What I have been upto.

Hello people,

It is definitely nice to be missed. And of course, it feels good to know that I was.

Thank you to the kind folks who wrote to me reminding me that my blog was not updated for fourteen whole days, and one clever reader went to my FB page and checked my  twitter ,(I have been active on both, even though I haven' blogged)  and read my posts there and sent me a mail, guessing that the reason for my silence is because I have sent my new manuscript to the publishers :)

No--I haven't. (yet).  But I have indeed been working on my 5th book, and working very hard (oh, you have no idea! I work till I fall asleep in front of the laptop) and it is nearly done. But it it will be a while yet, ( a few months) before it is out. It is a lot of work you know, as explained in this post and the real work starts only when the first draft is done.

But I have been upto other things too.

Like using my new phone camera to capture striking images. Like this one.

Isn't this a great picture? (Even if I may say so myself)

Like spending time with my mother who is visiting, as mentioned in this post.

Like celebrating my daughter's 12th birthday.

(yes I clicked this picture too and that was her b'day cake --full of roses.)

Like playing with my dog. (yeah, she is a BIG dog)

Like catching up with good friends.

(In the picture with me is  Sachin Garg  who was in Bangalore recently)

Like reading a lot. (I had to tear myself away from a book to write this post. My reading list tends to be wide and varied)

The only thing I seemed to have missed is catching up on sleep.

And updating this blog.

I plan to make amends. (and yes, leaving a comment on my posts just might goad me into posting more often. :) I do like hearing from you, rather than this being a rambling  one-sided monologue :))

Until the next post,
Love and laughter


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  1. Glad to see you back on the blog front :)

    Waiting eagerly for your next book
    and the birthday cake looks really yumm!!!!!

    :D :D

  2. Nice to see you blog after so many days with the beautiful pics ..
    Waiting for your new book to be launched soon!

  3. well you were missed here :P

  4. We really missed u preeti.

    1. I missed being here too Supriya :)

  5. Hey Preeti..You were missed!
    I came here on most days I connected...and kept wondering wht you were upto :)

  6. Thanks for coming back :)

  7. I was wondering that something was missing in my routine and then realized that it's been a while I read your blog post, love reading yours anytime! And waiting for your next book! :) :)

  8. Nice to see your blog again...I used to check everyday.All teh best for your upcoming book. Waiting for it..keep on:)

  9. We understand You are very busy.. but we all love your blog a lot. so,try to post atleast once in a week :) and also when can we hear about your next book?? and When can we expect it in stands ??

    1. I definitely will. Thanks Harish :) Book will take at least a couple of months more :)

    2. i'm waiting :)

  10. Preeeeetiiiii, you just cant describe my joy you know:D I mailed you last night and in some 12 hrs you have posted!!! <3 u for this :) THANKS:) would love to see more pics clicked by you.

    1. *it's 3 hrs, not 12:) and the cake looks yum.

    2. Hanni! :) I know--it was your mail that prompted me to post :)

  11. Reading has been something I have been trying to get back to... maybe once school starts, I should start getting more time. :) Love pictures of Lostris :)

    1. Oh yes..Three hours of freedom? :)

  12. Ah finally !! there you are... !.
    Had missed you terribly..
    Belated Birthday wishes to dear Purvi.

    1. Thank you Soumya! Wishes conveyed with a hug :)

  13. Great!! Missed you! And those pictures are nice indeed!!
    Good day!

    1. Thanks Durga :) and hope you had a great day as well!

  14. Yaaaaaaaaaaay--Finally a post from you. Have been checking regularly.
    Lovely pics.

    1. Thank you Seema :) Happy that you noticed the pics :D

  15. Preeti reading your blog had become a daily dose of happiness and goodness. It gives my life a refreshing start when i read a new post in the morning( i avoid reading or listening to news in the early hours) ... so something was badly missing in life. Thanks for getting it back to gear ... love u

    1. Thank you so very much! Feels sooooo good to know that I make a difference in someone's life. That too someone I haven't even met. The power of words--so amazing, isn't it?

    2. Ya i can understand it must be a overwhelming feeling to know that your words make a difference in people's life. Words or any other form its God's blessing if one can touch others life in beautiful ways... n u have got that gift. Keep up the goodness in you and keep spreading happiness always ... Love, Life, Happiness.

  16. Hey, Im new here and have just started my own comic blog. http://lolokplease.blogspot.in/ do visit it!!

  17. nice to see u back..all the best for your book..we all are eagerly waiting :)

  18. Yaaaaaaaaaaay--Finally we got a post from you.
    Lovely pics & yammuy cack ..

  19. welcome back to the world of blogging...boy, am i relieved...

  20. the first picture was a wow. a storywriter, a mother of two, how turned to be a photographer??!!:)

  21. Whoa awesome pic .......how can U find such beautiful pics.....were do U find them ......cake yum yum

  22. Pics are really nice and seems that they have been taken by some professional and its kinda photoshoot style. Love it.


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