Re-store : A delightful little shop in Whitefield, Bangalore.

All of us are guilty, at least to some extent  of hoarding stuff. We hold on to old things--be it clothes, books, utensils, footwear, knick-knacks or some such, that form the minutiae of our daily lives. Many a time these add to the the clutter too. Rare is the home which looks like the above pic.

I am a huge fan of Marie Kondo, and I highly recommend her book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up  which is more than just a book.

It is an entire philosophy, and a new approach. I read the book back to back, and immediately put into use the methods described in the book. I must tell you how wonderful I felt! I never thought that I could be that organised.

Clearing clutter, and the stuff that you no longer have use for, does release 'blocked energy.' There is no scientific or rational explanation for this. I only know that it works for me. Any Feng Shui practitioner and  loads of Eastern Schools of belief will confirm this.

I always make it a point to give away things I no longer use. So imagine my delight, when I discovered this store today, (in Bangalore) where you can donate 'gently used stuff'. It is like the charity shops you have abroad. They are all resold to people who need them, and all the stuff in this delightful store is priced between Rs.1/- and Rs.100/- ! How fabulous is that! The store is called  Re-Store. It is located at whitefield, and is run by a lovely lady called Devyani, whom I met today. I donated a lot of things from my home--books, toys, hair bands, knick-knacks, etc  and they were happily received.

Here are pictures from the store.

Devyani who runs Re-store. along with a regular customer of Re-store!

I also met some of the store's customers, who are mostly the villagers of the locality.
They also have a Facebook page.

If you are in Bangalore, do  consider donating  your stuff to Re-store.

Reduce, Re-use and Recycle. You will be helping Planet Earth.
And many many people, who are not as privileged as you.

Contact Re-store:  +919886536240
 (Please call them before you go, as it is manned by just one person, and she steps out for lunch and other things. Also Saturdays, they are closed)


ps: Check out my books:

unsplash-logotu tu


  1. Awesome place, will surely visit it soon and donate few things that I no longer use.. Thank you for sharing this link Ma'am..

    1. Please do Sneha, and please share it with your friends too.

    2. Can we send Postal orders Preeti because i live far way from Bangalore

    3. Please call Devyani on that number and check?

  2. Thanks a lot Preeti. Your blog is just in time when i am clearing my apartment stuff as il be shifting to germany sometime this year. Last weekend I have away lot of my son clothes to my nanny. I have to give away my books clothes and lot of toys of my son. Thanks for this blog. Il visit them sometime next Sunday and will surely call them before going .

    1. That's very good. Loads of underprivileged children will benefit from your son's toys. Wishing you loads of luck with your move to Germany.

  3. Thanks a lot Preeti. Your blog is just in time when i am clearing my apartment stuff as il be shifting to germany sometime this year. Last weekend I have away lot of my son clothes to my nanny. I have to give away my books clothes and lot of toys of my son. Thanks for this blog. Il visit them sometime next Sunday and will surely call them before going .

  4. Awesome concept... Much appreciated

  5. Excellent idea..I'd donate some of my unused stuffs as well..

  6. I've been searching for something like this store for a while. Thanks for writing about it💙

  7. Awesome...a fantastic concept..

    1. Yes! :) Thanks for leaving a comment.

  8. Very useful blog post. I mentioned it in my blog. You can read it here.

    I shred it on my Facebook page and Google plus.

  9. Great initiative..where s this located in Whitefield?

    1. Please see their FB page which I have linked, or call her and she will send you the location.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Please contact Devyani and check?

  11. This post is truly motivating to people who are not aware of ideas like these. Rather than wasting away the unused stuff more people can participate in such giveaways and thereby helping in recycling. My idea is more cities should hav such shops. I'm from kerala and I've not heard of such stores nearby my place. Recently I've heard some websites also starting up such takeaways and giveaways. Good to know people are finding new ways to help nature .. Love your posts .. Keep going,mam 👍


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