Where I talk in detail about my writing process

Hi there,

We are already in the middle of January! Half of January has gone by. Have you been keeping up your new year resolutions?  I have!

I read an article recently in Times of India  which said that studies have shown that mid January is the month when couples fight the most, split up the most and in general, feel miserable. This is mostly because the euphoria of a new year has died down, a few resolutions have already been broken, and a kind of weariness after all the festivity has set in. (Click on the link to know more about it)

I have made a reading wall this year too. I am happy to report that I am currently on my 4th book, this year. I have just finished reading The Pearl that Broke its Shell by Nadia Hashimi and I loved it. I did feel it was very miserable and depressing in many places, with absolutely no hope. One gets drawn into the bleakness, wretchedness and despondency and it envelops you. There's no escape till you finish the last word. If you are already in a depressed state, then avoid this book! But if you can take it, and you want an engrossing read, then go for it.


The other thing I am doing this year, is that I am taking part in an International Art Project, organised by the Brooklyn Art Library which houses the world's largest collection of sketchbooks, in the physical form!  To know more you can go HERE.

I received my sketchbook a few months back and I am now busy filling it up. I shall be submitting it in March, to the library. I find it very exciting to be a part of a global art project. The sheer enormity and magnificence of the idea is fantastic. Art unites people in a way no other medium can. You don't need a language for a drawing.

Some time back, I had mentioned that Doordarshan had interviewed me in depth. I had talked about my writing process, about my novels, my yoga practice and many other things. Today they sent me a link of that interview. If you want to see it, I am embedding it here.

If you watch the  above interview, do let me know how you found it.
 I have been very honest and candid.

 What is news with you? How has your January started?

 Tell me in comments, I want to know! (I do reply to all my blog comments)



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  3. Hi Preeti, I have lots to tell you

  4. Hi Preeti! Happy New Year. Loved the interview. I have been following your work and blog since 2011 and the discussion felt so much as a part of that journey , right from your first blog to all the books.
    You have upgraded my life in many layers. I have hundreds of things to talk about, thanks to you.You introduced me to twitter, quilling, organic farming , Dr Seuss book (for my 5 month old baby) and the podcast. Thank you so much.😃
    As a new year resolution I have decided to spend less time on non productive stuffs and go for cycling regularly .
    May you have a great year !

    1. Dear Nitu,
      Hearty congrats on the birth of your baby! What have you named him/her? I remember that meeting in Atta Galata. Happy that you find value in stuff I share :)
      God Bless and Happy new year!!!

    2. Wow fan moment :) this is something like an autograph from you preeti , thanks a lot :)

    3. Thank you !
      Meeting you was one of the happiest moment of my life . We have named her Ira.

  5. Hi Preethi , please let me know where did you learn that sketching program online , i am really eager to do that.

    1. Hi Jamie,
      There are so many many online. Skillshare, Udemy, Course era, and many individual illustrators run classes. Choose one that helps YOU and appeals to you. I did portraiture from UK. (not online). You can search on Youtube for tutorials.

  6. Thoroughly enjoyed the interview. And am so happy you are keeping this blog alive and kicking

    1. Thanks mini :) Also thank you for watching :)

  7. Hi preeti
    Happy new year. I loved to see your interview. I am an author and really very much impressed on your style of working. I just want to say you are simply great. I like your confidence, your look, your passion of yoga, over all your personality I liked it so much and off course your novel too. Yes I just red 2 of them . But Very soon would like others too.

    1. Thank you so very much Neeta. And wish you the very best with your writing!

  8. Hi Preeti, finally i m now trying to comment on your post from my laptop as comments from my phone just dnt get published. I have lots to tell you. So let me take it step by step. Firstly, i have read all your books published so far and needless to mention each one of them is beautiful and i could relate to them in each phase of my life. Your latest book " Hundred flames" is awesomly written and as per my 2017 year resolution i was supposed to end 2017 by reading your book. I carried it to Goa and was able to complete it just in time on 30th Dec. I am a corporate lawyer with a kid of 2 years and a good husband. I stay in Bangalore and one of my wishlist for this year 2018 is to meet you in person. Please let me know how when can i meet you. I will be obligated and grateful if you allow me to meet you.

    Secondly, your blogs have impacted my life in a great way and some of the things that i have implemented in my life after reading your books and blogs are : (i) being positive and avoiding negative people in my life (ii) small garden in my house wherein i grow tomatoes, potatoes and chiils for my son. i want to grow it further as and when i get free time (iii) i have been writing diary since my school time but after reading your latest book from this year onwards i am going to make an entry in my diary only as and when i feel like and not everyday. I agree with your idea or to say Gopal Shanker's concept that daily entry can be cumbersome and boring. Thanks a lot for writing such awesome book. i wrote the good things and bad things that happened to me in 2017 in my last year diary. (iv) i have started running every day or walking and aim to continue to do so irrespective of my work or home schedule.

    I need your guidance in selecting books that i would like to read this year. I have not started any book and would love to start my year with a book recommended by you on emotional stability, emotional independence, anger management etc. I would have started by year with a book written by you but for that i will have to wait till April i guess. There are many other areas i would like to discuss upon with you or would appreciate if you write about them in your books or blogs like do you believe there is something called emotional independence or emotional infidelity or co-dependent relation. i can explain you the scenario in detail if you want me to to get your opinion on the same. please keep writing as i love to read your blogs.

    1. Thank you so very much Shally! I am glad my writing helps you. There are hundreds of articles on the web about emotional infidelity and also about co-dependency. I guess you will get enough guidance there!
      Good luck with the diary writing. Many thanks for your support and love.


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