What isnt love but feels like

What isn’t love but feels like.

There are these things I want to say
But I am afraid how you will interpret them
And whether I will ever find the right words
To express what isn’t love but feels like.

There are these things I want to do
But I am afraid how you will see them
And whether I will ever find the courage
To execute what isn’t love but feels like.

There are these pictures I want to paint
But I am afraid how they will reveal
My innermost self, my emotions
To portray what isn’t love but feels like.

There are these phone-calls I want to make
But I am afraid how they can ruin
A perfectly good relationship
To expose what isn’t love but feels like.

There are these poems I want to write
But I am afraid how the words once spilled onto paper
Will expressly in all their nudity
What isn’t love but feels like.

So I stuff my emotions back into my heart
Shut it, tie it with logic and reason
Stifle, strangle and choke it , hoping to kill
What isn’t love but feels like.

 Â© 2012 Preeti Shenoy

For more poems click here. Some poems have already appeared in print. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.

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  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I can feel the emotions that your poem is putting out. Lovely poem!

    LOVE IT! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ur last stanza is a perfect description of the conflict between the head and the heart, reasoning and intuition... loved the poetry... each line n word of it! u already know that u r awesome with words that goes well with ur thinking:) just keep going n we r with u :)
    n can i know what is ur take on the head-heart theory!

  4. Preeti I am in complete awe of yor writings.. This one is so beautifully narrated, said yet unsaid. held secretly in the heart yet expressed with utmost care.. Love this!!!

  5. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Awesome poetry!! loved every word of it! emotions have been very-well expressed!

  6. Last Stanza is the best!!!!
    Just how many of us feel like...:-)
    Well written, always a pleasure coming to your blog.

  7. all I can say is wow!

  8. Sandhya: thanks! *Hug*

    Amey: Pleasure to connect with you :)

    Ankita:Thank you so much :)

    Megha: thanks! you make me feel good :)

  9. Hanni: Thanks! As regards my view on head v/s heart, I would say, Always follow your heart! The head--it lies to you. The voice of your heart is always true :)


    Bharadwaj: Thank you :)

  10. Awesome Preeti:)

  11. Very poignant and thoughtful. Lovely verse.

    Only don't stifle, strangle, choke it .......

  12. wonderful i must say..!!
    deep down in our hearts feelings..words are left unsaid..just cause of the fear of ruining the relation

  13. You have written a poem on what I am going through at this moment and let me tell you it's nerve-racking! Loved it! :)

  14. Gayathri: Oh! Just express it :)

    Raksha: Thank you! But sometimes one must take risks no? :)

    Ramesh: Aaah--but at times one has to, my friend! Sadly there is no other option but that.

  15. Lovely lines... beautifully expressed the turmoil between head and heart!

  16. hello,
    when are u starting art classs , am eager to learn pencil sketches but my painting master was specailising in landscapes but not pencil. he pushed me to the world of to get enpough of pencil sketches:)
    kindly lt me know if u plan to start art classes

  17. Wowwww :) loved each line :)

  18. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Feels like going back to teenage days! Lovely one!

  19. Cho cute...perfect feelings...super perfect words!!~love!!~

  20. Anonymous12:50 AM

    jst awsome..

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Lovely expressed...this is what I am going through at this moment :)

  23. super awesome poem i felt eah nd evry word ! :))

  24. Fantastic.........i can realli connect well to all ur post and writings...wonderful...

  25. hello ma'am...

    i can comprehend...
    cause i feel like...

    awesome one!!!!!

  26. wonderfully expressed Preeti :)

  27. beautifully expressed :)

  28. Loved this one.. :)

  29. loved this one.. :)

  30. Loved ur poem a lot...so expressive...I am deeply touched


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