How it all feels.

When I get back from my events it always takes me about two whole days, at the very least, to recover. And that is just physically. So you can imagine the level of adrenaline that my blood must be carrying right now. In fact, I think if the medical professionals try to draw out blood, there wont be any--they will just get some  Epinephrine.

My events went off very well. I had two in Kochi, Kerala. The first was a book- interaction at DC Books and I was overwhelmed by the turnout, the love and respect showered on me and how very pretty the setting was. They had indeed put in a lot of effort. The second was an event at the Ritu Kumar store which was a joint launch of my new book and Ritu Kumar's new line SS-13. That went off well too. Click here (DC books)  and here(Ritu Kumar store) to see photos from both events.

For me, the most difficult thing about traveling for my events is leaving my family behind. I also now have to co-ordinate my travel plans with Satish's travel plans. My children miss me an awful lot. Just as I was leaving from my hotel for the DC books event in Kochi, Kerala, my son called excitedly. He had just reached back home from school and had scored the highest in History and had got a note or praise from his teacher. I was very happy and I so wished I had been home to give him a hug. It is that precise moment which is so important. It just isn't the same over phone.

My daughter called early next morning, just before leaving for school. "Mama, I miss you, when are you coming back?" she said. So I asked her if I should stop my travel and stay at home. Her answer was very clear " No way mama--I am super proud of you. Just go ahead for your events and anyway you will be back tomorrow!" (I never travel for more than 2-3 days)
I had quit my corporate career to be a stay-at-home mom. I have always been there for them while Satish traveled. We had decided that it was important that one of us is always there with the children. Now the Children are 15 and 11 and it is only now, when they are completely independent that I am traveling. Satish manages wonderfully when I travel. He is very supportive. We have never had anyone (Live-in maids, in-laws, parents) living with us, and it has always been the four of us, no matter whichever place we moved to. We're very close knit that way.

And another thing that I feel miserable about traveling is leaving my dog at the kennel. Dog-owners and dog-lovers will totally understand when I say that for me, she is my third baby. For those of you who have never had a dog, do read this post and also this one and if you want to know about Doberman in particular (my dog is a Dobe) then this one here is a MUST read.

The fact is now I am truly leading a celebrity author's life now. (Officially. For those who don't know--Am on the Forbes long-list. Have blogged about it here).  I keep getting calls from Media now and I have to actually schedule my calls. (Click here to see the Media coverage of 'The secret wishlist')

People often ask me how it all feels.

They ask me:

Am I enjoying it?   (Yes. I am.)
Are my children and Satish proud of me?   (A huge resounding YES. The children  come and tell me how proud they feel  when other kids  go 'wow' when they discover that Preeti Shenoy is their mother :-))
 Is it tiring?  (You bet! It is EXHAUSTING.)

At the moment, all I want to do is curl up in bed with my Doberman.

This is how she sleeps. Velvet blanket and pillow :) Yeah, I am so indulgent I know :)

 And that is just what I will do!
As soon as I finish this post :)

But I will be back here soon.
Writing here   and connecting with you all keeps me sane. That is how my journey began and that is how it will stay.

Thank you for reading me.
 It matters such a lot, you know.

 PS: I will be at Crosswords (alwarpet store, TTK road, Opp IOC pump) Chennai on 19th February at 6.30 pm. Come and say a hi if you are around :)

If you like my blog, you might enjoy my books :) Grab them here. (You don't need a credit card. You can pay cash on delivery) or if you are an Amazon Fan, you can grab them here
 And you can interact with me on my FB page. I always reply :)


  1. :) I know how the kids feel, I was used to having my mom at home and so no matter however old I am , I never wanted to come to a locked house.
    Luv the dobe's bed

    Good luck for all your events.

    1. Oh--they never come to a locked house :) My house help is there and Hot food is waiting for them :) Bed is my son's :D And hey--thanks! :)

  2. How do you manage everything alone and happily..You should be into TEN MOST ENERGETIC WOMEN in the world...I mean I would be running in the house like mad..(I'm very lazy) :) <3
    Thumbs Up di.. :)

    1. Who are the other nine? :D LOL.
      I am not alone! I have my family :)

    2. I don't know...but you will top in seems there is a robot in you.
      God may bless your family with all the happiness. Both of my parents are working and the feeling...

  3. Hi preeti. I am 24 and during my school days I have come to a licked door as my father has a transferable job and mom is a teacher.they had responsibilities and I know whatever I have achieved today is because of my parents hard work.. So no complaints ,but yes I missed those moments when I had to wait for whole evening to tell my mom about anything big or small ( no mobile phones then) so even i am very determined that when I have my children, I am going to be there for them..:)and your post about your children help me re - live part of my childhood again. Thank you <3 <3 and am really proud of your achievements . Many congratulations.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot Nitu :)
      I guess it is just choices one makes. I would still say I was fortunate to get married to a guy who never made me feel like I wasn't earning. (back then). But if he was any different, I am certain I would have gone back to work. I think financial independence is very essential--whether one is a woman or a man.
      Wishing you the very best!

    2. Thank you so much for your kind words.As always it means a lot :)

  5. Your dobe is so so adorable !

  6. Hey Preeti,
    I first took notice of your book "Tea for two and a piece of cake" on flipkart. Something about the name of the book and cover design attracted me,and I instantly placed an order. I finished the book in one shop as it was so interesting..stopping only for eating breaks. It was such an amazing read!
    Congratulations for being one of the most respected female indian writers..!!
    Also..I blog on
    I love writing and would want a larger audience to read my posts..can u give me some tips as how to publicise and get more bloggers to read my posts..

    I am an ardent "fan" of yours..being myself a mother of a 6mnth old..I would be greatly honoured if you would comment on any of my blog posts..I know this is asking a lot as you are v v busy..

    Thanks for the positive inspiration and your writing :)
    Namrata Nawka

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. typo- pls read it as "finished the book in one shot"..thanks

  7. I am big fan of your blog. And, undoubtedly i am going to be fan of your books as well.
    Kudos to your discipline & determination in life. Wish to be in your shoes one day.


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