6 things you can do when all fails (blog marathon post 5)

When things go wrong in your life it is very easy to keep focussing on that. To keep complaining.
Often, this complaining stems up from the sheer helplessness of the situation. That point when you reach the i-don't-know-what-to-do-anymore point. Nothing that you do seems to help change the situation. You have tried every single solution that you possibly can. It is totally out of your control. What can you do then?

Here are 6 things that you CAN do

1.Focus on the things going right: 
Often we forget about things that are going right for us. Do you have a roof over your head? Great! There are 78 million homeless people in India. Do you have a job? Fabulous! There are 47 million unemployed  youth in India. And you say that you have problems?

2.Refuse to talk or think about it:
 If you have tried every possible thing that you can do, then put a FULL STOP to your thoughts and to your mouth. Refuse to talk about it. The moment you find yourself cribbing to your spouse or friends or closest ones, the ones who are 'duty-bound' or bound out of love to listen to how hard it is for you and how helpless you are, ask yourself to shut the f*** up. STOP ! There is nothing more you can do.

 Why will exercise help when you have an issue in your hand that you can do nothing about? Well, exercise releases in your body, the feel good endorphins. It fights depression. It makes you fitter. It helps you burn off that plum cake you gobbled as it was so tasty that you couldn't resist eating it. Also it makes you so tired so you don't toss and turn in bed, trying to fall asleep thinking about your problem.

4.Meet new people:
Go out and socialise. Get off the social media. Stop looking at other people's pictures and thinking about how great their lives are and why is it that things are going wrong only with you. Everybody is happy on facebook. Go join a class which you always wanted to. Go visiti a friend you have been forever meaning to catch up with. If you have a chance to meet new people, please grab it and do so. It will give you a different perspective about life, take your mind off the issue that you can do nothing about.

5.Do something you have never done before:
  When I found myself utterly helpless about a situation that I was facing one time, I joined ashtanga yoga. It is something I have never done before, even though I have practised yoga for more than  30 years. It gave me focus, concentration and made me the fittest i have ever been in my life. I out all my energies into that and ignored the issue that i had no solution for and that i could do nothing about. I just took one day at a time and kept going till a solution emerged.

6.Time solves everything:

Please remember that no matter how much ever you try to 'solve a problem' there is a time for it to be solved. There is sweet nothing you can do till it is time. Sometimes leaving a thing alone is the best solution.

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  1. Anonymous3:22 AM

    What a beautiful list of advice's, enjoyed reading it. Time solves everything is the absolute best resolution. So true in most cases. Also, trying new things is a great option, you never know what's in store for you.

  2. A refreshing piece of blog - thnx Madam

  3. And your blogs always make me smile.. honestly.

  4. good advice.applicable in this present scenario where like all most everyone is in grip of stress.yoga, excercise is definitely a good medicine for stress.it keeps physically fit and remove mental ailments.

  5. Your posts always motivates me Mam. These days I'm following this only.
    Thank you for this blog. :)

  6. Hi Preeti, What a way for me to be introduced to your blog by seeing this post!:) Some helpful thoughts. I would like to say this about your point number 2, People do seek professional help at times because they have no one to listen to them. It is really a good thing to have at least one good friend you can talk to anytime. And way to stay positive with point number 6. -Kind regards

    1. Hi James. Welcome to my blog! yes, speaking up to a qualified professional is different. What I meant was needlessly whining to anyone who will listen.

    2. Hi Preeti, I no doubt you knew what you were saying. Yes, you know the subject matter; and you still left the subject open enough,so to allow people like me to contribute something meaningful to your blog. Thank you

  7. nice article . i wrote fictions for movie production .can you help me to find a producer for my fictions?

  8. Returning after years! I have 2 words - "Thank You"

  9. Returning after years! I have 2 words - "Thank You"

  10. Awesome inspirational blog..

  11. Awesome inspirational blog..

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Preeti! Thank you for your wonderful post! If you remember...an year back when nothing was turning right and every situation I was handling was weakening me(physically n mentally), I came across your book.. Life Is What You Make It. And I've written a long mail regarding how I felt after reading it! Yes, the motivation it gave me is still alive within me. As constantly follow your blog, I am already following 4 out of 6 in the above mentioned points. Now, reading these again, has helped me in re-evaluating myself and build more strength to face tougher challenges ahead!! Thank you once again for your motivational post :)

  14. Hi Preeti! Thank you for your wonderful post! If you remember...an year back when nothing was turning right and every situation I was handling was weakening me(physically n mentally), I came across your book.. Life Is What You Make It. And I've written a long mail regarding how I felt after reading it! Yes, the motivation it gave me is still alive within me. As constantly follow your blog, I am already following 4 out of 6 in the above mentioned points. Now, reading these again, has helped me in re-evaluating myself and build more strength to face tougher challenges ahead!! Thank you once again for your motivational post :)

  15. Inspirational........ Thank you :)

  16. Great advice Preeti. I remember the book Secret & Magic by Ronda Bryne. Very helpful in such situations.

  17. Hi Preeti, i just want to say that blog 5 & 6 are copied and pasted in word document and sharing with my friends now....

  18. That's awesome advice, Preeti. Going through this phase right now and your words make sense.

  19. Hi Preeti! not that v doesn't kknow about it .if we open internet u bkoody get so much n so mire like this byt here what makes a difference is it is more effective ,impactful n ling lasting wen it comes from a persin u admire n follow...like always... Thanks

  20. Good article ma'am thanks for the advice


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