5 myths on happiness (Blog marathon post 3)

As promised in yesterday's post, here is what i think are the top 5 myths about happiness.

1. You should be close to perfect: Nobody is. Nobody can be. No matter how much you try, there will always be somebody who is fitter, richer, more smart, cleverer and their lives will seem ideal and perfect. But what you have to remember is you are looking at only a single dimension of their lives. You can never be *perfect*. And you don’t have to be, in order to be happy.

2. Others should behave how you want them to: Another myth that most people buy into is that you would be happy if ___________ behaved in a certain way. If only he would_______ or If only she would____________.(Fill in the blanks suitably). Thing is you do not control anybody’s behaviour, but your own. If you control your reaction and expectations, you can be happy.

3.More money makes you happy: It doesn’t! Look at the people who have more money than you do. Examine their lives. Are they really happier than you? (I highly doubt it)

4.A particular person can make you happy: When I was a little girl, my dad had a favourite quote, which was on a little plaque that he had hung up in our house. It said “The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. I believe in that completely. If you depend on others for your happiness (not matter who it may be) you are going to feel let down at some point in time.

5. What works for others works for you: Each of us are unique. A Tiesto concert may make your friend very happy, but it may give you a splitting headache. One man’s joy is another’s anathema. Just because something makes a loved one happy, it needn’t make you happy. It is okay to be different and to pursue your own interests. We are all so different from each other and we should celebrate the differences!

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  1. Nice one. Nothing more than to agree with this myths. People tend to forget themselves in this world. Also they get carried away with what others do, thinking that would make them happy as well and land up in trouble. They should look into themselves, their uniqueness and do things which can actually make them happy..!!!

    Blog marathon is getting interesting day by day and am enjoying it. See you tomorrow..!!! :)

  2. Good one Preeti. Not missing on any post. BTW, is the last point title (What works for others works for you) right? or did we miss on the "Doesn't" there? Expecting the next post eagerly...

    1. She is talking about myths. "What works for others works for you" is a happiness myth.

  3. even knowing about these are "myths", we still hung on them.it hurts,we learn a lesson yet again stick to them.we cant get happiness in name, for that its important to realize,nobody can do what we ourselves could do for our happiness

  4. Well said...will be eagerly waiting for the next post

  5. Brilliant blog madam - Happiness is all about giving. If one thinks it's about receiving well only after the giving part is fulfilled.

  6. This is interesting, and thought-provoking!

  7. I really liked this post, because it reminded me that there are so many myths about happiness and we tend to do things according to other people's happiness and not ours. So it is always best to trust the person we see when we stand in front of the mirror, because if one is happy with themselves, then only can they make others happy!

  8. Expectation kills... nice one Preeti :)

  9. @preetishenoy, You had said that one's happiness is another's headache. I was just trying to apply this on my future relationship. So how does it work for married couples. So, if both of them have a different taste, interest and habits, will they still go hand in hand. Or Should we all search for the mate who have same tastes as ourselves.
    You hadn't replied to one of my previous comments a few months ago. Expecting one here now.
    Thanks in Advance :)

  10. Truly said...people should be happy beause they want to not because they have to or because they are happy...btw be happy ma'am...

  11. Truly said...people should be happy beause they want to not because they have to or because they are happy...btw be happy ma'am...


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