Guru:Thanks :)

  4. Belated Happy Birthday Preeti! You truly are blessed to have the presence and love of your near and dear ones.

  5. I am someone who generally dont like to make much out of my birthday.. your post got me thinking :) Nice one...Belated Birthday wishes:)

    On a different note.. is organizing the first of its kind 'Best of Indian Blogosphere 2010' Polls. Do nominate your blog for it.

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  6. A fantastic birthday, amazingly planned :) You truly are blessed :)

  7. Happy birthday Preeti - was offline the last few days hence the belated wishes :).....felt GREAT reading your post! Be blessed...always!

  8. Hey Preeti--Wish you a belated happy birthday. What a wonderful day you had..:) and loved the pics your son clicked. Very nice...........

  9. Nice pics....seems like you had an amzing birthday....belated birthday wishes...

  10. aw this was beautiful :)
    Very truly.
    True, the only thing that matters is loving and being loved in return :)
    the pictures are great, I finf it difficult to take pics in motion.
    P.s. Just out of curiosity, whats a hand written book!? And which one did you get?

  11. Awesome .. Yup truly.. Every hour is a moment to be etched in history when u have the warm comfy support and bond of your family and friends.. Belated Happy Birthday and the clicks are just amazing.. U didn't seem to be 39 at all.. looks more like a teenager.. Age is a matter of feeling not of years.. aptly said

  12. You look like a joyous sprite

  13. Glad you had such a joyous and fantastic birthday !

  14. Glad you had such a joyous and fantastic birthday !

  15. Glad you had such a joyous and fantastic birthday !

  16. Ritu: So are you! :)

    Sushobhan: Thanks for the kind words:) Yes--i have been told that.

    Sucheta: he wrote out an entire book for me about all our times together ever since we met :) He wrote it by hand :)Apart from that he has also written a lot of other things in it :) So its like a 'special' book :)

    Caterpillar: i did. Thanks :)

    Horizon:Oh i too loved those pics :) Thanks :)

    Shachi:Thanks a ton! I think you're one of the handful who always comment. Thanks so much :)

  17. Tranquility speaks: Truly I count my blessings .thanks :)

    Shruti: I celebrate birthdays :) Will check out blogjunta

    Palsworld; thanks a lot :)

  18. Happy belated b'day Preeti. Your photos truly reflect the joyous celebration you had :)

  19. Happy Blated Birthday Preeti !

    Atul has a real talent and has captured you beautifully in your element.

  20. wow dat was really a wonderful birthday.
    Belated Happy Birthday to you :)

  21. Belated Happy Birthday Preethi !! Wish you a Fabulous Year Ahead..

  22. Preeti, that was one contagious post - u had me smiling too!! Am glad it was a gr8 bday and may you have such special days all through ur life!...and the last few lines are an apt sum-up!!
    The pics are beautiful and it says u r flying sky-high, rite??

    On a lighter note...its not just Asha, but u didnt reply to mine too on fb (we had commented on ur status). never mind...I appreciate the effort u take to reply to one and all:))))

  23. SK: And i could have sworn I replied to all :) I did reply to your photo comments but couldnt find the birthday wishes post(i looked again)

    Arthi:Thanks a lot and i wish you the same!

    Ordinary girl:Thank you :)

    Meg:Thanks a lot--yes he indeed has :)

    Sheila:Thanks a lot :) On a different note has life changed much for you after the release of the song? Just wondering as I read an article about it the other day about people named sheila and munni.

  24. many many happy returns of DAT day...hehehe...keep writing many good things to make dis wrld a better place to live on...

  25. Belated wishes Preeti!!!!!

    And absolutely LOVED the post!!! Like somebody above said I too dont make much about birthdays but now u make me think how a little effort goes about making the Day so special.

    And oh loved the pictures too:-)!!!!

  26. Happy Belated Birthday Preeti! 39 cards??? OMG, you are truly lucky and gifted. God bless you with a life filled with happiness.Have a nice day.Tc.

  27. Belated B'day wishes Preeti.. i know its prety late.. but anyway better late than never.. ur b'day seems to have been really great... hope u have many more happy ones to come in the futire...Have a great year...!!!

  28. My belated birthday wishes to you Preeti!

  29. Belated wishes Preethi..Hv fun :)

  30. Belated Bday Wishes Preeti!

  31. Belated Birthday Wishes and a wonderful post on top of it

  32. i am so jealous after reading your post!!!!! :) wish you a wonderful yr ahead

  33. Hi Preeti,

    Belated Birthday wishes and also wish you and all your near ones a blessed & healthy newyear. This is the first time I'm commenting on any blog. But I couldn't just pass by and not wish on your birthday. I chanced upon your blog sometime last year. Read your book too. And somehow your blogs have become a part of my life. Whenever I'm on the net I do check whether you have updated your blog or not. Thought of commenting many times but I feel I'm not good with words so stop myself.

    I hope you have many more such wonderful birthdays....

    Best wishes,


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