A nice evening and an addiction I can't kick

There was this event at Atta Galata Bangalore, where I was invited by as the chief guest , by Fablery to launch a book of short stories called 'Ten Shades of life'. The book is a compilation of stories by ten different authors. Each month, fablery had hosted a contest for short stories, with a certain theme and the work of one winner  from each month was chosen to be published. Therefore the book is a eclectic collection of varied genres ranging from romance to sci-fiction to horror to action and adventure.

 I wore a saree for the event.
Was amused at the comments I got on FB.

I do love wearing sarees. It's just that sometimes there really is no occasion to wear them. Also wearing a saree in the house, when you have a large extra-active doberman who follows you around like a shadow isn't really the best of ideas for reasons obvious :)

I was amazed that Nitu (who has commented on this blog many times , who adores me and has read all my books! ) turned up at the event just to meet me. She brought along her mother as well. She was visiting Bangalore from Kolkata and she said she wouldn't miss an opportunity to see me.

So sweet of you Nitu!

It was also great to meet Dr.Roshan who was one of the winners.  He had come just for this launch all the way from Palghat, Kerala. He had also come for the launch of my first book, way back in 2008 and he had predicted (rightly) that I would write many more books. Of course, I had no clue then that I would be among one of India's best-selling authors. 

It was indeed a big reminder of a LONG LONG way that I have come. Roshan has blogged about the launch here.
 If you want to see more pictures, click here.

Roshan  and I were talking about how we had both started blogging around the same time--at that time bloggers were considered an aberration--weird people who did some weird stuff like sharing their life's moments online. Blogging had really not caught on back then. But today it is the 'in-thing' and blogging is cool.

How things change!

And yet how some things remain the same.
I started with this blog--and I continue to write here, and connect with all of you, who continue to read what I write.

For me, this is an addiction for life.
Whoever comes into my life, whoever goes, my blog and I, we're in this together--till death do us part :)

And you are welcome to join in and enjoy the ride :)
As always I am grateful for those who read me and doubly for the ones who leave me such lovely comments.

Adios--Till the next post.

Check out my latest book here where it has been getting some fabulous reviews. You don't need a credit card. You can even pay cash on delivery. It has a whopping discount too :)

And hey--If you like my blog, you might enjoy my books :) Grab them here. :)


  1. Even i Look forward to meet u one day mam !!!! :) :)..im so influenced with your divine qaulity of writing & your thoughts...U r a true inspiration!!!! :)

  2. And I still need to meet you :(! Love love love ur blog!

  3. I'll read this blog till the end

  4. i think u look really nice in a sari...i finished The Secret Wishlist....totally loved it though the references to the salwar khameez as "the mummy outfit" kind of made be feel a little bad as it is my favorite outfit of all time:-(...still the book was great... really looking forward to the next book...

  5. OMG!! I am mentioned in your blog... This is incredible. Till date I have read all the post in this blog and it is like a temple to me, Seriously :).It is always inspiring and I have got to know about lots of things just by reading your blog. Thank you!

    I am delighted that I got an opportunity to meet you after I missed the Kolkata Launch. I was really touched by the affectionate gesture I received from your family and your Mother.:D <3.

    1. you must have left some mark in her heart that's why you are mentioned in the blog why not so many others'..

  6. ur blogs r refreshing preeti so much of positive stuff .ur happiness over the lil things in life is infectious i look forward to your blogs.keep the good work.

  7. Hi Preethi!

    I wanted to attend the TSOL launch and meet you in person, but could not because it was raining heavily on that day and I had to travel alone :(

    Maybe next time I will get a chance to see you.

    You look gorgeous in a saree. The picture of you in the wiki page is so ethnic.

    I have ordered TSOL and I am excited to read the stories in it.

  8. blogging is one of the best thing of new age where we can get connected to our ideals and become a part of their life. Its a way to have a like minded people share their experiences and stories and feel the joy of being heard and understood...it definitely gives a kick !!

  9. The gorgeous sari, the pottu, the ethnic jewellery and your hair - WOW - you are rocking the look! If there was ever the epitome of an Indian woman, I'd say that's you right now Preeti Shenoy!

  10. heh heh. You were amused at the fb comments? Guess mine was quite a strange comment there! I'm signing up to read your blogposts forever too, I mean it:) I'm so addicted to your words that I've bookmarked your fb fan page and blog on on mobile to check out even on days when I'm held up with something else.

  11. I wish i cud also come der.... u don't hve any launch here in gwalior na :( if i wud be older (i will complete 15 this year) I wud hve traveled anywhere.....I really wish to meet u like anything... "To meet u" is one my wish in my wishlist.... :)

  12. :) .always pleasant to read your blogs!

  13. Wow, you are blogging from 2006? You're some blog-veteran alright! Since I read only Non-Fiction books these days, I am not very conversant with the fiction books scene in India. But I'll have to read 'Life is what you make it', one day. For some reason, I had initially thought (assumed) that it was a romance book. Now I read that it is literary fiction! Blogging is a good medium to convey one's thoughts, but it is also effective for activism and creating a change in the society.

  14. It was nice to meet you during the book launch,

  15. Hi preeti,
    A few months ago got to read your book "Life is what you make it". Believe me or not i didn't want to pause so I sat the whole day until the end. It's good may be great to share such an experience with us. Thank you very much.
    But then I thought to ask you a question "Life is what you make it / Life is how you take it". I always believe, if you really want to make the best of the life till the end is to be very flexible just like water. Not so easy as we say "WATER" but thats the only way to keep oneself up even in most toughest situations when we really have nothing but life :) Thank you very much for the happy ending in the book coz actually or may be quite difficult in life to have such a happy ending for many :)

  16. Hi Preeti,

    I missed the chance to see you in Pune. Was struck with my manager at work. Hope you will be visiting Pune very soon and I can get a glance of one of the most beautiful ladies whom I adore..

    Thank you.

  17. Preeti, pretty you are in sari.I do enjoy your blog.


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