A review--Why We Love The Way we Do (Blog marathon post 20)

Just got to know that Sakal Times have given my latest book a really nice review.
I quote from the review:

The essays are peppered with a lot of real-life stories and practical advice about myriad matters related to love and marriage — from how to survive heartbreaks, to how to make relationships last.

Shenoy’s writing style is articulate, engaging and candid (she shares personal experiences of her marriage at several points in the book). The book is replete with references to social and psychological studies and cultural facts, which gives a welcome sense of authenticity to the reading experience. The author is careful not to come across as repetitive or preachy.
No matter how many books you have written, it always feels great to get a positive review. At the end of the day, we put in a lot of work to write a book. We do the best that we can. For this book, I had put in hours and hours of meticulous research. i had taken care to not sound preachy or like a ms.Know-it-all.

I am glad that, that has been recognised.

 For all of you who have bought it, read it and liked it---a heartfelt thank you. It was at No.7 on the Nieslsen listand was at No.5 on the Crossword best-seller list.

And it was you  who helped make it happen!
Thanks folks! Keep smiling.

See you tomorrow!
Buy the book: Bit.ly/WhyWeLoveTheWayWedo


  1. Wish to see more books from you ma'am:)

  2. Wish to see more books from you ma'am:)

  3. a great pleasure to read you..

  4. I have read the book.. Infact I was the first member to lend it from the libraray .. I was way to proud and the book has not of messages in it.. It was awesome .. Loved reading it.. Waiting for many more books tel you :)

  5. Wonderful review and perfect for #WhyWeLoveTheWayWeDo.


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