Wordless Wednesday No.8

A long time since I did a Wordless Wednesday. This pic was clicked by me,when I was at my dining table. I interrupted my meal as I just had to capture the moment.

© Preeti Shenoy


  1. hehe....gr8 pic!!... so its time for CAT!

  2. Prakhar: OMG -I just put it up and in pops your comment!Does Blogger ping you when I post?!! :-) I would say Its raining Cats, hallelujah sang in the tune of "Its raining Men" :-)

  3. Goodness! Thats one awesome pic!
    Cat-nificant :D
    and Google reader pings me when you post :D

  4. hehe...I was checking whether you replied to my message...when i saw the new post :D ..
    nd indeed its raining cats :D

  5. Cats on Cloud 9 :)

  6. No.8 haan...Curiosity kills a cat but curiosity led me to look for the first 7 posts. Are these the same kittens that you've clicked in Wordless Wednesday No.3. Loved the Wordless Wednesday No.4 Picture(London Eye).

  7. Meira: Google reader is partial! It definitely loves you. It just piles up all posts till they reach a stageering amount of 120 or so and then it pings me. :P Bad bad google reader! :) The cat in the middle is the mom--the other two are her 'babies'.

    Prakhar: yep! :)

  8. Nice pic!!

    What is wordless wednesday...
    I dunno, it might be a dumb question.... But still I couldn't figure it out!!

  9. I'd heard women love cats...
    Now I see how much... :)

  10. lol.. cat gymnastics :)

  11. Anonymous2:47 PM

    yes... it is raining cats...
    btw, do u like kitties??

  12. that is so cute!!!and so alive! completely stole my heart :)

  13. Oh my!
    They conquering earth!!


  14. awwww...thats awesome:)
    loved it thoroughly....

  15. oh! they are really enjoying..and careless abt the whole world...

  16. How many kittens you have...generally i find when people have cats, they have quite a few..

  17. Such a lively picture...can just sit and keep wondering what they're gonna be upto next..
    are all of them yours??

  18. After reading 'R's comment I am thinking, should I be getting another cat/kitten? I have one and maybe at times I think she is lonely.

    Lovely pic! I have a similar one of Whisky,will put that up today:D

  19. First thought that comes to mind - Cat-burglars !!!

    Heck, It looks like they're coming down from the skies !!!

  20. perfect shot!
    reminds me of the cats in our mess :)

  21. So glad you did! This is too funny :-)

  22. Women are like cats..Men are like dogs!!

    Many people dont like cats..They(cats) have too much of an attitude..where as i love love them:)
    I'm totally a cat person:)I've always loved watching them play,run and climb trees or fight!!My cat used to walk across the gate..with great difficulty n yet with great determination..!!

    Thanx for the lovely snap:)


  23. My mom hate cats and i also kind of developed a strong dislike against them.Dunno knpw how? But recently i came across a cat this weekend.She gently sat on my lap and klooked awesome. I have her pic also. -:)

  24. woho!! wot were those cats upto?? lol....

  25. Are these your cats? Great picture.

  26. Absolutely fantastic shot!

  27. OMG..the cats look so adorable and acrobatic.

  28. how adorable!! it's great fun watching kittens when they are in their crazy moods.

  29. wow!!! thats a beautiful pic

  30. Awesome pic!! :)

  31. :D
    Do you realise how blessed you are and will be for making all of us smile so much? :)

    Tch, in the hope for a perfect pic you forgot to disentangle the poor 3rd one, or is she/he really stuck?

  32. aww so cute these are! its like they are runnin away..seeing that pic..it gives me the feelin of they are upto some prank/n like u caught 'em red handed ;)

    R these ur cats btw?

  33. Well those kitties are certainly on a very determined mission aren't they? Must be a really enticing bird or squirrel out there! Our WW is here...

  34. an awesome capture!
    so worth interrupting your meal I would say ;).

