For those in Delhi, Gurgaon and Jaipur.

Tomorrow (6th Feb)  I leave for Delhi.

If you are in Delhi, do drop in at 6.30 pm, to Landmark, Ambience Mall, Vasant Kunj.
 I will be in conversation with Vinita Nangia, Senior Editor, Times of India. (I love her columns O-zone that appears every Sunday in Times Life) . Vinita loved my book! Praise from her, meant a lot to me.

On 7th, we have another event happening in Gurgaon.

I will be in conversation with Anuja Chauhan. Right now, I am reading her first book 'The Zoya Factor' and I love it! Her second book 'Those Pricey Thakur girls' has recently been released. (I am yet to read that one).

On 8th, I will be in Jaipur, in conversation with Mita Kapur who is a writer herself and also the founder and CEO of Siyahi, a literary consultancy.

I had posted the invites on my Facebook page a little while ago.
A reader commented

"Hi. You are close but not very close to my place. :( "

I replied back saying "Well, I am traveling  2157 kilometres to come to your city."

The fact is, I do leave my home (my children have to be on their own till my husband comes back from work, and sometimes he is working late or traveling) , my dog and all my other work, when I travel to come to your city. I give up on my precious and much awaited weekends too! I feel wonderful when people turn up in large numbers to attend the event that my publishers take great pains to organise. All my events are very interactive, and we talk, converse and have a lot of fun.

As a writer, when I meet my readers face to face, it is always a happy moment.

Nothing beats a face to face meeting.
If you are in Delhi or Gurgaon, and are reading this, I am hoping to see you :)

After all I have travelled more than 2000 kilometres to be in your city. :)


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  1. Hello ma'am,
    When will you come in Kolkata?

  2. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Hey! All the best!
    I am a huge Anuja Chauhan fan and love her books and had to comment and correct that 'Those Pricey Thakur girls' is her third book. 'Battle of Bittora' being the second!
    Cheers :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello mam,
    Missing Delhi like anything.. wish I was there in your program...
    Plz do come in Kolkata .. We r waiting for you mam...

  5. Hi Preeti
    I would love to meet u. I love all ur books. Ive not read ur latest tho'.
    Hope i can see u some time in future. For i feel ur narrations are so
    convincing and give a feel that they are personally experienced by u!
    May u write many more books for book lovers like me!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Preeti, I came but could not meet either you or Anuja Chauhan. I came to Canvas and Quills today, but since I was with my 10 months old daughter, who started making noises the moment the discussion started, I had to leave. However, it was great seeing you though. That in itself was an inspiration to write more and read more. Hope to meet you next time! - regards, Deepti


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