What to do when life gives you a beating.

Dear You,
In life sometimes,everything will not go the way you planned.
You may not get that much coveted promotion even though you deserved it completely.
Someone you trusted with your life may let you down.
Someone you love(d) with all your heart may walk away.
You may lose a loved one.
Worse--you may lose yourself.

It is okay to mourn when this happens. It is okay to feel sad. It is okay to retreat into your shell when life gives you a beating.

But it is not okay to stay there for longer than is necessary.

It is important to come out and FIGHT.

It is important to live well. Do things that bring you joy.
Life is indeed short. very short.

Whatever did not work out, accept it. This was just the way it was meant to be.

You will see this for yourself, maybe two years from now. I know. I speak from experience and I speak from a place of deep pain. I have faced it--I have retreated , I have wept but then I have also fought and emerged stronger today, because of it.

Every bad experience makes you grow, teaches you something.

Keep your heart and mind open.

Express yourself.
Listen to Music.
Do what makes you happy.


(I know I did)

Wishing you luck and peace

And loads of laughter.

Until the next post.
With love




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  1. What a beautiful picture and message...hugz!

  2. Good morning ma'm

    Firstly, i want to wish you and your family "Subho bijoya"

    I do not know if my words will sound nice. But the following is from my heart.

    I want to know what is the right way to express your mind and to whom should one express one's mind, as most of the ppl i have crossed ways with are oppurtunist and those who are not are busy.

    One of Your Fan...

  3. Hmm superb motivation fr me...!!:) nyc post.. Keep it up

  4. Very well said Preeti!
    There are people who tell me that one should always be positive and happy..but then I feel it is not humanly possible..Everytime I have crossed a bad phase in Life I have spent a night crying,having coffee,talking to my best friend..n then the next day things do not seem that bad!!
    We emerge stronger & more secure persons..


  5. My goodness I so needed this post today !
    In the past one week - Work hasn't gone as well as I have planned and a someone I trusted has let me down and how ! And on top of that my back ache has returned with vehemence !
    I have been trying to push myself out of the abysses for the past week and your post comes at the right time !
    Hugs ! I have told you this before but by god you are telepathic !

  6. Absolutely right! We shouldn't be spending more time in the down phase weeping!

  7. A Well quoted Message!
    It is so true.... :)

    Made me smile and think "Exactly....!"

    Keep up with the posts.... And we all shall end up with a smile as cute as yours!


  8. Hi Preeti

    Thanks a lots for sharing your valuable experiences. And all these lines are true. When we get hurt definitely we will cry, sad and we have the right to express our feeling by our own way but not for a long time. We must come out from this painful shell. We have the right to say this world I AM BACK and now I am more strong, improved and happier.

  9. Day by Day you are glowing:) You are looking so so pretty:) Lovely pic and a very profound message.

    Have a nice day!!

  10. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Thanks...really needed this. It's been a blue week. Love your writing.

  11. you always write superb..:)
    waiting for the nxt post...

  12. This post is really inspiring.
    And its very much true in everyones life :)

  13. Lovely post and an equally lovely picture ! :-)

  14. That was so lovely!!! Words from a person who has underwent tough times work better than just pure advice. This post truly lacks nothing and you have said the realty. I feel fulfilled!! Good Luck! :)

  15. hope we all get the courage n support at the right moment to get out of the bad phases! a soothing n sweet post :) ur smile makes me smile back at u :D
    been waiting ur post for the past 10 days :):):)

  16. hope we all get the courage n support at the right moment to get out of the bad phases! a soothing n sweet post :) ur smile makes me smile back at u :D
    been waiting ur post for the past 10 days :):):)

  17. i cudnt agree more!!! lost my dad recently and m going through the same emotions... wud definitely make my family read this!!! thanx for sharing...

    Dikshal's space

  18. nice one Preeti and well said!!!!!
    A very motivational post!!!! It makes the person reading it stronger!

  19. Anonymous2:35 AM

    How true.....!!!!!
    And I have experienced and know every word you meant

  20. Inspirational... Thank you..:)

  21. really inspiring.... thanks for sharing it.... :)

  22. Well written......

  23. But it is not okay to stay there for longer than is necessary.....
    very true.
    Some valuable points here especially how to fight and come out of it.

  24. I know I did it too. And it was because of you. I did so many thing which I never knew I was capable of, and now I am in love with them. I am listening to music, travelling, quilling, reading, attending my master program, busy with assignments, and yes reading your post ( sorry for delay). Ah! you were right when you penned down LIFE IS wHAT YOU MAKE IT! :) Kudos to life and kudos to you. I think LIFE is happy to have you in it. :)


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