  35. witnessing the moment is one thing... but being able to capture it makes all the difference :)

  36. Hey Preets!! that is an AWSOME & rare picture. Since my whole family( sisters & our kids) love cats this is all the more pleasing to the eye. Yeah!! you dont need any words there , just sit & enjoy.Kudos for "snapping " this rare "catwalk".

  37. Wow!!! This is so cute!!! You clicked it beautifully.

    Cheers :-)

  38. r they all urs;-o???????

  39. should i ask "are they all yours?!"


    its such a lovely picture PS! and considering a picture is woryh thousand words, this is hardly a wordless wednesday!! :D

    loved it totally!



  40. This is such a lovely picc!!!! YOu have so many cats as pet??

  41. Hi Preeti,

    I am speechless. You always have something seemingly simple to share, but yet having a telling effect your readers bringing about a smile, make the heart feel lighter, opening the mind to a world which is much bigger and beautiful than the one we are living cocooned in.

    Regarding your previous post on colour, just to say it made me happy would be too mild a reaction for the inexplicably pleasant feeling that the reading provided. THANKS VERY MUCH

  42. Oh this is the best photo! haha I didn't know they had spiderman abilities at such a young age :)

    Well worth a wordless wednesday!

  43. prison break!

    :) nice picture...

    so wht is that u dont do?... i will have my handwriting scanned and send to u...even iam curious to know the real tys :)

  44. Tys: Ideal would be if you mail it to me, as then i can get the 'pressure' etc which make a difference--if you cant then a scan also will do. if you want my postal address send me a mail on ps @ preetisatish.com and I'll respond.

    DevilMood:Even I was really surprised :)

    Hari:Thank YOU!

    Chirpy paro:not exactly mine--they are all garden cats.they visit me often. :)

    AV: yeah!

    Mama-Mia:They live in my garden. :)Thks!

  45. Reflections:They're all garden cats.


    SVK:Thanks!!And congrats on your own blog!

    Guru:true! Well said.


    Bumbles:don't know--maybe they were just doing commando training! There was no bird there as it is a wall on top.

  46. Pavi:they're not exactly mine--they are all garden cats.They think my house belongs to them :)

    Sunny Raju:see above comment.

    Still thinking:Nobody was hurt in the making of this photograph.Actions seen here are performed by professional and should not be replicated at home :) Nopes--no one was stuck.they were having a good time.

    Monika, Bindu: thank you!!

    A, Barbara: thank you!!

  47. Pink Dogwood:they like to think so :) They're all garden cats.

    Sam:Commando training? :)

    Sushobhan: I am a dog person.But i dont hate cats.I like all animals.

    Geetha:I'm not a cat person at all. I like dogs.:P (even the men) LOL :)sorry to all the men who are reading this-could not resist that :D

    June,Preeti:Thank you!

    Broca: It is???

    Roshan: yeah!! :)Its raining cats hallelujah!

    Aathira: ok--will check :)

  48. Prats:they're not really mine.They're garden cats. they like to think my house belongs to them.:)

    r:see my comment above.



    Nikhil: Thank god it was not a Cat-astrophe ;-)

    Suma: :-) :-)

    Tessie:Not really--I like puppies more.

    xh: yeah--commando training!

    Neo:Nopes--i like dogs. Dont really like cats.

    Prats:Click on the link.Its a site where U have to put your blog link after u post a pic clicked by you, on your blog.Its very popular as people from all over the world take part.

  49. ya..I know that from some of your previous posts:)


  50. Wow! thats a superb moment frozen in time. Truly an evoking pic. You should have held a "Caption Contest" for this pic. I am sure people who come to blog would love that...:)

  51. Jagjit:Next time I will!

    Geetah:Yup! :)

  52. Though i dont like cats...i luv dis pic!! Awesome one ther P!!

  53. Brilliant...Annie loves this!!

  54. Pai:Thanks!

    Niall:Give her a big hug from me.


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