A little routine.

The routine in unvarying. Whenever my daughter comes back from school, she calls out 'Hi Mamma..Where are you?" No matter which part of the house I am in, no matter what I am doing, I always , rush to her and hug her.

Her next question is predictable too.
'What have you made today?'
Sometimes it is chilli cheese toast, sometimes dosa, sometimes rotis and sometimes when I am too tired or to have been too busy to make anything special, it is just plain old Maggi noodles. (met with joyous screams of 'yay-it-is-maggi-today')

Then she asks me to sit with her, while she eats. And she narrates in the minutest detail, all that has happened at school.
I listen.
In silence.
Without interrupting, judging or saying a thing.

I see all that she describes.
I feel all that she has gone through.
I can experience her happiness, her disappointments, her little victories and her tiny miniscule failures.
I learn with her.
About people, about life, about the world.

She sometimes asks me for advice. I choose my words carefully.

And even though I have seen it all before, it is still new.

She is such a blessing, my not-so-little girl.

And through her, I sometimes live.


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  1. Pure joy of Motherhood...! :-)

  2. Wish I had more time for my daughter. Sigh.

    1. I guess it's a trade-off. I gave up my corporate career to be a stay-at-home mom to my children.

  3. Wow.. A sweet post! :)

  4. A mother of three girls, of which the eldest is 4, I am eagerly waiting for this phase :) god bless you guys...

    1. I can tell you for sure, it gets better and better as they get older :) Except when they are teens :-/ :)

  5. aha! those precious moments...cherish them :)

  6. i wish to be your son,but couldn't get it now so i shall be with my parents in the way your daughter is with you

    1. Oh--but you see only the best of me on my blog. I do yell at my kids and tick them off, when I feel they deserve it.
      Your parents deserve respect and honour from you. Please do not wish to be anybody else's son! It is an insult to your parents if you so wish!!

  7. I have started reading your blogs regularly now..in fact i check my gmail with a hope that there is a message in my inbox saying there is a new post from you. I have started to see your life through your eyes and i feel connected to you. From the time i read your first book almost 15 days back "The Secret Wishlist" i just felt connected to you. Then i found your blog on the net and read almost all posts.

    Your latest fan

    Jasmine Talreja

    1. Wow--honoured you feel so Jasmine!
      I do hope you like my other books too!! :)

  8. Hello ma'am!

    So sweet post of you and your daughter :) Lovely write up indeed.I am so much a die hard fan of you.There is not a single day when I not follow your TL at twitter or blog post or your web page.I feel so much connected with you.I don't know how much successful I would be in my life but my thinking has changed a lot by read you and your write ups.There were many crucial times in my life.But now I have changed a lot.I just can't think about 'give ups or disappointments'. I always realize that 'just hold on and stick to the fight'. You mean a lot to me.You have changed the way of my life.Now I like my life . I am very much grateful to you ma'am.
    And I have a wish to know how was your childhood days or student life :)
    All the very best to you ma'am.


    1. Thanks a lot Anwesa! Honoured that you think so! My childhood was nice and peaceful :) Will write about it sometime :)

  9. I imagined the whole scene! :) but instead of you nd Purvi, I saw myself and my daughter in a few years time.

  10. You know Mam whats the good thing about you ? You are not among those celebrities who disrespects there fans posts by never commenting or liking those. I think your the only personality who always respects your fans best wishes by liking or replying to there respective comments. That's why I'm huge fan of you. By the way are you having any plans for any visit in Indore ?

    1. Ooooh! You are putting pressure on me to reply now :) I try and reply but sometimes it just is not possible due to HUUUUUGE volumes of messages and mails and comments I get!
      No--no plans for Indore as of now.

  11. for a minute my mind went back 20 years.. i followed a routine very similar to this with my mother...

  12. I am the latest addition in the list of your readers, and I am happy for that. Your little routine is very well connecting to me as I m also a stay at home mom for my 4 years young daughter. Read your book 'life is what you make it', have just finished the book in a single sitting...the characters are still in front of me.

  13. That is the bond o affection.

  14. It is a affection between parents & Son

  15. Such a wonderful way to celebrate the bond between mother and child each and every day.

  16. I went back to the time when I was 12 years old and my Mom used to do the same things you have written here. Unfortunately I have lost her at the age of 13. I miss her so much, though I know she is spiritually always with me. Thanks for this blog post which took me behind time.


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